
Chapter 57: Dealing with house Connington

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter. I will try and edit the previous chapters today so we would have only one chapter tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

Thanks, Vinicius Correia for becoming my Pàtreon.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the mass release, if we reach 50 pàtreons, I will upload 5 more chapters.



"That's right. Where're my manners? Let's head to the castle." Said Cassana as she stopped the conversation and pulled Ashara and Allyria to her wagon. She wanted to talk to them for the rest of the road.

While moving slowly to the castle, Ashara and Allyria were surprised again and again. They could see the paved roads and the new houses which Edward used cement to construct. He was slowly changing Storm's End to the center city of the world.

Ashara had tasted Stormsland's wine and drinks before, and she thought that she could not find anything more fascinating than that. But two months later, she saw the glass products that got sold at sky-high prices. Then, she saw the paper and the incredible clothes sold in the market.

Now, After she saw the port and the streets, she was amazed again. She began to see her future as Lady Baratheon of Storm's End. She could not help but take another look at Edward through the glass of the carriage. This man who was able to achieve all this was going to be her husband.

Cassana, who was observing Ashara, could not help but smile when she saw the look on Ashara's face. She also started to imagine her grandchildren that she wanted to see more than anything.

When Edward finally reached the castle and met his brother Stannis, He took them towards the hall. He wanted to discuss the matter of the tournament with them. The tourney would be held to honor Steffon's memory, after all. Everyone's opinion on this matter was of great importance. Since Edward wanted to make this tournament the biggest in the history of Westeros, then he had to hear about all the ideas that could help him.

After they entered the hall, they waited for a half-hour before everyone was present. Edward then turned his eyes towards Stannis. He wanted to know why he did not see him in the Seaward.

"I have not seen you in the port, Stannis. Did something happen?" Asked Edward. He wanted to start by introducing Ashara to everyone, but he thought that something might be wrong. So he decided to ask Stannis before introducing Ashara to everyone.

"Lord Armond of Griffen's Roost had just died. I was sending condolences to his son Jon who became the new Lord of Griffen's Roost." Said Stannis with his usually gloomy face. He was the acting Lord when Edward was not in Storm's End. He was the one responsible for this Stuff when Edward could not do it.

"The Connington, huh. And now, that cunt Jon is the Lord of Griffen's Roost. There is no saving for them. Did he do anything suspicious after he became the Lord?" Asked Edward without hiding his despise towards House Connington.

Everyone in Stormsland already heard about the poor relationship between Edward and House Connington, House Fell, House Grandison, and House Cafferen, especially the Connington's. Edward did invite the other three houses when he gathered the lords as he did not want them to suspect anything, but Edward never even sent a letter to the Conningtons. It was apparent that Edward did not see eye to eye with them. As for the other three houses, he just invited them but only invested a little in each of them.

"It seems that they had started another conflict with house Morrigen. Lord Morrigen had already sent a letter. It seems that Jon depended on Prince Rhaegar in this conflict to take some lands from House Morrigan." Said Stannis with some anger in his voice. It was Stormsland, so how dare Jon Connington involve Rhaegar in this?

Everyone in the hall was also angry after hearing what Stannis said. It was an insult to all the lords of Stormsland.

The mood in the room turned gloomy after this. Everyone turned to look at Edward. They wanted to hear his order as he was the one who always had a solution to every problem that Stormsland had faced.

Edward indeed had some ideas. He was only trying to figure out the best way to torture House Connington. Edward wanted to humiliate them before the rebellion. After that, he would kill every one of them personally.

"Send a word to that cunt, Jon. Tell him if he did not return the lands that he took from Lord Morrigen, I would personally ride to Griffen's Roost and fuck the shit out of him. Even if he had the support of the prince, this is Stormsland, not Crownlands. And if Rhaegar tried to meddle in Stormsland again, send another letter to the prince and tell him that I, Edward, ordered this myself and that I had the permission of the King himself." Said Edward as he looked at his brother and the rest. He was getting impatient with that fucking Jon. Edward still did not spread the rumor of Jon being in love with Rhaegar. He was only waiting till Rhaegar married Elia and for Jon to show his despise towards Elia. It would be the perfect time to spread it. He could also say that Jon already had a secret relationship with Rhaegar.

As for the King's permission, Edward indeed had such a thing. Edward already sent a message to the King telling him that someone had planted many spies and assassins in Stormsland. They wanted to kill Edward as they did to Steffon. The King sent him back, ordering him to kill those traitors. Though, Edward heard that Varys, who had just started working for the king, suggested otherwise. He told the king to refuse what Edward wanted.

It was the last time that Edward would be able to use the king like that. Aerys still had some trust for Edward. But Edward knew with Varys by the king's side, the king's trust would fade soon. Edward did not care much. He only wanted to use the king's permission against Rhaegar. Edward would not allow anyone to miss with Stormsland.

Everyone was surprised by their Lord's extreme orders. It was because Edward had changed a lot during the past year. If he was like a newborn stag before, he was more rational like the horde's leader after this year. He would not act rashly and controlled his tongue, though his calm and cold personality had taken over.

Edward would not allow any failure or any disloyalty. He killed every spy himself and hanged their heads on the city's gates.

But Edward would always reward the loyal and hard-working men. That was why Everyone believed more in him. They worked hard with Edward to achieve what Stormsland had reached in this year.


The second chapter would be uploaded in an hour.

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