

In the sewers of Vale faint whispers can be heard from hiding citizens. The unpleasant smell is almost intoxicating.

'Come on we need to move' A girl is leading a small group of people to the evacuation point in the eastern courtyard of the city.

'I'm scared' A little boy holding a teddy bear squeezes the girls hand. She looks at the child with her gentle bright green eyes.

'Don't worry little one I'll protect you' She smiles at him and gives him a hug. 'Alright lets get going' She gestures the rest of the group to start moving. As soon as they start making their way through the dark pathway a black shadow zips past them from the incoming sewer intersection. Another dark figure zips from behind them. The group of people starts to panic, while they make it to the intersection. Two black claws reach out from behind the group and grab the little boy. The girl hears his screams and chases after him. She runs down the long tunnel listening for the crying boy. She sees a faint light at the end of the tunnel so she heads toward it. The closer she gets to the light the darker everything gets around her. She finally reaches the light source to revealing that it is a way out. She heads towards the light and steps on something fuzzy. She leans down and picks up a little teddy bear. She slowly turns around to be met face to face with a terrifying grimm. It twitched in the daylight from the exposed manhole. Its long arms drooped behind its ugly horrifying body. The grimm let out a bone chilling scream. She looks down at the teddy bear and grips it tightly.

'You better hope that boy is alive, because I'm going to make you suffer.' She pulls out her two baby blue colored hammers. She pulls back readying herself for a fight. The monster flings its hideous arms at her. She flips backwards to avoid the attack, she then jumps into the air and smashes the arm with a blow from her hammer. She runs up the creatures arm, while the other arm tries to knock her off. She's hit by the flurry of slashes from the creatures desperate attempts to free itself. She falls to the ground with a great thud.

'That hurt you-' The Grimm grabs her face holding her above the ground. It brings her closer to its face. It releases another scream, and the girl starts grow in strength making her descend from the beasts clutches. Just from touching the ground a shock wave occurs creating a tidal wave, which knocks the Grimm onto the floor.

'Shouldn't have done that. Now I'm Angry!' He hair explodes into a flaming red. She pushes herself onto the ground forcing it to crack and shatter. She aims her body at the fallen monster, and launches forward with immense power. On impact, the Grimm shoots down the dark tunnel smashing through about three cement walls and disintegrates. Her hair falls down and changes back to a turquoise blue. She puts her hammer back under her vest and looks down at the teddy bear.

'I'm going to find you little buddy.' She leads the rest of the citizens to the exit.

'Alright everyone climb up and wait for me there. I need to deal with something.' The group climbs up the ladder to the top and closes the manhole. She pulls out both of her hammers and starts to descend back into the abyss of the dark sewers of Vale.

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