
Wrong place, Wrong time

Craig:...a woman?

Craig looked at the female closely,her skin was brown,her hair color was black and her height was about 5'11,with her outfit...being very revealing...

Craig:...she needs some new clothes...Or just to put on some clothes in general.

Craig(mind):th-that's a lot of skin...

Craig continues to examine her,her physical appearance is...

Craig:...an f cup?

Craig(mind):what type of genetics did this lady get?!she's basically slender but THICK?!... am I talking like a pervert?! No,No,No,No,No,No,no, I think it's because of the hormones within my body reacting to her endorphins, within it, it activates the se-Wait shut up Craig and focus!!! How in the world did she even survive?!By the looks of it she's practically ok, but no living thing can survive a crash like that, most meteors and asteroids usually burn up a bit before crashing, even then it still doesn't land unscathed...

When Craig continues to look at her, his eyes widened a bit.


The woman has wings, one white on her right side, one black on her left.


The woman also have horns on her head,they look like something the devil would have...

Craig:…a halo…

The woman also have a halo like an angel would…

Craig:...a tail...

The tail was scaley but smooth...

Craig:...Who are you?

Craig(mind):The better question is what is she?she has two different color wings as well as a tail and horns... and a halo... A mix bread?But there isn't any scientific records about this type of mutation... wait...If I recall there was a religion that explains this,Christianity or in this case the Bible she has a pure white wing, in any case that makes her an angel, but the black wing on the other hand is that of a fallen Angel...the horns are resembles that of a demon...the tail could also be a demon,but this could also take back to the dark ages where the fantasy tales of dragons could be...Three to four species mixed together right in front of me, undiscovered too... potentially the strongest being known to man...she's still a person,I don't know if her internal organs of her body is broken,possibly internal bleeding...ok,I'll get her out of this crater and get her some help.

Craig started to pick her up and basically gave her a piggy back ride.


Craig(mind):ok easier to carry,perfect,now I can get her out of this crater...hmmm,it's a lot steeper then I thought,not just that,but I also need to climb and carry the lady... this might take a mom-

???:ah,there she is.

Craig looked to his left to see some figure in front of him...it was some armored man with a mace.

Knight?:excuse me child,bring that abomination to me, that thing is a danger to mankind itself.

Craig(mind):M-MAN KIND?!FIRST ITS RAINING WOMEN THEN HERE COMES THIS GUY?!WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM?!... wait... I see, it's actually magic, ether he teleported here, or masked his presence with some sort of spell...I can't believe that I'm actually thinking it's magic...Well, I have a hybrid being on my back that resemble traits of angels and demons so I shouldn't argue the existence of magic...

Craig:...did she do anything?

Knight?:as of late no, but kept unchecked, then she'll become man kind's end.

Craig:...then your jumping to conclusions without observations.How do I even know if your hypothesis is correct?(annoyed tone)

Knight?:this isn't about gut feeling nor opinions but facts, that 'thing' must be destroyed before it could cause mayhem!

Craig sighs

Craig:...seriously, truly a lousy explanation with little to no evidence onto the matter, are you even intelligent?


Knight?:hmmm, I see, your mind has been smitten by her magic, your nothing more then a slave under her control!

Craig:what,you really think I'm her slave?

Knight?:that collar tells it all!

The knight? Points at Craig's neck were his collar and chain is.

Craig:...it's a fashion statement,people wear this stuff.

Knight?:Who in the right mind wears something around their neck like a small dog?!

Craig(mind):I think it's cool...plus a bunch of people actually do this...a fight is going to ensue no matter what I say or do,hmm...

When Craig was staring at the armored man he started to see multiple images of the man, not speed but predictions, Craig is predicting what his opponent is going to do...With her on his back it'll be harder to move, plus a closed space makes it worse...

Craig(mind): Knowing the enemy enables me to take the offensive, knowing myself enables me to stand on the defensive... I'm already in check before my first move,I don't know if he has any magical properties either. I'm already over my head here, I need to get out of here while also keeping him off of us... dang it Craig think,what to do about him... his armor looks like copper...mixed with tin...could that be apart of his weaknesses...

Knight?:hmp,I guess I'll make the first mo-.(gasped)

The knight? Was going to take a step forward until he saw Craig's face...Craig was smiling,it's not innocent, it was more monstrous then psychotic, his smile was from ear to ear with his eyes filled with rage, his pupils dilated and a small vain was on his forehead with this intense aura...it wasn't just killing intent...no, it was death itself...the knight looked at the aura and looked up to were it leads...it was a giant demon ready to devour him...

Craig(mind):he stopped?... wait,did my nervous habit kicked in?... this might come in handy... psychological warfare is half of the battle after all.

Craig places her down and walked towards him slowly, now if you're wondering what Craigs nervous habit is that of a puffer fish, if it feels threatened and scared it'll expand its body to ward off predators, as you can see...Craig's self defense mechanism from nervousness and fear is that facial expression.

Craig:what's wrong, don't tell me after all of that bravado, you started to go back on your word?

The armored man is paralyzed by fear but after a couple of seconds he started to take steps backwards,fearing for what could of happen if he gets too close.

Craig(mind):all warfare is based on deception,if I can make him think I'm strong then it'll-

Knight?:st-stay back!!!get away from me!!!

The armored man begins to slash wildly at Craig, time seems to have slowed down for them,Craig ducked the first swing,rolled to the left to avoid the second swing and finally jumped back a bit to avoid the knight?'s last attack.

Craig saw the large crack on the ground...

Craig:that wasn't very nice...do you always swing that thing around towards anyone approaching you?nothing but a mindless brute...

Craig(mind):What in the world?! He just cracked the entire crater with one swing of that mace!!!Im seriously out of my depth here, one good swing and I'm dead,I wander if I can even harm him!!!Maybe I should try...no... if I don't think of something we're both going to die...

Craig stares at the fearful knight? And hatched a plan.

Craig:hey dirt bag,I have a proposal to you.

The knight? Stares at Craig,a proposal?what kind of proposal?

Craig:you don't want to die right? So if you run away right now...I won't come after you,your life will be spared. Plus, you'll leave unscathed...sounds like a good deal right?

The armored man stares at Craig...he's letting him go?After all that he's going to walk away...

Craig(mind):assuming I can't harm him I suppose I could try to run him off. If i didn't have limited resources at my disposal, an unconscious body, and as well as that surprise from earlier I would honestly put up a better fight...to wear him out to be precise.come on,take the bait...

knight?:...no...I'll die either way...I'll take you out as well as killing this abomination in order to save this world!I will become the victor and claim the throne of god hood!!!I will become the next god and save us all!!!

Craig:god?heh, i guess your driven by fear, don't worry, I'll put you to sleep.

Craig(mind):D-did he snap from fear to insanity?!I've backed that animal into a corner with little to no options!!!But I gave him a way out?!When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard...IS THIS GUY ACTUALLY MENTAL?!great now I'm force to fight him!...

Craig:show me your new found resolve knight, I'll see what you have to offer before I decline.

The knight? Was leaning forward, time has slowed down for him, Craig started to think of what he might do.The knight could charge forward and swing right, but he could also swing left,he could also be using magic and what not,how fast is the attack and what time does it take to cast.Even after dodging the first strike there is always a follow up.Within this moment Craig is thinking of every outcome while thinking 10 moves ahead...this is like chess to him...Craig finally thought of something...


The knight? started to charge at him swinging to the left for Craig's head but he ducked.The armored foe try's to do a follow up but Craig rolled to the left to avoid another attack.Afterwards he jumped back, and he saw the knight? Had instantly closed in.

Craig(mind):how did he-?!

The knight was about to swing at Craig once more when Craig moved forward and grabbed the knight?'s arm as he proceeded to flip him over.

Craig(mind):that was pretty heavy, how can he move that fast with that type of Weight...Unless...

The knight got up and attempted to swing at him when four of Craig's fingers touched the front of his armor.


Craig then proceeds to twist his arm and form a tight fist.He then punched the knight? where his fingers were touching.The knights? armor then shattered revealing some sort of green skinned creature as he begins to start tumbling across the crater, a couple of yards to be exact.

Craig(mind):that worked accordingly,by concentrating my attack towards one specific point I can surprise him while maximizing the damage. Normally the one inch punch is also a one shot wonder for a fight, considering the amount of force needed for the attack as well as the focus it takes to execute it,plus they'll expect it the second time around...By the looks of it I broke his armor as well as his sternum, his armor may have reduced most of the damage that I've inflicted but even then, the damage to his body must be immeasurable considering that I shattered his armor and broke his sternum...He may be stronger then me, heck, even faster then me but when it comes to the human body and it's pressure points as well as techniques and experience from my family's martial arts teachings I can safely ensure myself that I can win...wait...

Craig:...green? What are you, a goblin?

Green man:how...dare you...this armor costed me a fortune!!!AND A GOBLIN?!IM A BLODY OGER!!!

The Green man was furious.

Craig:I suggest you get your money back as well as a better place to get your stuff, as I see it it's the consumers fault for purchasing something without testing it.

The green man got even angrier.He started to form a magic circle to Craig's surprise.


Craig(mind):I need to study this. How fast is the cast time?What is the speed of the projectile? What element is it? What is the range of the spell? Is it a singular,multiple or an AOE? Could it be a singular cast or multi cast? I need to know what I'm dealing with before I can plan an attack...Wait,how is he still standing?!Even if the adrenaline has kicked in I basically broke his sternum and cracked his ribcage!!!He shouldn't be standing!!!

Green man:TAKE THIS!!!

The green man started to form a spear of light and aimed it at Craig.

Green man:HOLY LANCE!!!

Craig knows that the lance is going straight for him, so he began to move when he saw the holy lance moved a bit as time slowed down.What Craig didn't know was that the lance was already about to hit him, but Craig got out of the way in time. As time started to move normally Craig witnesses the destructive capability's of the spell, his eyes widened a bit as he sees the explosion...it destroyed half of the crater as well as a couple of yards of land.

Craig:..neat trick.

Craig(mind):ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!THATS WAY MORE THEN I CALCULATED!!!...hmmm,as of right now that lance is easy to dodge.So now the question is how much strain does it inflict on the user as well as the cost of mana...energy? Whatever it is that fuels his power, I should be able to deal with him in his fatigued state.

When Craig looked at the green man. He was looking at Craig in disbelief and fear...

Green man:h-how...how are you that fast?!That spell was measured to be as fast as light!!!HOW?!

Craig:...it was light speed?

Craig(mind):WHAT?!YOUR TELLING ME THAT ATTACK WAS AS FAST AS LIGHT ITSELF?!THERE IS NO WAY IM THAT FAST!!!...wait...I see,I almost forgot the different speeds,one is thinking speed, two is travel speed, three is combat speed and lastly is reflex speed.The lances travel speed was that of light,my combat speed is above average human level, but not monstrous.My travel speed is almost as fast as the fastest track runner,but my thinking speed as well as my reflex speed has just been confirmed to be faster then light itself...I mean, I know that my reflexes were fast, but not to this scale...Plus that would explain why my tests never take that long regardless of the questions...

The green man got desperate as he summoned multiple lances...then he realized something with a grin...he turned his lances towards the unconscious woman as he gave out a victorious laugh.


Craig's eyes widened a bit as he ran towards the unconscious body.

Craig(mind):no...What am I doing? Even if I get in front of the lance it'll not only kill me, but the both of us as well, and make an even bigger crater. Not just that, he has more then one to throw in this enclosed space...I guess my body moved on its own to protect some defenseless life that was about to be taken away...I'm sorry dad...you have to bury your son as well...I'll tell mom you said hi...and all the amount of things you wanted to tell her before she died giving birth to me...I'll...be seeing you dad...

Craig got in front of the spears and attempt to protect the unconscious woman as his nervous habit kicked in.When the lances were inches away from his face they vanished as well as the other spears surrounding him.



Craig(mind):he didn't do that?but who-...wait...

Craig looked behind him to see that the unconscious body is missing.

Craig:...she disappeared?

Green man:WH-WHERE DID SHE-?!

???:over here oger.

The green man turned around to see the hybrid awakened with a ball of light in her right hand...her face wasn't giving off of any emotion as she crushed the ball.

Green man:I-IMPOSSIBLE!!!

The green man was fearing for his life as she placed two fingers together giving a sadistic smirk.

Hybrid:disappear to the afterlife, where there's a special place for you in hell, here, I'll guid you there myself.

As she snapped her fingers the man exploded into a gory mess. His guts and insides covered the entire crater...Craig's nervous habit wasn't replaced, but the inside of his mind is filled with fear...This was the first time he has seen someone die in front of him,especially how brutal it was.He wanted to throw up but he can't,he's paralyzed with fear as all of his survival instincts started to kick in, his senses had gotten more sensitive as well as his mind began to scramble on what to do.

Craig(mind):w-what am I going to do?! Was he right?! did I really ended man kind, what is she going to do to me?! She just snapped her fingers and he exploded!!! I-I can't escape,I'm dead...I-I've killed everyone!!! The guy I went head to head against didn't deserve that fate!!!

The hybrid then began to stare at Craig. She flinched a bit, but went back to her previous expression. She started to expand her wings. Then began hovering from the ground smiling calmly and chuckling. Then a light begins to form around her...As she begins to chant.

Hybrid:I am thou, thou art i, with this human that risked his own to protect me, I shall give him my body,my will, my life, my soul, my very being as a whole, I'll give him everything in my disposal to repay thous actions. The contract has been formed and my freedom belongs to thee...

She took a knee and placed her right hand where her heart is.

Hybrid:my name is Eve,and I am your eternal slave. Now and forever.

A collar began to form around her neck in a blinding light simultaneously chains connected to her collar started to wrap around Craig's right hand at the same time surprising him...All fear left him, his facial expression was blank but his eyes are a bit widened in shock.As the chains floated in front of them.

Eve:what is your bidding, my master...

Craig stares at her in complete silence.


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