
Little Adventure

Sunset city is one of the most beautiful places in the Heart kingdom because of its beautiful beach. It is one of the most popular places for nobles to take vacations and relax. However, this beautiful city seems to lack visitors these days.

The beautiful beach that never lacks people looks empty. If it were not for the local people and the merchant nearby, the beach would look abandoned. Despite the horrible pandemic ending more than a week ago, this tourist city has not entirely recovered and functions normally.

Using this chance, Angus and the others decide to use the empty beach as their private beach. Currently, Angus and Jayna are on the beach having a nice sunbathing while lying on the beach chair.

Everything looks normal if it is not because of the strange barrier surrounding them. The barrier makes them thoroughly blend with the surroundings while they can still see the outside normally. It is similar to a one-way mirror from Earth.

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