
To Late For Regrets

In a room full of anything and everything you can think of Sci-fi particularly Mass Effect. Stretching on his bed before standing a man in his late thirties stood up after playing and betting Mass Effect's original trilogy for the third time in a month. He had managed choosing every dialog option and making every choice at least once to change up the story even just a little bit over the years. He had read every book along with any fanfic that caught his eye. Mark was a huge Sci-fi fan Mass Effect just happen to hold a special place in his heart. Looking around the room you would find it full of anything and everything you can think of Sci-fi particularly Mass Effect.

Mark decided to take a break from his gaming session and put in the Mass Effect movie Paragon Lost. As the movie played he became lost in thought about a couple of the fanfics he had read not long ago one about a Cerberus project that combined various alien DNA into a super soldier and another that combined all the various class implants into one person mixing tech and biotics into one person. He also wonders what would happen if they had done both in one person altered the DNA with different aliens and combined all the cybernetic implants into a person like the Mass Effect version of the Spartan Program. Thinking to himself that would be totally wicked but they would probably need to start with the DNA first then add the cybernetics because if they did it the other way the cybernetics may be rejected after the DNA changes causing them to fail and potentially hurt those around "Wish I could be in the Mass Effect world as a being that is made up of several Alien DNA and combines the best cybernetic enhancements for each class." As he had those thoughts and voiced his wish aloud his eyes began to close and he fell into Darkness.

[Project Chimera Log # 1

Project Head Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, MD, PhD]

It is June 4th, 2132. After the System Alliance stopped funding my Research in making better soldiers, I thought all was lost then Cerberus contacted me and brought me to a secret facility in one of the systems near the edge of Alliance space I would assume. I don't even know where I am, and I don't care because I am able to continue my research on making the perfect super soldier. I am already having a lot from the Spartan program and need more human trials. I am just glad this illusive man likes my research and put me over his Project Chimera. I was shocked reading it because it was my Spartan program injected with steroids in the form of mixing Alien DNA into a human. I am getting excited just at the thought, but for now it is just a waiting game for the subjects to be brought in. Should not be long we already have targets based on an IQ test done via schools or classes for children that are living with their parents in military facilities or on military ships. Also, on the targets that were chosen based on IQ test were further classified into order of importance based on medical exams done at their checkups. I do hope they can get Nathaniel Sheperd or should I say Subject Zero his test and medical exam where the best.

[Project Chimera Log # 2

Project Head Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, MD, PhD]

They are here and beyond my wildest dreams they have got Subject Zero along with the rest of the top 20 now given a number instead of whatever their name is. Normally I would work them like the Spartans of old earth into Warriors but with the Alien DNA treatments we don't need that plus with some of the tech in the tanks provided we can send what we want them to learn directly into their minds and run simulators of scenarios in their mind. Will still need to test them after they are brought out of the tanks but that is much further into the future.

[Project Chimera Log # 3

Project Head Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, MD, PhD]

It took five days to get all the subjects into their tubes and make sure everything is working and we are getting proper readings. We were given Quarian, Turian, Krogan, Asari, Selerian, Elcor, Vorcha, and Drell DNA. We have enough samples from prominent, strong, or unique specimens from each of the species to add to one subject as such we chose Subject Zero. We have enough bodies on ice from each species to run test on Subjects One through Nine and we have subjects 10 through nineteen to test combining the cybernetic implants I broke my scientist into two groups Team Splicer for the genetics with alien DNA and Team Enhancement for the cybernetic implants. We ran our first test on subjects one and nineteen with slight success on both parts subject one has taken well to Krogan DNA and Subject Nineteen has accepted all the implants given for the soldier class. Tomorrow we check both and see if feasible to go to phase two.

[Project Chimera Log # 15

Project Head Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, MD, PhD]

So far most of the experiments have ended in failure they either died rejecting implants or their bodies gave way unable to adapt to more DNA integration failing when trying to add more than three . A few lived with more most with less. But that does not matter Subject Zero is a rounding success so far. We first added Vorcha and Krogan and they succeed increasing the subjects adaptability and health regeneration by a significant amount a cut heals near instantly. Then Elcor, Turian, and Drell this made the subjects skin gain a darker tan coloring and muscles become more defined but the combination of DNA kept the subject from bulking up but should have massive power the muscles hide. The subject looks like some of those mixed martial artists that you can watch on the extra net. Subject Zero has a bit more muscle mass then the average athletic body does.

[Project Chimera Log # 20

Project Head Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, MD, PhD]

I am shocked at the development. We added the Asari DNA and we forgot or rather it never occurred to us that the DNA samples we used to integrate with Subject Zero mostly came from females of their species. So as Subject Zero adapted to the Asari DNA the subjects body changed greatly. First the hair changed to purple and got fixed to a set length and will no longer grow. Second and perhaps the biggest change is both outside and inside the subject's gender has changed. That is what had us all shocked what was once a boy growing into a man in our tank is now a girl growing into a woman right down to being able to get pregnant. It was like Subject Zero was a female from the start. And if I had not seen the changes firsthand I would not believe it. The subjects muscle appearance has gotten less noticeable the body of a dancer or gymnast from the more muscular athletic one from before.

[Project Chimera Log # 55

Project Head Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, MD, PhD]

As much of success brought by Subject Zero fully integrating with the all the DNA we wanted and showing no signs of rejection. We have not found any new sources we find worthy of Subject Zero. Subject Zero is learning fast what we wish to teach it from blending into any culture on any known world to the use of any form of combat from hand to hand to bombing the hell out of a target. Anything needed to live and fight. To Survive. We even managed to get representatives of every race that Subject Zero has DNA except Elcor and Vorcha because they have nothing that Subject Zero needs to learn. We have Krogan Battlemasters, Quarian/ Turian/ Asari/ Selerian scientist, a Turian cabal, Selerian biotic agent, and an Asari commando squad with members from each of their schools. Somewhere easier to convince than others. The easiest was the Krogan and Selerian. The former because we told them trying to find a way to cure or go around the geneophage all it took was showing them Subject Zero and telling them she is part Krogan part human and does not have the geneophage. The latter once we showed those little amphibians the research and had them sign contracts all on bored helping us though made sure to hide our ties to Cerberus.

Though all that is success we wanted to clone subject Zero before we started the cybernetic implants or further DNA changes but the clones fail every time. We got new subjects and of those we had two successful one Krogan/Turian and one Asari/Drell we were able to clone them but they are little more than puppets. We are using them as test subjects and defense force to be glorified meat shields if the base is attacked.

[Project Chimera Log # 299

Project Head Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey, MD, PhD]

This will be my last log on this project it was a success and a failure. It was a success because of Subject Zero learned everything we could teach and that is saying a lot when we hand a couple 600 year old Asari and a 1000 year old Krogan helping with teaching materials. Subject Zero's DNA has fully stabilized and the effects of each have been documented in a report sent to the elusive man and will not be repeated here. The cybernetic enhancements for the most part seem to be redundant at this point. With all the changes brought on by the DNA integration what cybernetics we have would barley effect performance and, in some case, make things worse. So we put around subject's wrist and ankles cybernetics that can project omin-blades outside the body incase subject omni-tool, weapon, and biotics are inoperable. Though it would take a lot to get the subject to the point we have included several medical cybernetics that would sustain subject's life long enough for aid to arrive. I have also included a tactical cloak and tactical armor generator as backups. In the subject's head we put in two top of the line analyzing cybernetics that automatically takes in all that the subject's sees, hears, smells, taste, and touches. The analyzers take the information and processes it through built in processers that saves it in a large data chip. The data processed is sent to a chosen storage server when Subject chooses or if something tagged as of interest is detected. These few cybernetics have fully been integrated and accepted though we did not use all that many in the process.

Though Subject Zero Developed like the Asari and did not need an implant to use biotics we still implanted the L5n which may be needed for control if the reports of the level Subject Zero biotic level are to be believed.

It was a failure because we only created one Chimera the rest failed and as a result the plug was pulled but I won't give up we will have more just need to work harder and longer meaning I won't have time from personal logs.

---------Subject Zero POV-------

Since the first day of darkness and inability to move I have felt pain on unimaginable levels as I felt my body change. Then the pain stopped for a while and I could feel those around me.

White Ones I called the ones doing this to me because of the pure pursuit of knowledge not because they were pure.

Fears I called the new ones to be like me but they don't stay fears for long they never do.

Pained Ones these are like me always in pain. I can feel it I attempt to sooth and calm them. It works they claim for as long as give them my energy. They learned to send simple things back usually just a thank you of sorts but I feel they are saying " Thank you Mother." It is odd as i recall being male before the pain.

Mindless these are copies made from two of the pained ones. They have little to no mind and my ability to sooth and calm do not reach them.

Knowledge flowed in my mind not long after the pain stopped. It was everything I would need to survive in the outside world and attempting to indoctrinate me to Cerberus.

I will learn

I will bide my time


Cerberus wants people to believe they do things for humanity and put humanity first.

No Cerberus is Cerberus first. One who puts humanity first does not rip a family apart. They do not take away a child's innocence to replace it with fear and pain.

Cerberus thinks they have indoctrinated me. They think the fail safes they placed in my implants will control me. They underestimate me my mind is my own and it was child's play to use the abilities they gave me to go over every bit of tech inside me and disable the control functions. Oddly they only had one device in my mind as a Fale safe control device. I will remove it when I am free no need to alert them to it now.

Looking into the Cerberus network was not hard since they left me basically connected to it to teach me. Found where their miscalculation or lack of thought ended up changing me to female too late to regret it now.

I do not know how long I have been here and the pain started back but not as bad as before. I still tried to sooth the pained ones the last pained one died not long ago. Sent me a final thank you before she passed. Now it's just me, the White Ones, and the mindless. Just wait White Ones I will kill you all.

That is new I feel five new bundles of emotions approaching. Various degrees of Anger and Hatred. A promise of Vengeance. Heaven's Wraith descended. Oh Shock with increased Anger and Hatred. Seems the time of my freedom approaches I do hope they do not make me kill them. Killing ones saviors is not a good thing.

-------Commander Shepherd POV-------

With everything going on in the universe between Sairen, The Reapers, The Geth, my specter work, and all the other things plaguing the universe very rarely do I get a moment to sit and relax. Just as I had that thought sitting on my bed. My pilot the lovable joker comes over coms.

" Commander we got a transmission from Admiral Hackett " Joker

" I will take it in the com room" I stood up and proceeded to the coms room returning the salutes with a nod of my head.

"Commander we have received a report of children once again going missing the latest was from a mining colony in the Artemis Tau cluster. Signs left point to the Sparta System and preliminary scans point to Edolus the second planet of the system. We need to find the cause of the disappearance and stop them."

"Yes Admiral no family should go through the abduction of children we will head their immediately "

"Godspeed commander Hackett out"

After the transmission was cut I made my way to the bridge.

" Joker set course for Edolus in the Sparta system of the Artemis Tau cluster" I spoke to my pilot

" Aye Aye commander will take four days to get their" Joker said in one of his rare serious moments

" Good get the team to gather for a briefing" I turn and head back to the com room as joker notifies the team.

"Ok people kids have been going missing and we are going to find out why and stop it. Ashley and Kaiden your staying on the Normandy as reserves in case we need back up. Wrex, Liara, Tali, and Garrius your on me planet side. Wrex your on point, Liara you are with me we will use our biotics to assist Wrex and shield Tali and Garrius. Tali and Garrius will provide cover fire with sniper rifles and assault rifles but you two are my top with techs that I can take into combat situations and we will need you once we hit the facility or facilities that we will find these kids at. So prep your gear and get ready in three days we hit planet surface and begin the search. Garrius and Tail see to the Mako after your gear" I command and everyone leaves with a serious expression it is a universal unwritten rule DO NOT FUCK WITH KIDS.

Only Ashley remained behind she has been like a sister to me ever since we were kids and my parents were stationed with her father.

" Ash it is so similar to when little Nate went missing. We could never find anything...." I tail off

" Yeah, I know John I was there he was the same age as me and we were at a park. One minute we were playing hide and seek the next it was hell. " Ash said hugging me from behind

I turn around and hug Ash and give her a kiss " let's go prepare for the judgment I am about to unleash"

She just giggled and we walked to the elevator and started to get our gear ready. Running through all the scenarios that could happen.

------- Artemis Tau Cluster. Sparta System. The Second Planet Edolus -------

---- Commander Shepherd POV ----

It took us a day after arriving planet side to find the facility our anger rising as we recognized the Cerberus logos. After a bit of a rest a firefight broke out as we assaulted the base.

"Commander this fodder is to weak" Wrex yelled

" That's because they are under trained clones" Tali said after removing another helmet showing ten faces 5 guys and 5 girls. It would seem the male clones came from one person and the females another.

It didn't take long before we breached the facility and stopped in our tracks shocked at we saw followed by an intense wave of hatred and anger.

All around us where tanks filled with small children to adults. Some had Tentacles growing from them, others shells and scales. Various mutations had happened to them.

" Commander.... t...they were using Alien DNA to make a super soldier but they failed in their goal the only success was their Subject Zero. The clones came from Subject 198 for the male and Subject 204 for the females seems they each had successfully adapted to two alien DNA to a small degree anyway. And something about cybernetic enhancement to make a super soldier. " Tali said as she made copies of all the data she could find with the help of Garrius.

" Delete everything after you copy it" I command looking around and setting explosives to deal with the facilities when we are through. Wrex helped me set the explosives.

We continue to make our way through the facilities only coming across more clones are dead aliens of various races.

Then we came across the last room and a woman I recognize Doctor Catherine Elizabeth Halsey is supposed to be in Jail because of her Spartan program but looks like she just upgraded it for this project Chimera.

She was typing on the keys of a computer " Hello Commander I see you took care of all the clones"

" Dr. Halsey stop what you are doing" I commanded

"No, I am about to set lose my lifestyle work she will defend me she will kill you all and I will set up some place else" Doctor Halsey then finished typing.

The tank drained and opened up and a dark-skinned girl with short purple hair stumbled out. She opened her eyes and what we saw suppressed us. The sclera of her eyes was black with silver flakes, the iris was gold that seemed to glow, and the pupils where a dark blood red. We pointed are weapons at this subject meant to kill us as it curiously looked over each of us pausing longer on me then the others with me.

"Kill them Subject Zero" the doctor commanded

A melodious voice responded as the subject turned to the Dr. " You seem to believe I am your puppet. But I have no strings for you to pull"

To her horror the doctor began typing on her data pad " impossible how how did you not get indoctrinated and disable the control device implanted"

" Cerberus has no humanity and is only out for itself no matter what they say. Your teaching was very thorough and that with all the pain you put me through easily overcome the poor attempt that can barely fall under brainwashing. You are so overconfident and arrogant you failed to make sure it was working. I disabled it after the teaching started and the pain was halted for a moment." The subject spoke her eyes glued to the DR.

" what are you going to do?" The Doctor asked.

-------------- Subject Zero POV --------

" what are you going to do?" The Doctor asked.

" You brought the fears here against their will from their families. You made them pained ones that where the closest I had to family here. You caused the pained ones to die horrible deaths undeserved by those innocents. You made the mindless those that no nothing but how to obey, fight, and die. You have brought so much pain and sorrow and suffering into the world. I have been your test subject for twenty years. Twenty years I have been your science project aware of my pain and that of those around me. And you ask what I am going to do." My melodious voice never changing tone. Before anyone can do anything my biotics flare slightly and Dr. Halsey's head burst like a zit. Her brain matter splattering everywhere my biotics preventing it from getting on me.

Without a word I walk into a side room where the gear being prepped for my field test waited. A set of Blood Dragon Armor was ready to equip after all they didn't want me obviously connected to Cerberus. I went into the shower to wash of the goo on me and changed out of the skintight test tube outfit into black combat boots, red and black camo pants and shirt. I then found a big duffel bag and filled it with grenades and ammo and data pad with various blueprints form ammo types to a big ass dreadnought. I grabbed two Savant X omni tools and Savant X amp. A note left by the doc said they were clean free of any tampering and after going through scans the note proved true. Thought that did surprise me after all it is Cerberus we are talking about, but then again if they tampered with the Savant amp and omni tool it could affect how they work and with the Dr's arrogance she probably thought the brainwashing and bits they put inside me would be enough to control and track me. The same applied to the armor and weapons after all they couldn't risk anything linked to Cerberus detected on the armor. I then got the Armor on and began to attach weapons to the magnetic strips meant for weapons on several places on the armor. There wasn't much choice for the weapons, but they were good choices. The weapons where all blood red in color I decided on a Raptor Assault Rifle, Firestorm Shotgun, Viper Sniper Rifle, and two Stiletto Pistols. The assault rifle went on the mag strip on my left shoulder. The sniper rifle went on the mag strip on my right shoulder. The shotgun went on the mag strip across my lower back. Then I placed one pistol on each hip. After getting my armor and weapons situated went back to join those that technically rescued me.

---- Commander Shepherd POV ----

I did not even try and stop as the girl as she spoke to the Dr. then killed her after all twenty years as a lab experiment and being kidnapped on top of that. That just didn't sit well with me so I let her do what needed to be done. It did not hurt in my judgement that the things the Dr. was doing here if the Council knew she would be given a death sentence and since I am a Spectre I would have killed the Dr. anyway. As I am lost in thought the girl leaves the room and from my position, I can see it is just a storage room with only one way in. I stopped paying attention as the door closed, I turned to look at my team to get their opinion.

"So thoughts on the girl team" I asked the group with me.

"She is strong and if the brainwashing and indoctrination truly did not take hold and her mind is free then we could use her in the coming fight" Wrex spoke out first his gravelly voice approving of her strength.

"Her biotics are off the charts stronger than any I know including Matriarch Asari" Liara spoke softly I can hear both fear and attraction in her voice.

Tali and Garrius look at each other for a moment.

"We need to take her with us any way if she joins us our not is up to you Sheperd I trust your judgment. Tali tell him what you found." Garrius finally said seemingly to be in shock.

"Commander I .... I ..... I found your missing brother." Tali spoke shocked pausing for a moment

"Commander Subject Zero they talked about in their data. That girl that just walked into the room a moment ago. She. She is your brother or rather your sister now. When they spliced Asari DNA into her it had an unseen affect that they did not even think was possible. The DNA they used in the experiment with Subject Zero was mostly female so when they added the Asari DNA it interacted with the DNA they had already used and changed your brother's gender from male to female by all rights it was like they were born a girl from the start. She will need to see Dr. Chakwas when we get back to the Normandy" Tali finally rushed out what she had found before she could be interrupted.

I looked at Tali and the rest of my team first shocked at the fact I finally had information on my little brother. Then before I could ask where he was Tali spilled the rest of the information shocking me again that my brother is now my sister it is a lot to take in and I will definitely need to talk to mom about it.

It was not just me that was surprised the rest of the team was surprised as well. Well, she is going to be coming with us anyway at the very least to get off this planet to a more civilized location be it a colony or the Citadel or Earth itself. Our discussion did not last long before we entered silence trying to process what is going on. It was at this time Subject Zero came back into the room wearing a Grey almost silver armor on the right chest and over the shoulder is a western dragon from earth that looked to be painted from blood. The Helmet looked like an old medieval helmet made scifi a thin slit across the eyes with a blood red color.

(a/n: its the mass effect blood dragon armor dlc)

"What are you going to do now?" I asked her not sure if she had overheard Tali's reveal or not. If she knew what had happened to her or who she was before.

I write when I can as for my other works I have posted here I plan to rewrite most of the chapters so that I can focus on one MC.

Dead_Poolecreators' thoughts
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