
You Told Him About Us

" What you mean by YOU.. what he want for you..." Sam ask me.. how can I fucking explain to him..

" Can't i said before he obsessed with my sister.. and she's my twin.. so he wants me.. he want me to leave all this.. and go with him.. now stop keep asking me question.. it make me irritating.. frustrated.. do you know how it make me feel.. i fucking tried of this.. all of it.. in this end.. I will lost my people.. i never care about anyone.. now see here i am.. now I just can't do it.. can't ignore it.. because I don't want that because of me something happened to anyone.. i already lost my sister.. my fucking sister.. she's pregnant that time.. she .. she come to me to live start fresh.. and what happened to her.. they all kill her.. she fucking over dose.. they stabbed her.. you All see her fucking dead body.. don't you.. she's everything to me.. I never think that that.. something happened to her.. when I know that I am in this shit.. I know that it's dangourse to live with me to her.. i fucking told her to come here and make her to stay safe and away from this shit.. and when she come back again.. I never thought it will happen to her.. I keep trying to distance with her to this shit.. because of me.. because of me she got targeted.. and they kill her.. my bby sister... " I said and I fall in my knee and cry.. Amma hug me.. and try me to stop.. I just can't stop.. I broke down.. I feel so low.. in my whole life I just broke down front of them.. to look of people.. who i didn't even know..

" I didn't know what Stef did to her.. what are relationship between them.. Stefan kill that man.. that man my sister truly love her so much.. why.. because he freaking obsessed with her.. what's her fault.. what that poor boys fault.. I meet Eric and there friends.. they told.. i just don't know how to apologise to them.. how to tell them that All is going to already.. when i know it's nothing going to happen.. Even Stefan told me to stay away from them why.. because he don't want me to do same think what my sister did.. " I told Amma.. looking at her.. and I see she also crying.. and hug me tightly..

" Shh.. stop baby.. please don't cry.. i can't see you like this anymore.. i know you already suffered lot.. i just don't know what to said.. I can't just said same thing that all going to be already.. but I just want to say that stop being weak.. you are not weak.. you face lots of things alone.. but this time you are not alone.. we are with you.. we all are with you.. you are not alone this time... " She said.. and wipe my tears.. I didn't said anything.. tears coming to my eyes. And I just seat there in ground.. and Amma still hugging me.. and rub my back to clam me.. lots of going to happen..

In that same time phone ring.. whom it is.. we don't know.. I look up.. and looking at this that whom these belongs to.. I see it's none other than Max.. and he look at caller ID.. and than look at me.. i don't know what that look for.. bit i know it's not good news..  he received her phone..

" Hello..." He said.. and i don't know what the person is.. and what he or her talking him.. he looking at me.. and i know he he's mad..and he just did what the person told him to do.. he make in speaker and come to seat beside me in ground.. i just give him confused look.. and give him question look that what are you doing seating beside me..

" Oohh where is my Red.. my girl.. are she just forget that whom she belongs too.. " the deep voice come and than I look at Max and than phone.. and i know who he is..

" I know you are hearing me.. and you know that how I got mad whem someone didn't answer my question.. " he said to me.. and I glup.. after long time.. after long time i feel like that i am still he's puppet.. I feel like more weak that i am right now..

" Hello" I said in low voice.. and this tell me that how much i am shaking and scared of him.. but same time I hate him about how he kill my sister..

Why i am scared of him.. I know because of me he's in that post.. he's nothing without me.. if I will kill him.. I know that her all things all business all empire belongs to me.. i don't have to scare of him.. show him hes place Rose.. show him what he is.. and whom he is playing with it..

" Ohh so you are live.. means i did made mistake didn't I.. " he said to me. I know he teasing me.. and make me more mad and angry.. he think that it's joke to him..

" I can't wait to see you my Red.. " he said to me.. and my eyes boiling in anger.. how can I just weak front of him.. I have my own power.. and I kill everyone if I want to.. why i am scared like this.. why..

" Me too Justin Mee too.." I said to him.. make little confidant and said..

" Ohh so you have guts to talk to me like that... Are you ready for you punishment.. how you runway and hiding from me all the time.. and joining my enemies gang.. lots of things you did and it's all wrong move.. you know that how you made me angry did you.. " he said to me..

" How dare you to talk with my friend.. you bastard.. i will kill you.. " Amma said to him..

" Whow whow.. who's voice this belongs to.. my little Red made friends huh.. i see that... " He said to me..

" Stop calling that Justin.. " i yelled at me..

" Or what.. what you will do.. " he said to me..

" You are not doing anything to me.. you know that.. hell you can't even face me.. " he said to me..

" I will do what I did to Dan.. didn't you know that how he badly dead.. didn't you see he's dead body.. or I just sand you photos of him.. " i provoke him..

" What you just said.. " he shouted in phone.. amd I know how to make him angry..

" What happened to your ear.. are you getting old little Justin.. did I have to repeat myself.. " I said to him.. I don't care what he think but this time i am not doing to make him play with me.. this time he will be toy and icwill play with him...

" How dare you you bitch.. how dare you to talk to me like that.. " he said to me.. and than I just can control my anger anymore..

" You already know this bitch capable of doing this.. or you just forget.. now listen to me. Listen very very carefully.. this time.. you are not going to win.. this time you are going to lose. And i will kill you in my own hand.. you bagged me for leave you.. but i am not going to stop.. just wait and watch... you will die front of crowd front of your man to show them that who's there boss and who's they are belong to.. " I said to him. And grab the cell phon to Max hand. And hang up. And it will made him more.. All are looking suprise and amused my little our brush.. now whatever will happen.. I am not going to lose. Or weak.. I stood up in my foot. and looking at All of them. With angrily..

" Now you All of you.. listen very carefully.. whom ever love yourself they leave us right now.. because if I know by chance that you play me.. or betray us.. I will hunt you all and kill you or your family to.. I will finish you all with my own bear hands.. and I promise you for that.. and all you are regret this.. you think that i am just scaring you guys.. than go and check my background.. and you all know who i am.. and i never step back when its about killing people.. " I told them..

" You also talk with the snake guy.. whom he is now in hospital.. check him you All give your answer that what can i do or what can not... " I yelled at them.. and All are looking at me with like lost puppy.

" Now get the hell out from here.. and start training.. we don't have time.." I yelled at them. And All nodded and did what i told them..

" And you.. i want to talk to you guys.. in private.. " i told Sam Ray Tom and Max.. whom they all didn't say much and just follow me i don't know where to go.. but I know that whenever i Walk they will follow me..

Now I am thinking that did I have to call Stefan or just leave him.. well i already told him he's part.. now it's time to told them to there part.. and i don't think that we need stafen for them..

We All are come in to empty room.. i see that Janna and Amma also come.. whom i don't mind in them.. well I trust Amma. But i don't know about Janna.. but still now she know it.. so let her be..

" So..." Tom said to me.. and broke my thoughts..

" I want to know who much fighters and shooters have you guys.. and how much man are working with you... I got All information.. everything means everything.. " I told them..

" You don't have to worry about it.. we All are enough to face them.. and Justin's army nothing to compare to mine. Also Tom will come to with he's gang.. " Max said to me..

" I don't care.. you are big gang or not.. i want information.. and I want to know.. I want to see that they are best fighters or not.. because Justin already arranged asking other gang's to make him he's gang big. And we don't have time for this to arrange this. Because we know that in this short time I can't trust any other people.." I told them..

" I said you already that you don't have worry about it.. can't you understand it.." Max said to me..

" And didn't you hear that what i said. I want every damn little information about it.. can't you understand it..." I yelled him back..

" Don't you think you are now acting like bitch here.." he said to me.

" Ohh really. Now I am acting like bitch here.. when I don't know why the fucking hell he want you to be Dead.. who's going to playing bitch here.. how much time i told you did you give me information.. no.. why.. WHY..." I shouted at him.. I run my hand to my hair frustratingly.. damn it..

" And how much time I have tell you that it's nothing fucking your business.. " he said to me..

" It is my business.. now we are in team.. and it's important to me know the reason..." I said to him..

" I didn't want to be team up.. and if you really want to argue about it.. so I don't care if you happily leave us.. because i know without you I can take care of this.." he said to me.. he's right. He can.. why i am just keep poking him.. there is not any mistake.. it's my problem.. i have to solve this In my own..

" You are right.. " i said to him.. and than leave the room.. I hear Amma calling my name even sam to.. but i just Ignore them.. he don't need me.. why i am than caring much... Why i am still want to be with him.. he always fine without me.. he never needed me.. I am the one stupid bitch can't just understand it.. now I know it.. now i have to leave it.. I have to love them.. this is my own fight.. when anyone come to me.. than i will start my way.. like I think it..

I left the mansion.. and when i walk to the empty road. I see there is Stefan standing my dorm building what he's doing here.. in this time.. did he waiting for me..

" What are you doing here.." walking to him.. and stood front of him..

" Where were you been.. i am waiting for you damn hour or so.. why didn't you answer your cellphone.." he yelled at him.. i already mad and angry. Now I can't just take it over.. i just can do two things.. fight or distraction.. fight with him.. there is not going to end well like what happened with Max and me.. so I have only second option..

I grab he's caller and pull me towards him.. and he stund my actions.. before he could said.. I kiss him..

I kiss him roughly.. aggressively.. all my anger I just throw out with this kiss.. and he pull me towards him more.. and i don't care about it this anymore.. I kissing him hard.. and he didn't mind it that.. even he moan when I did that.. I hate that boy.. but i don't know why suddantly I kiss him.. he kiss me back passionately.. and claim me.. how he know that i am angry.. and frustrated.. he just clam me.. and my All anger is gone.. he kiss me slowly i never had this experience.. I  lose myself.. he pull my both lags and i jump on the ground and warp my lags to he's waise.. and playing with my hair.. and did same with him.. why i am kissing him.. I hate him.. he's killer but still.. I don't want to broke this kiss with him.. I can't breath but still i don't want to pull away.. because i know if i did i surely regret it..

But finally we both broke the kiss.. I don't want to see he's face.. it's not that he's not handsome.. he is.. but i don't have forget it that he's my sister's ex.. and he's in gang.. there is nothing going to happen between us.. and I know if I will be with him he surely hurt me.. I know guy like him.. they are All are psycho.. and i don't want to be he's sleav.. i hug him.. I hug him tightly.. without looking at him.. he didn't said a word.. he hug me back tightly.. and rub my back.. and make me claim.. how the hell he know everything.. why.. why he's doing this to me.. why..

" How did you know.." I told him.. and than again my foot in ground.. leaving him did some distance between us.. and looking at him..

" I just know.. you know.. we both are angry in the same time.. and i also know that if we both are said to each other bad words.. I know at the end we both get in big bad fight.. but i like your this style.. and i am not angry in you.. so did you.. the way you kiss me.. I know you want me to punish me.. and i accept it.. and that's my clue to claim you.." he said to me..

" I really don't want to do it.. but lots of happening.. i told Max about our deal.. and Justin call Max and he just threatened me.. and I just got angry.. " i said to him.. there is no way to hide for him anything..

" What you said to him about us.. and what Justin said.." he asked me..

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