
Chapter 188: The mess in King's Landing

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

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Edward heard that before Viserys died, he begged for his life for days before that because Alesanna tortured him to her heart's content. Alesanna must have hidden her anger at this scum all these years, or she would not have done something like that. As for Illyrio, he died a quick death since Alesanna did not want to hear his voice.

After killing the two, Alesanna managed to get all Illyrio's wealth with the rest of the men's help. She also managed to find the three dragon eggs that Illyrio had bought long ago. With the addition of those three, Edward had fifteen dragon eggs in his hand right now, and he intended to use them at the end of this year.

Since the blood rituals' effects should show up at that time, Edward intended to check if the fire would hurt him or not. If it did not, that meant that he and his children would finally have the ability to bind with a dragon. Edward would experience riding a dragon in a few years if everything went as planned.

Edward did not know that he would have to face an enraged Night King in a few years. Due to Edward's actions of arming the Night's Watch and taking the free folks away, the Night King would use a desperate means to get minions.

Anyway, Edward turned his head towards the Dothraki and led the attack himself this time. He had the intention of killing every one of them. He would set Vaes Dothrak on fire and build a new city in its place in order to connect the east and west through the land as well.

Edward had been fighting them for five months and had killed hundreds of thousands of them, making the Dothraki desperate enough to unite their strength under Khal Drogo to fight Edward in a final battle. Seventy-five thousand Dothraki riders gathered near the Forest of Qohor, intending to sack the city with Edward and his men.

Of course, Edward was prepared for those savages and gathered an army of a hundred thousand with war chariots and war engines capable of destroying any army. Edward was not arrogant by meeting the Dothraki in an open field like the Dothraki sea, but he knew that the Dothraki without a horse was nothing in front of his men.

Edward had thought of a plan to get rid of their horses before the battle. That was why he did not take the fight to their city and let them come to him instead.

So Edward had poisoned the water and the grass near the battlefield. He intended to kill as many horses as possible by doing that before they would even fight. His plans proved effective since the Dothraki lost more than half of their horses before the battle killing their morales with the horses. Those without horse made the Dothraki lines crumble from within, opening the opportunity for Edward and his men.

Edward did not wait and took this chance to start an all-out attack on the Dothraki, killing tens of thousands until he reached their only city, Vaes Dothrak. The blood of the men he killed created a small lake that would be known as 'Lake of Dothrak wails.'.

Edward did not stop at this point, but he attacked their city and killed more than a hundred thousand humans in the process. He did not even leave a maid or a slave. Everyone in Vaes Dothrak did not see the light after that day, turning this city into another ghost city that Edward created.

During Edward's campaign, the situation in King's Landing had reached a different turning point. Since Jaimie Lannister lost a hand to Edward in Winterfell, he and his sister hated Ned Stark to the core, especially Cersei, who had been planning to get rid of her husband and Ned; at the same time.

Not only did Jaimie attack Ned Stark after Catelyn kidnapped Tyrion and took him to the Vale, but he also cut Ned Stark's left hand, making him experience the pain and humiliation he went through in Winterfell. He did not care about honor since he already could not fight well after he came from Winterfell.

Robert was an idiot like always and did not listen to Ned when he told him that he wanted revenge. At that point, Ned was insistent on leaving back to King's Landing since he knew that he did not want to risk his life and his family for a lost case anymore. He was trying to advise his daughter, Sansa, who was making a fuss about how her life was about to change after marrying the prince and staying in King's Landing, when Peter Baelish cut their talk.

At that time, Peter Baelish told Ned Stark Jaime's and Cersei's affairs directly, stopping him in his plans, making him delay returning to the North. At this moment, Ned was heading to Robert's champer to tell him the truth.

Ned did not know that Peter Baelish did not just tell Ned Stark the truth, but he went and told Cersei that Ned knew about her secret and intended to expose her in front of Robert.

Cersei, who had already thought of a good plan to get rid of Ned and Robert, speeded up to meet Robert before Ned could. She met Robert and started talking about various things looking harmonious. Without him knowing, she put a strong poison in the wine cup before giving it to Robert to drink. When Ned arrived, he saw Robert and Cersei there.

"Robert, Can I talk to you alone?" Asked Ned Stark, hinting to Cersei to leave the room. Robert as Ned's good friend, would, of course, listen to Ned.

"Leave us, woman." Said Robert as he looked at Cersei with a gleam in his eyes. He had already drunk a lot and was not in the right state of mind.

Cersei looked at Ned Stark with hatred in her eyes before standing up to leave the room, but before she did, she smirked at Ned as she thought that he was an idiot. Her plan was moving smoothly, and she would get rid of that eyesore that day. She would have to deal with Ned's little bitch since she did not plan to let her son marry that girl. The poison that she gave Robert was not a normal one. It would make Robert lose his senses and make him attack anyone near him.

Ser Barristan was not in the city since Robert sent him to do some job outside the city. The other Kingsguards were all loyal only to her. She estimated that Ned would kill Robert while defending himself or let Robert kill him. Anyway, she would kill the winner.


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