
One Does Not Eventually Meet the End of their Path

Waking up he's now at the place where human's settlements could be near... The very surface. The Land!

Through his excitement, he yells from the top of his lungs "I'm back, World!"

Well, that actually happened but in reality. In the place where he actually is, that is...

He's underground.

Yelling loud like there's no tomorrow dirt flows into his mouth. Maybe the feeling of excitement or because the last thing he remembers when he passes out is that he's in the surface ocean not underground.

One might say that any human in that situation will die because not only they can't move they can't breathe underground. If only it's an average human that is.

What we're talking about here is Mike. The one who literally survive in the deepest part of the ocean. Pressure, lack of air, and facing a sudden unknown threat, Mike already face what you would call impossible.

Mike lately notices that he's underground and quickly takes an action to get out of the ground as he casually forces his way to the top without much of an effort.

Fortunately, the sun is still up in the sky so Mike can check his surroundings easily.


(My eyes!) Mike rolls down to the ground as he covers his eyes with his dirty hands. Because he lives in the darkness for years of course his eyes can't handle the sun's light.

Luckily, speed-up evolution kicks in helping his eyes to quickly adapt even only a little.

Giving a sigh of relief Mike stands up on the ground but only soon to fall with a thud.

He indeed survived from a harsh environment but because of that, his cerebellum lost its sense of balance from the surface.

Leaning towards the tree he pukes with not but air. He can't stand up properly so he checks the surroundings while lying down as he breathes deeply.

(This isn't what I expected from the surface. This is harder than living underwater!) Mike complained.

Mike takes a little breath on the surface and after a minute or so he feels dizzy for some reason.

He takes the surface's air too lightly. Realizing what's the problem he holds his breath. It might look stupid but he can hold it in for weeks.

(Alright, time to regroup my thoughts first.)

First problem: Air. It might take a while for him to completely adapt to the surface's air but for now, he can bear with it.

Second problem: Balance. Since there's no intense pressure blocking his every way, the shackles have finally been lifted off from his shoulders. However, since the sudden change of pressure, it backfires him.

(That's the only problem for now.) He looks at every corner of the place if he could describe where he's at, he wakes up in the forest.

Where in the world is he? One had thought. If he's indeed on the surface, surely people will immediately find him and rescue him but that might not be the case right now.

For god knows how long since he's in the deep ocean.

*Sneeze* A cute sneeze came out from Mike. Too late to notice, he's naked exposing his feminine body nature. For the first time, he feels conscious of his naked self even though he's been like that for years underwater.

Third problem: Compatibility. His body isn't used to the surface's temperature.

*Growl* After that a loud cute sound growls from his stomach.

(Looks like food is also a problem, huh. For now, I'll try walking slowly first.)

Setting up the track to his mind he immediately takes an action. To be honest this isn't what's in his mind when he got to the surface.

(I thought I would immediately eat some real stuff yet here I am... *sigh* Oh well, I got no choice.)

He tries to stand up while leaning his body to the tree. Standing up slowly he felt a weird surge of strange feeling come to his brain.

Mike feels exhausted just because of that.

However, his strive for food is the one keeping him going on.

(I can't go down yet without tasting anything!) He gritted his teeth.

Hunger is not something he would consider a big deal since he can pretty much endure everything and continue. But it's a different topic when he knows that he's near to real foods. His stomach and himself agree.

Through his glutton for food, he takes a step forward towards his goal.

Well... That's what you thought.

Mike is all in four as he pukes some dry air out from his empty stomach.

Even if one has resolved it's still far from being able to do it.

Wiping his saliva that drips from his mouth he takes another attempt.

He holds his breath once again.

(This is too much for me. Shit, just when I need Imuthis.)

Imuthis can help and guide Mike's thoughts so if he's here it will be easy to deal with this kind of problem.

It pretty much takes a half-day for Mike to be able to regain his sense of balance.

So, uh... Long story short. For the past hours, Mike experienced what you called mental exhaustion. Rolling around, dropping in all fours, and vomiting some dry air, repeat.

Having his sense of balance back he immediately takes another action.

"Now! Food!"

Sun is already gone as the darkness covers the whole place.

Taking this to his advantage he looks for a light to find human settlements.

Not a minute had passed he already found something within the dark.

He takes a leap, sprinting towards the light. Strangely even though he just regained his sense of balance just now he can already run. Is it because of the food?

Blindly getting hit by branches he doesn't give care to his surroundings only focusing on what's in front.

Getting near towards the light his sharp nose already catches a faint smell.

(Smell good!)

Saliva drips down unconsciously but he doesn't bother wiping it as he continues to run like he's chasing his prey.

*GROWL* His stomach encourages his owner to go all like it is conscious of his own.

His pace is fast, maybe faster than the fastest human runner years ago.

Before one could realize he already reaches the light.

Taking a step towards the light he saw a small bonfire. The light is coming from the bonfire.

At the top of the bonfire, there's a small size pot getting cooked.

The contents are unknown but through smell alone, one could tell that this is a fine dish.

Without further ado, not giving care to what's around him he immediately grabs the pot and puts it into his mouth. Yes, just a small heat from a bonfire can't burn him as he casually grabs the pot.

There are large chunks of dishes in the pot but he just gulps it all down. As expected from someone who literally eats a raw fish, eating the fish whole quickly.

For a long time Mike experience a luxury.

In the unknown forest where it's dangerous to go alone, Mike casually enjoys his food in the middle of the dark scary night.


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