
Is that a giant robot?

As it turned out, Ryan didn't have to look for them. Out of nowhere, a giant semi-blue robot appeared near the dragons that were fighting in the North and with a single slap, he made them fall on the ground. That probably was the dungeon master that controlled the Metallic Knights. Soon after, the giant robot fired a beam of energy in the forest, and Ryan saw dozens of Death Knights being burned to a crisp.

"Holy shit… is that a mecha?" Ryan asked. "That is fricking amazing."

 It didn't have the visuals like the ones Ryan saw on TV that were made to impress kids, but it certainly had the size and the weapons. The same way the giant robot appeared, a creature that resembled a reaper suddenly fired a massive bone spear at the giant robot. Ryan imagined that the attack wouldn't cause much damage, but in the end, the spear pierced the metal and made the giant robot tremble from head to toe.

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