
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Title: Welcome to Crimson Hand...


-General POV-

In Meteor City, a strange sight could be seen, two people were walking side by side. One is a child of a young age, he has wavy black hair and black eyes. Next to him was a middle aged man, he is tall and has very short black hair, the hair is almost completely shaven. He also has dark eyes who were sunken in with dark circles around them,he is Lovro an assassin from the Crimson Hand. An organization that handles many illegal things in the underworld of Meteor City.

Lovro, though he seemed calm and unreadable to Sub, on the inside Lovro is jumping up in joy. He just got a monstrously talented kid for the Organization. He will be rewarded quite handsomely, the kid is a naturally born assassin.

'The way he can hide his presence, I don't know how he does it. But even I, the best assassin in the Crimson Hand would have lost him if I got him a second out of my sight.' Contemplates Lovro, not knowing that the technique of Zetsu is a basic one that any Nen user can use. But to him, Sub's moves seemed like that of an instinctual assassin after all a 'normal' three year old can't be that smart or creative with his thought process.

Sub on the other hand looks at Lovro with a hidden dangerous glint in his eyes. He is already planning at when the right time to strike is most likely to be. 'Five… no… ten years. Around that time the perfect opportunity will present itself, I will wait for the right time and then…'

Suddenly Lovro felt a chill down his spine. He immediately looked around. 'What was that. It is an enemy.'

The countless years of assassination experience has led him to have a sixth sense of detecting danger. But he never thought that the kid who was looking at him as if he too… confused by Lovro's reaction.

Lovro frowns but quickly says. "C'mon, lets go Sub. I have a strange feeling about this."

Sub just nods confused, but on the inside he is shocked. 'He actually somehow sensed my negative intentions. How the hell did he do that. Is it some type of 6th Sense… what the hell, that is terrifying. It means that I even have to keep my thoughts neutral. Damn… it seems like I need to be more careful and hide my intentions.'

As they started walking faster, Lovro and Sub finally arrived at a wrecked bus station. 

"Will some type of vehicle come to pick us?" Asks Sub, looking around curiously.

Lovro on the other hand looks at him with a calm look on his face. "So you know about cars and other vehicles?"

Sub nods with a proud look on his face. "Yep, of course I do."

Lovro just shrugs at this and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. "Kids these days, getting smarter and smarter by the day."

Sub on the other hand still has a proud look on his face, but on the inside he was criticizing himself for asking a question like that. Thankfully he quickly thought of the answer. 'I need to be more careful. I am no longer living with other dumb kids, who wouldn't really care to question anything.'


But ten minutes after that a trashy looking school bus comes around. Lovro throws down his cigarette and steps on it to turn it off.

He then mentions towards Sub. Who is sitting down on the ground 'playing' with trash. "Kid, come here. Our pick up has come."

Sub gets up and dusts himself walking towards Lovro and standing next to him, the bus comes and it stops there. Opens its door and the bus driver is smoking with his window open, he is a fat old man wearing a white shirt and brown pants. When he looks at them, he just waves. "Yo! Lovro got another youngling this year?"

But when he sees Sub enter the bus, he can't help but exclaim. "Isn't he a little too young?"

Lovro on the other hand has a smug look on his face as he takes one of the seats in the front of the bus. "Hah! As if, I bet that this kid will be the next star of the assassin division. He will be the ace of the organization."

The driver snorts a laughter. "Well, I will make sure to put my money on the kid the next time the tournament is around."

Sub sits on the back of the bus and lies down on the seats, immediately falling asleep.

Lovro smiles at this. "Poor kid, he must have been really tired."

The bus driver starts driving and asks. "So anyway, where did you find this kid?"


-Sub POV-

The dive takes around two hours, as I act like I  am asleep, but instead I am training my Nen. Trying to form the my Nen at the top of my finger, turning it from number zero to nine is easy for me now. I can do it under five seconds. I am now trying to shape my Nen into different things, like from a skull, heart and even different geometric figures.

Though forming 3d pyramids and stars is kinda hard and a little unstable, I am sure that eventually I will get there. If there is one thing I have is patience and concentration.

I honestly never get bored training Nen… well to me it feels like I am playing my favorite game. If I wasn't worried about my health I could do it 24 hours a day.

I hear Lovro and the bus driver talking about me and Lovro is telling him and together with the driver they seem to be planning on how to put the bets when the tournament comes around. 

So it seems like there is some type of tournament at a certain time. Well that doesn't matter at all, as long as I train hard, even a death game like the Hunter Exam would be nothing to me. 

As the bus stops I wake up and look around with sleepy eyes. When I see Lovro just calling me over. I just follow him, as I go outside of the bus, I see that we are in front of a giant gate, surrounded with high walls all around it. Lovro goes to the gate and just knocks twice on it.

The gate slowly opens and two men with machine guns come out, they are wearing full soldier gear and face masks to hide their identities, they are pointing their guns at Lovro. But when they see who it is they burst out laughing.

"Bahahahaha, Lovro you sonva b*ch. Where the hell have you been. Haven't seen you in months." Says one of the guards, now completely relaxed once seeing who it is.

That must mean that Lovro is quite well known around here then, and the men seem to hold him in quite high regard. His reputation must be quite high. Now how do I use this to my advantage. 

As the guards and Lovro joke around, I walk behind them quietly. As they open the door and enter, I see that the place was like a whole different world that Meteor City which is covered with trash. This place is full of lush grass and trees. This looks like a gonay park, I curiously look around. 

This is what is useful about being a kid, I can look around and people will think that I am just a curious kid. But if an adult does it, they will immediately assume something bad, like is he looking for a weak spot on the defense or a way to escape this place. Thankfully I am a three year old, who can barely even keep up with the adults walking at normal speed. I am only a 'normal' three year old kid.

I also see some kids who seem around eight or ten training and going through some martial arts forms. There seem to be around thirty kids. That must mean that the organisation must be quite big.


Finally after ten minutes of walking we finally arrive in front of a giant, corporate building who is ten stories high and it is painted in a light green color.

I walk inside and see a female receptionist, this seems like an everyday office… this is off putting.

Lovro pats me on the shoulder and says. "Well kid, you are on your own now."

He then mentions towards the receptionist, who nods at him and she comes towards me. She has blond hair, brown eyes and a very nice body with an hourglass figure. She crouches down to my level and grabs my hand.

"Well hello there little sweetie, tell me a little about yourself." Asks the receptionist woman.


After answering some questions, and taking some blood samples. I am assigned a room. More specifically, rook number 107. It seems like even as a three year old I will have my own room… that is nice and irresponsible of them.


When I arrive at my room, I go up by elevator and I can barely reach the keypad to open the door. 

As I open it I look inside the room and see that inside there is a simple bed, desk and a TV. There also seems to be a small balcony and a bathroom. 

Tomorrow I will apparently start training with the six years old. Kids twice my age, I wonder what they teach kids at the age of six. They are twice my age so I wonder if the teacher will change the schedule for me… nah I don't think so. These people left a three year old kid to their own devices… anyway let's see how many hidden cameras are inside the room.


I get my answer twenty minutes later. Acting like I am playing around. I saw five hidden cameras. Well that is nice, but I didn't spot any in the bathroom, underbead or balcony… yeah that is where I will train my Nen. It is true that Nen can be filmed, but even then in the recording it is only seen by someone who has Nen.

Well it seems like I will mostly be an outdoors kid then.


Tomorrow comes in no time and as I gather outside of the room with other kids twice my age waiting around too… also I now know what a six year old kid can be trained in.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH." I wince a little as the loud scream of the kid inside the room. Yep… it is torture training, from electrocution to waterboarding. I hear a kid say that today is electrocution day. Yeah…


 "Number 107." As my turn comes, I am called by the person inside.

Fu*k… this will suck. But at the same time it will be perfect. What if I can hold a Zetsu or Gyo while at the same time being tortured. That would definitely help me in my Nen training and even accelerate it to crazy degrees. But first I will have to get a handle on normal electrocution pain and then try something like that later on.

When I enter the room, inside I see a woman with long purple hair that goes to her lower back. She would normally look pretty but now to me she looks… pretty terrifying.

I see an electric chair and she just says. "Get on."

I oblige and do so… she also ties up my body with belts, holding me on the chair… and that is when the worst pain in my life assaults my body, I would say that I easily handled it and that my will was strong but… I was just an average man in my first life so..

"AHHHHHHHHHH-...." I screamed my throat raw and urinated my pants due to the pain assaulting my body. 


We see that the MC is just a normal man in his first life and isn't like some other MC's who can handle ridiculous levels of pain. You can call the MC whatever you want… but I call this realistic.

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