
[Bonus chapter] It Came From You

Shui Xian smiled at her innocently which made Mu Chenyan tsked at him and snatch the drink from him to gulp it down. She opened the cap and chugged down the drink along with the ice cubes which crushed with her teeth noisily.

Shui Xian almost felt like she was chewing down on his bones. Scary! So scary!

After taking a deep breath, she looked at him calmly, "Aren't you scared of me? Still came to stop me when I looked so angry?"

Shui Xian still smiled at her and didn't lie, "I'm of course scared. But so what? My fear won't stop me from following my wife's orders. She told me to not let you get into any violence so I just had to do that."

"I could have punched you."

"It's okay. I'd have taken it."

Mu Chenyan shook her head at him.

"I just learned where Raelle got her super possessiveness from," said Shui Xian. "I never knew it came from you. But earlier, I realized that you're the one who taught her that possessiveness."

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