
Chapter 212: Advisor's Duty

MHS 212



"What's wrong with her?"

"Your mother… is different than most, even amongst System Holders."

Van, Hans, and Charlotte's family were currently inside Latanya's house, with Latanya, Victoria, and Evangeline resting in the beds. Latanya was still not awake even though a few hours had already passed, and seemed to have no signs of waking no matter what.

Victoria was still the same, still frozen stiff. They could not even move her hand which was still raised as they were afraid that it would hurt her. With Evangeline now also unconscious, there wasn't any way for them to know whether or not Victoria could feel anything, or hear them for that matter.

Evangeline was awake a few hours ago, completely in tears, and was not letting Van out of her arms even as he tried to push her away. But after a few minutes of that, she fell unconscious.

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