

Zane and Shane pulled up to the farm and hopped out of the car grabbing the bags Zane grabbed two since Shane was injured the both of them heard the sound of a door opening and they looked towards the noise noticing Rick, Lori, Hershel, Glenn, T-dog, and Maggie Running towards them Lori pulled Zane into a big hug. While he just stood there not knowing what to do he didn't feel worthy of love or anything, he had just sacrificed someone who had helped them but then again he did shoot his brother he thought trying to justify his actions. She started to feel every part of him ruffling his hair "Are you okay?" She ask her face full of concern and her voice oozing with worry. Zane nods his head "Just tired." he says with his head down not looking her in the eyes or anyone for that matter this was the second time he had done this it was becoming habit and he hated it.

He was pulled out his thoughts when Hershel spoke "Otis?" He ask his voice filled with worry, He hadn't seen his friend with the other two. Zane visibly flinched at the mention of his name and his mother noticed as well as his father who was hugging him as well, They figured that could mean only one thing the man was dead. Shane looks at Hershel eyes big "No." Hershel and Maggie were both hurt. "We say nothing to Patricia. Not till after. I need her." He says before quickly grabbing the other bags from Zane and heading into the house. Zane sat and watched Shane and his father before walking over to the steps and thinking. Zane walked into the house and was greeted by Maggie who wore a sad smile on her face "Here some clothes, I figured you'd want to shower after Shane." Zane nodded his head "Thank you." He saw Shane come out of the bathroom bald and was surprised, he didn't say anything as he walked into the bathroom showering quickly and hopping out. He put on the black pants she gave him along with a white shirt and the black jacket she gave him along with her brothers old brown boots.

Zane was working with the others when they noticed the other part of their group driving into the farm, Zane smiled knowing that Dale would be here soon so they could talk about radios like they always do it would help take his mind off things. They were all gathered on the front porch and Rick, Lori and Hershel walked out "How is he?" Dale asked. He'll pull through, Thanks to Hershel and his people." Lori says trying to suck up to the Greene's so they would let them stay. "And Shane And Zane. We'd have lost Carl if not for them." Rick says quickly interrupting his wife. Dale walks up to Rick and they hug, Along with other members of the group hugging each other. "How'd it happen?" Dale asked curious. "Hunting accident. That's all - - Just a stupid accident."

They all stood around the rocks they had piled up as Otis's grave as Hershel said some words "Blessed be god, Father of our lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, For his span of years, For his abundance of character; Otis, Who gave his life to save a child's, Now more than ever, Out most precious asset. We thank you, god, For the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, In grace." Zane and Shane both flashed back to the events of Otis's death and they knew it wasn't true. They were snapped out of their thoughts by Hershel speaking again. "Shane, Zane will you speak for Otis?" He says pointing his hand toward the grave. "I'm not good at it. I'm sorry." He says bowing his head. " You two were the last ones with him, You shared his final moments. Please. I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning." she says crying. Zane quickly nods his head. "Ok. We were nearly done. Almost out of ammo. We were down to pistols by then. I was limping. It was bad. Ankle all swollen up. We've got to save the boy. See, that's what he said. He gave Zane his bag and pushed us ahead. Run he said. He said I'll take the rear. I'll cover You two. And when We looked back. . ." Shane went silent he started limping over to the grave. "If not for Otis. We'd never had made it out alive. And that goes for Carl too. It was Otis. he saved us both. If any death ever had meaning, it was his." He says looking at her. Zane walks over to the grave grabbing a rock and putting on top.

Zane was sitting at a bench table With the jacket wrapped around his waist as it was too hot for a jacket, Shane walked over towards him "Hey bud." he says smiling. "Hey." he says smiling back. Shane sits next to him. "So about this Sophia thing, We can't waste our time or risk lives looking for her." Shane says his face serious, Zane nods in understanding "I know but I can't have people knowing I knew she got bit and left her. Her mother would be devastated, And it's not like we have a good enough lie to tell." Shane nods his head "True b--" He was interrupted by Andrea "Handing over out guns." she says angrily. "You heard Rick. We're guest here." he says throwing his hat on the table nonchalantly. "And you're okay with it?" She says her voice still laced with anger. "I don't recall being asked. Now lay down your weapon." He says raising his voice annoyed with her bitching. "You may like rolling over, I don't." Zane chuckles at that comment earning and annoyed look from Shane "Look, I still have to strip and clean them anyway. You still want to learn?" he asked her, She looked at him "Go on." He says. She grabs her gun from her bag laying it on the table. "Sit down." He says gesturing for her to sit, and she complies. "Unload your weapon." Zane tunes this part out bored as he knows how to do all of this, He had wanted to learn to shoot when he was around ten and his dad taught him along with Carl they both knew a lot about guns.

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