
Chapter 23 , What are you looking for in my bag...?

Probably because Moomal never relied on anyone else except him , and never had such a close friendship with any other cousin. She was also a little cautious with other boy cousins.

From childhood he had seen only his own reflection in Moomal's eyes. He knew how important he was in her life. But now that she knows that Huzaifa doesn't want her to have any relationship with her paternal uncle or Zayn, she still doesn't want to break up her relation with them.

Now his opinion, his decision does not matter to Moomal...?!

"What are you thinking...?" Ahmar asked in a light voice looking at his serious face.

Huzaifa shook his head without looking at him, but now he had looked away from Moomal. And he tried to focus on the people sitting in front of him, not on Moomal.

"But it looks like your oil ship has sunk." Ahmar said at his refusal, but once again Huzaifa said nothing and looked at Abrar who was telling the stories of the navel forces.

But after a while, as before, he began to look at Moomal who was saying something then smiling on her own joke.

She's looking very happy...

And beautiful...

* * * * * * * * * * *

Due to the large number of people, his aunt had only two rooms for the new generation, one for the boys and the other for girls , thus the newly married couples also had to sleep separately.

Huzaifa , who thinking about, how to tell her his decision regarding her uncle, After this arrangement, he could only see Momal going to Mahiya's room with her cousins.

And so Hazifah's whole day passed without any interaction with her, and not only today, but all the time until the day of Mayun, he couldn't find her anywhere alone.

And one day when he was sitting in courtyard in the evening drinking tea with Abrar , He expressed his grievance directly.

"When all the elders can get their own separate rooms, why can't we...!? How could they throw us in the room with the other boys...!" His attitude was no less than that of the Nawabs.

" Because we are not in a hotel . And there are only four of us in the room, not the whole family." Abrar said, sipping his tea comfortably. There was a soft smile on his lips. He was having a lot of fun here.

And in the house of marriage ,these little things don't matter at all.

Huzaifa , who was in a bad mood from the first day, kept glaring at Abrar , but could not say anything in response.

Finally, after burning for two days, Maayun's day came and Huzaifa found something else to think about.

with the rest of the girls she was almost ready when she couldn't find her scarf.

"Did you see my dupatta...? I looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Did I leave it at home? " Moomal asked Rabia who was standing in front of the mirror.

Dressed in a dark henna-color suit, Moomal looked very anxious, her loose hair which Rabia had left loose after straightening, in the process of looking for her scarf, now her locks started sticking around her face.

Rabia felt sorry for her. "Don't worry, it would here somewhere, oh yes! You packed your and Huzaifa's bag together right..! , probably you packed it in his bag..? go and look at his stuff. all the boys have already left for the Hall Anyway, , The room must be empty. I am also going out so come soon. Abrar is also coming to pick me up from the hall so I will go with him to pick up Maham and Razia from the parlor. When you all get ready You guys come with the driver. "

After saying this, Rabia went out and Mammal also left the room in a hurry and entered the room given to the boys in front of girls room.

There were two bags in one corner of the room, one belongs to Abrar Bhai and the other to Huzaifa .

Moomal knew that a sophisticated person like Abrar would have already unpacked his bag and shifted his stuff in closet . On other hand Huzaifa wouldn't have even bother to unpack his bag.

She placed Hazifa's heavy bag on the ground and unzipped it to find her scarf. But even after taking out all his clothes, She did not see her scarf anywhere.

"What are you looking for in my bag...?"

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