
chapter 1

Its a Wednesday morning and I wake up excited,because I know that very soon I will be starting out university. I am excited for all university has to offer since high school wasn't my scene.

I am going to the university of New York and I'll be studying Business  management and marketing.

I rush out of bed and I quickly go to the bathroom and take a shower .After that i pull out some shorts and a white tank top, put on light make up and quickly go down stairs to the kitchen to go grab something to eat .In the kitchen I find my mom making some pancakes and my sister Jasmine eating a cup cake. Mom sees me and smiles,"morning sweetheart did you sleep well" ."I slept well mom " I answer her knowing very well that last night, I was up till late talking to my best friend Lilly.

Jasmin looks at me and says "well she certainly doesn't look like it".I glare at her knowing very well that she knows I was up all night until 2am .She knows that mom doesn't like it when we stay up until late .

I sit down and pour myself some cereal and put milk and go into the living room to watch some cartoons. Jasmin enters the room and she sits down and says" so you are leaving after tomorrow, so I wanted to give you some advice on boys " I roll my eyes knowing where this conversation is headed. She has always been telling me to stay away ,from fuck boys and all that and how I should never let boys force me into doing anything I don't want to do.

"I am just looking out for you, know you have to be careful especially now that you are going to university things aren't going to be the same" she says ." Jas I know how to handle myself so I'll be completely fine.

"If you say so " she answers me and we go back to watching in silence.


I am sitting on my bed and applying nail polish when my phone goes off ,indicating that I have received a text message.


Was looking at our pics and just realised how much I am going to miss you.😘😭


I know right its gonna be so hard without you, we were so used to being together all the time .


Once you get all your new friends don't forget about me


I would never we've know each other like since forever.


After texting Lilly and letting

my nails dry .Jasmin comes to tell me that I have to go downstairs, because dinner is ready.

I follow her down the stairs to the dinning room and find out that mom has already put the food on the table .I sit down next to Jas and begin eating .At the table we end up talking about how grown up everyone is, and mom starts getting all emotional and she says"my babies are all grown up just yesterday you were both so little and now you've grown to be young ,smart women "while sniffling.

After dinner me and has wash the dishes while mom informs us that she is going to bed .We end up talking a little and then decide to go to bed also.

When I reach my room,I rush into the bathroom and brush my teeth and remove my make up then wash my face. I then decide to change into my comfy pyjamas I jump into bed feeling slightly exhausted letting sleep take over me.

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