
Aurelia's Words

[Short Chapter - I recently found out I'm lactose, and I forgot to take my pills. And this is the consequence.]

The skies over Alos had begun to wain over the horizon. From the east, two creatures with glistering red scales shimmered under the sun's setting. Their bodies were large and muscular, with a natural grace that demanded attention as well as respect.

Their eyes burned a fiery yellow that did not attempt to mask the bloodlust bleeding into the ebbing night.

"Trinity," The dragon uttered in its native tongue, draconic."It'll be difficult." Ellis Drohave uttered in a rasping voice.

"The Master sensed a mural there. We must retrieve it no matter the cost." Said Dromar. " We already lost a good soldier. We go in, and we go in hard."

Ellis growled in disapproval. "We'll die. Their barriers will be up in seconds the moment they see us. And Trinity is no slouch. We need to make it in first and find the mural. Destruction—"

"Ellis. " Snarled Dromar. " We hit hard, and we hit fast. The Red Priest is probably the only one we have to worry about.

"What of the Vampire? The Demon of Blood, Theia? She is not weak."

Yellow eyes shifting, Dromar narrowed his eyes. " Little Brother, I recommended you because I had fate, but if you are not up for this assignment, fuck off."

"Elder Brother, I meant no disrespect, but—"

"There are no buts." spat Dromar viciously. "You either with me or against. We are dragons. What is a Lowly Vampire compared to us? Or some Soul Arcanist? We are Warriors of the Dragon!"

In the following days, Aurelia merely stared at the sleeping face of Zariel, echoing soft snores. Uncertainty had made it into her mind these days as her strength began to return.

She had denied anyone who tried to visit, only allowing various healers to appear. Even Ella and Sionn were not permitted to see them, as shame would slither its way into her cheeks each time she thought of them.

"Hey… dummy." She whispered, poking at his cheeks in the hope he'd wake. "I don't know what came over me to explain why I did what I did. Although you were wrong too, I… I don't know what to do anymore. But I know you can't teach me anymore. It's not that you are a bad teacher… but I can't see you as my Master.

"You had even said you didn't want to teach me or be my Master long ago. But here we are. I can't even remember when it happened, but I started calling you Master or teach. It came so naturally. "

She sighed with a broken smile. "But I also can't take it. I can't take the fact that you are the same age as me yet much stronger. You can call it Envy if you want. I don't know. But I know you are not the one I want to learn from. I like spending time with you. I like eating with you. But… I don't like it when you teach me. Ella and Sionn do. They see it as training. Good training, and it is. But I can't learn from someone I see as a rival."

"I don't want to be your disciple or enemy… just your rival. I don't want to feel like I owe you. I know if your awake, you'd disapprove. You probably make a good point. And you'd probably be right… you're always right. So much so that I hate it. I hate it all. You are a bully. Did you know that? A hateful one. But I still like you."

"Gods, you are such a dick at times. But I know you are broken. I can feel it during the days you just break out in tears. Or suddenly fall into a burst of laughter. I've seen you on bad days and good ones… and now you've seen me at my worse. I won't ask you for forgiveness… I don't want it. I stand by everything I said. I hate you… I do. But I love you. You're my brother… My little brother. That's right bitch. You're the little one.

Tears filling her eyes, she lifted herself up, kissing the sleeping devil's cheeks, and smiled the best she could. "I wish we could travel together… but not as Master and Disciple. But as rivals or friends… I don't know. But I don't want you to teach me anymore. I don't want to owe you anymore. Goodbye, Dumb-Dumb."

With the door closing echoing through the halls, Zariels lashes trembled and opened after a long while.

He didn't speak for a while but merely turned his head to the glint of the sun piercing through the linen by the window.

"Open," he said, and the window lifted, allowing the winds to sweep through the air arriving at his face. He closed his eyes, and the sounds of snores echoed once more.

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