
The Ring

As Jin looked around, he saw that there were only five people in the room, and they were all standing there watching Jin and Lee as they came into the room.

"Let me introduce you. These people were my colleagues. There should be eight people, but three guys were on a task."

"Hello, my name is Jin," Jin said while bowing slightly.

All of them nodded their heads, and then the door on the other side opened. It was the captain and a man in his 30s.

"As you all may know, today we are going to have a new recruit, but before that, we are going to conduct a test for him."

"Are you serious, sir? He's like 13," one of the guys said.

"I'm 11, by the way," Jin corrected him.

The guy who said that looked at Jin with a weird face.

"Well, Lee said that he was more talented than all of you. Jin, you may not know who this person beside me is.

He was the boss's right hand, so maybe if he's interested in you, he will take you to America."

"Ummmm, sir, why America?"

"Well, you may know that we are a mafia, but our HQ is in America. The boss's wife was from Korea, so we have another base here in Korea."

Jin nodded his head and bowed to the man beside the captain.

"Your test will be having a spar with these people."

"Yes, sir," Jin replied.

Jin was secretly happy because he could master a new talent and skill.

Jin then put his bag on the floor and went inside the arena.

"Cho, you go first."

Cho, the guy who asked Jin his age, just nodded and entered the arena.

"I hope you don't take this personally, kid," Cho said.

"Don't worry, I won't," Jin replied with a grin.

"Are you both ready? Start."

Jin and Cho then rushed at each other.

Jin tried to punch Cho's abdomen, but Cho just dodged and tried to punch Jin with his karate punch.

Jin, who had a small range, of course, got hit by it, but he managed to block it, although his hand felt like it was almost broken.

"Just surrender, kid. Your body isn't strong enough," Cho said.

Jin then rushed at Cho again.

"So be it."

Cho then tried to kick Jin, but Jin dodged with his body down and punched Cho's right abdomen. Cho then fell back.

"This shouldn't be possible," Cho thought. But Jin then rushed again and gave him a karate punch. Cho, who saw this, was shocked, but Jin immediately flying-kicked him, and Cho fell down.

"That's enough. Jin wins."

Cho, who was hearing this, was slightly angry because he lost to an 11-year-old kid. Cho then got up and left the arena.

"You have 10 minutes to rest, and then you will fight again."

Jin nodded and sat in the corner of the ring. After the 10 minutes were up, Jin stood up again.

"Kyung, your turn."

One of the guys outside then entered the ring.

"You may start now."

Jin rushed forward, but Kyung just stood there with his hands up like a boxer.

"So he's a boxer. I can do this," Jin thought.

When Jin got closer, he tried to punch Kyung, but suddenly he got punched in the face. Jin then tumbled backward.

"You may be talented, but you lack something,"

"What is it?" Jin asked, trying to stabilize himself.

"Range," Kyung replied.

Kyung rushed at Jin, throwing a wild punch towards his face. But Jin was quick to react, dodging Kyung's attack and counterattacking with a swift kick to his abdomen.

"I don't need it, if I have all of this talent," Jin said with a smirk, taunting Kyung.

Kyung, angered by Jin's words, got back up and assumed a defensive stance. But Jin was relentless, relentlessly attacking him with a flurry of kicks and punches.

Despite his best efforts, Kyung was unable to keep up with Jin's speed and skill, and he was eventually knocked down to the ground.

"Enough," Jin said as he stepped away from Kyung, feeling confident in his victory.

Kyung slowly picked himself up and left the ring, defeated. Meanwhile, Jin sat in the corner of the ring, catching his breath and resting for a few minutes.

"Myung," Jin said, gesturing towards the next opponent.

Myung stepped into the ring, and Jin felt a twinge of fear as he looked at the towering man in front of him. Myung was a behemoth of a man, towering over Jin with his massive frame.

"Damn, is he trying to kill me?" Jin thought to himself, feeling overwhelmed by Myung's size.

But Jin was determined to prove himself, and he charged towards Myung with all his might. However, Myung remained unfazed, taking the full force of Jin's attacks without so much as flinching.

"Are you done yet?" Myung said calmly, looking down at Jin with a hint of amusement.

Jin felt a surge of anger, realizing that his attacks were having no effect on Myung. He tried a flying kick, hoping to catch Myung off guard, but it was futile.

Myung simply grabbed Jin in mid-air and slammed him onto the ground, knocking him unconscious.

"That's enough," Myung said as he stepped out of the ring, leaving Jin lying there motionless.

The captain looked at the scene with a hint of satisfaction. "That kid was sure talented," he said, before turning to his colleague.

"Train the kid here for a year, and then send him to America. He'll join the special team there," the man said with conviction.

The captain nodded in agreement, impressed by the man's confidence in Jin's abilities. "To think that another talent of this caliber appears again," he thought to himself, as he left the room.

Five hours later, Jin regained consciousness, feeling a mix of disappointment and admiration for Myung's skill.

"I lost," he muttered to himself, feeling a sense of defeat.

But he soon realized that he had gained something valuable from the experience: a newfound appreciation for wrestling. "Well, it fits him," Jin thought to himself, feeling a sense of respect for Myung's abilities.

Lee, who had been keeping an eye on Jin, entered the room with a tray of food. "Feeling good, kid?" he asked, placing the tray on the table.

Jin sat up and took a bite of the food, feeling grateful for Lee's kindness. "Don't feel down, kid. Your performance was really good," Lee said, trying to lift Jin's spirits.

Jin looked at Lee, feeling a sense of curiosity. "What was your test, Lee?" he asked.

"My test was easy. We just had to finish the boss training drill and master at least one martial art," Lee replied.

Jin felt a sense of relief, realizing that he had passed Lee's test. "Then why was my test different?" he asked.

"Well, you're that talented."

"So, did I pass?" Jin asked.

"Well, because you didn't defeat Myung, you will train here for one year before leaving," Lee said.

"To where?" Jin asked.

"America," Lee said with a smile.

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