
C24. Examination Begins

"As you are aware. The examination will take place within this Dark Forest." Professor Deil shouted from the front of the cohort, a thick forest of trees a few hundred metres behind him as he briefed the students. "Anyone too coward to enter the forest, leave now."

Over 200 students all stood before him in their grey and black school issued hunting uniforms and a basic weapon of some kind held by their side.

"Remember. Death is always a possibility. Your survival is your responsibility. Do not expect the professors to come to your aid every time danger comes your way." He continued, pacing across the field, his arms placed behind his back as he looked every student in the eye. "If you fail. You are expelled. If you succeed, you win everything. Is that understood?" He suddenly stopped pacing, slowly rising his head as he waited for his answer.

"Yes Sir," The students chanted loudly, all standing as straight as they could, some visibly trembling nervously from the thick tension in the air.

"... Good," Professor Deil gave a small nod of approval as he slowly moved his arms in front of him and beckoned over an Assistant Professor from the sidelines. "I will now be handed your hunting cards. Take a good look at it. After this, we'll split into our separate groups and depart. I wish you all the best of luck."

A young curly brown-haired man hurriedly walked over holding a giant box, his circular glasses threatening to fall down from his face.

"P-Please stand in a line to collect your cards!" He timidly shouted as he placed the box on the ground and tried his best to order the students.

A quiet wave of chuckling rippled through the crowd of students as a few bows snickered at the obviously new professor whilst some girls whispered and giggled to each other.

"Who's he?" Palmer nudged Sara as he leaned over slightly,

"Dunno. Looks around our age." She replied,

"Quiet!" Professor Deil's voice rang out, "Listen to Professor Genosa and get moving already. You're here for an examination. Not a picnic."

"Y-Yes Sir!" The cohort instantly shut up and hurried over to line up, a quiet sigh of relief coming from Assistant Professor Genosa.

"Scary-" Palmer shivered as he went up for his card, "So what's the strategy, guys," He rubbed his hands together as if ready to cause some mischief.

"Strategy. Good idea." Sara nodded, lining up behind him. "Step One. Find the rest of our teammates. Step Two, not talk about our plan whilst lining up with literally everyone we're competing again within earshot. Step Three. Listening and Obey everything your Team Leader says. Aka, Me."

A painful silence resonated from Palmer as he simply stared at Sara before looking over to me, "Lenso... Assistance required. Sara's bullying me. I think the power's gone to her head."

I watched the 'drama' play in front of me as I simply glanced at the large gap between Palmer and the person in front of him. "If you don't continue moving, we'll be here all day." I pointed out, not really wanting to take part of the kerfuffle.

"Why aren't you ever taking my side?" Palmer huffed, walking over to bridge the gap, a look of slight annoyance in his eyes.

"Um.. Your card." A voice however interrupted him as he was about to continue his dispute. The Assistant Professor standing awkwardly behind him, a white card in his outstretched hand.

"Y-Your card... Please take it." Professor Genosa awkwardly smiled at Palmer as he grabbed another from the box.

"Oh. Thank you." Palmer turned around and smiled back, quickly leaving the line for everyone else.

"A freaking Wyvern??" Sara's voice of disbelief echoed out as she received hers, her sleeves wiping the words to double-check the authenticity of it, making sure she wasn't hallucinating. "Are you guys seeing the same thing I am?" She turned to Palmer and I, her mouth gaped open with disbelief.

"That's for 50 points. Therefore, optional. We only need 50 points to pass anyway." Palmer replied, a slight snicker of amusement escaping his mouth from witnessing Sara's torment. "Let's just hurry and get step one of your plan going." He added, giving Sara a small bonk on the head as he walked past her.

"Lensooo." She slowly turned towards me with her giant pity puppy eyes, "Palmer's bullying me," Her lips pouting.

I rolled my eyes and let out an audible sigh as I simply followed Palmer as he seemed to be heading towards a specific direction with great confidence.

"I bet that dumbass doesn't even know where he's going." Sara quietly muttered with spite, as she trailed behind me, her staff held behind her.

And sure enough, a few seconds later Palmer came to a complete halt as he turned around, "So any of you know where they are?"


Oh and from now on. Nothing I write has been thoroughly planned like before. Just a general idea. Cause I realised overplanning causes me to just not write the actually story.

Anyway, lets hope this works out.

Join if you wish.


May_Songcreators' thoughts
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