
Chapter 143: Bran's Idol

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

For every two new pàtreons, I will upload one more chapter the next day.

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After they handed the results to Edward, Edward started to read them carefully. Although some benefits were long gone and the others' effects had decreased, at least the few things he wanted were still there. Although the group still did not know what this formula they came up with was for since Edward did not hand them all the required information, they managed to replace the ancient ingredients with ones that existed at the moment. These rituals did not get tested yet, but Edward did not have time for testing them. He had to take the risk. He put up a plan to kill every competitor that might cause harm to his children the moment the rituals failed.

You might say that this situation is a bit forced, but I think that is how dark and blood magic was done in the past and in that world. I knew some of you might say that Edward was not acting rationally by using something like that. He might have got himself killed in the process but think of it from another perspective. Would he allow anyone to have this power? So for this power, Edward decided to gamble it all. If he managed to succeed, he would use magic in the future.

But as he was about to finish reading the results and order the preparation of everything required, he found the sacrifice required for this ritual. He could not help but scream in shock. It was something that he had never prepared to and could not set up his mind to do something like that. He thought that after the simplification, this problem would disappear as well.

That matter made him postpone the rituals for another year until an accident happened, and he steeled his mind to go with it. After going through those rituals, he did not die. Although he put a chance that death might happen and he steeled his heart, he still could not help but feel joy after seeing that he was alive. Side effects came up after that, though. (The condition, side effects, the process of the rituals, and the results will come up later.)

Edward, who remembered all those things that happened to him in the past, could not help but smile, especially after seeing the main reason, the small child standing in front of him. Although Bran made him suffer a lot in the past few years, all this suffering would come up with more benefits in the near future. Due to this suffering, Edward was sure that his dynasty would rule for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Edward did not know whether he should thank the child in front of him or hit him because of the suffering he had to endure.

Edward could only sigh after remembering all that and having those childish thoughts. He was not a child anymore and could not think like that. He would turn into a forty years old man in just a few years, so he had to respect his old age. Not to mention his age, but his first grandson was about to come to this world and see the light in the next five months, so Edward had to act like a grandfather and not behave like a child anymore. It would be an insult if he still behaved as he did in the past. That was why Edward had changed his personality over the past fifteen years. He was a lot calmer and collected compared to before. His rush and reckless actions were no more. Although his cruelty was still there, he found that he was an idiot for torturing all those men in the open back then. Could not he do something like that in the dark? Why did he have to tell the world that he tortured those men? Yeah, it was good for destroying the enemy's morale, but it might backfire in his face if the enemy used this chance to convince his army that this would be their end if they did not fight seriously. It was good that Edward did not fight someone like Tywin using these tactics.

Edward did not stay long in his daze as he did not anyone to doubt him. Brandon would fall from the tower in the next month and a half when Robert and his group reach Winterfell, and Edward did not have the time to entertain the Starks at that time. Plus, he wanted them to blame Tyrion as Edward had the intention to save him and look like a hero at that time. Plus, Edward wanted to use that chance to get rid of Petyr Baelish and Lysa Arryn. So he looked down into the boy's eyes and spoke.

"How do you feel, little Brandon?" Edward asked with a smile as he put his hands on Bran's shoulder.

"I feel great, uncle Edward." Said the little boy with a smile. Bran's dream was to become a knight at the same age as Edward. He wanted his name to spread all over Westeros, especially after his father told him about Edward's adventures at his young age. He knew that the man who defeated the well-known Arthur Dayne, the bold Barristan Selmy, and the previous prince Rhaegar was the uncle standing in front of him. That was why Bran's eyes were like stars at the moment when he looked at Edward.

"Haha, good. I heard you wanted to become a knight, right? Well, work hard. You are your father's son, after all. I am sure you will be as splendid as him. You will become a knight that all Westeros heard his name in the future. If you want to visit me in The kingdom of Storms or work there, you could always come to me anytime. " Said Edward with a smile after seeing the look of adoration in Bran's eyes. Edward started spitting lies everywhere. The author always wondered how that retard sleep at night.

As for Edward, he wondered how Bran would look at him in the future when he could not see anything about Edward. Would he look suspicious or confused at that time? Edward could not wait to see that.

"I will become a knight as uncle Edward. I will defeat you in the future and take the title of the strongest knight in Westeros." Shouted the young boy with a smile as he looked at Edward. He was happy to receive such praise from his idol. He had the ambition to defeat Edward, but Edward did not care about such a title. What could you do if you were the strongest but alone while facing fifty or a hundred men? Would that title help you then? The soldiers would have killed and raped your corpse before you could raise your sword. It is how a million ants could take down an elephant.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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