

"I'm sure that answers the question. Now, do the right thing by wearing that gown. You should try to loosen up, too. You're too uptight," Kathleen's mother said with obvious disapproval. 

"And whose fault is it? Who raised me to be uptight?" Kathleen asked with a scoff. 

"Well, that was so you wouldn't fall for those small boys and get pregnant outside wedlock, but you should loosen up now, okay? Let me go and serve your food," Her mother said and turned to leave. 

"Just leave it first. I'll eat when I get back from his house. What about Isioma? What did the doctor say?" Kathleen asked curiously.

"Well, we booked a doctor's appointment for next week. We were referred to a specialist doctor, and he is fully booked already, so we will have to wait until next week when it is our turn." 

"I hope it turns out positive," Kathleen said with a sigh. 

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