
Aiko Yamato

6 foot 2, pot belly with a finely curled moustache and a scowl plastered on his face as he paces up and down his office, Kiluhua Kaminari glares at his office door as it swings open and a tall slim red-haired female with glasses walks through.

"You're Late, Yamato."

He scolds and she flinches ever so slightly before taking a seat. "That damn Ryujin won't be selling his companies anymore and after that stunt Tachibana pulled I will have to start updating my resume and I don't know if you've noticed, but I am not in shape to do so."

Yamato sits down listening to him rant on and on about investing in all the wrong places.

"How can I fix this mess?" He turns to her and she sighs grabbing his finger pricking it. She needs a person's blood for her ability to work.

"Over using my ability makes the results less accurate and predictions change. You're probably in this mess for that very reason." 

She looks at the blood sample and her eyes can see glimpses of potential evens, "Everything looks just great for you." She smiles and he nods in approval before dismissing her.

Yamato walks into her room and falls asleep. When she wakes up she checks the time feeling a headache.

She can't use her ability on herself and how Kaminari found out about her still confuses her she had not yet registered her ability when he approached her.

Her first class is in an hour, but the first day isn't really that important. She hears a few first years yelling outside. Last year it was her yelling all excited for her first day of college today she's agitated and wishes they'd shut up.

After an extra hour of sleep she spends her free time watching a movie only attending her second class.

Yuno spots Aiko walking into the class next door to hers, they lock eyes and she looks away immediately walking into hers nearly tripping on a male with a scarf walking slowly in front of her.

Tachibana said Setsuno was here so she texts him about spotting Aiko in the class next door, adding the classroom number in the end.

"Hey, aren't you Ken Tachibana's baby momma?"

Yuno turns her head at the blonde female who smiles with a bright smile that pisses Yuno off. She unconsciously uses her ability to slap water in her face.

Yuno looks ahead like nothing happened while all eyes are on her like she's an anomaly of sorts. Some people are just rude and call it blunt.

"Cat fights already? Man, college is seriously something else." The male with a scarf comments with a bad boy smirk plastered on his face.

Yuno ignores everyone in the room and after class tries to find Aiko. They bump into each other and her throat croaks, "Sorry I'm a little lost."

"It's cool, where are you going?"

Yuno looks around saying the first thing that comes to mind, "Cafeteria, I'm starving."

Aiko nods looking down at Yuno who's shorter than her. "You're in luck that's where I was going, we can go together."

Yuno clenches her jaw, part of her thinks this is too easy Aiko might already be onto her.

They sit in the cafeteria and Aiko sees the screensaver with Kai and Tori on her phone she recognises Tori instantly.

"That's my little brother and my Bobo, I miss him already." Yuno explains after noticing the curious look on Aiko's face, she did not mean to be so careless but she'll have to make it work.

Aiko watches her ramble none stop about Kai, Tori and Sensen with an excited look on her face, Yuno's mood brightened up from the moment she started talking about them and Aiko had already assumed Yuno was shy, "Is he your son?"

Yuno nods and shows her a video of Bobo that Tachibana sent Yesterday of him walking on his own, "He's 9 months old now I can't wait to see him this weekend."

Aiko raises a brow but Yuno missed it because she was staring at the screen with a proud look on her face, almost brought to tears by it.

Before they go their separate ways they exchange numbers.

Aiko sits in her room and makes a call to Kaminari. "You won't believe who I just bumped into today."

"Who is it?" The male asks walking on a treadmill on his end of the line.

"The mother of Ken Tachibana's mystery baby."

Kaminari stops in his tracks for a moment and slips on the treadmill accidentally stepping on a loose shoe lace.

Aiko covers her mouth. She saw this coming and felt it necessary to let it happen. The man works her like a slave forgetting that her ability is like any other part of her body, overworking it is unhealthy and self-destructive.

"I'll call you later I guess." She hangs up and goes about her day as normal lounging around doing nothing.

Kaminari broke his leg so after getting a cast he calls Yamato back, "What have you got for me?"

"This weekend she'll be …"

There's loud sounds from Aiko's end of the line and Kaminari gets frustrated because he wants to know what she was going to say.

Aiko rolls her eyes watching the group of drunk first year's messing around playing loud music.


She gets back to her call and talks about Yuno seeing Tori this weekend.

"Be a dear and offer to tag along. Once you're there send me your location I want to talk to her in person."

"Yes sir."

Tachibana watches Tori stare at his laptop. He's very curious on the reason why? His phone rings and Tori's head whips to the sound instantly.

He had to change his ringing tone twice, but Tori is no idiot it doesn't matter the ringtone when his phone vibrates the boy expects it to be Yuno and if It isn't he's going to throw a fit.

"Momo." Tori says and Tachibana gives him the phone and watches if he will figure out how to hold it up.

Tori holds it up by opening his hands and holding them together under the phone. He doesn't say much just seeing Yuno's face makes him smile.

Tachibana notices an email from Ryujin. He opens it and his face drops when he reads the message. He reads it 3 more times just to be sure he's reading it right.

Kaminari broke his leg and Ryujin mentioned Yuno now Kaminari is searching high and low for her because he does not want to be seen wearing a cast.

He contemplates quietly in his office and no matter how he slices the cake Kaminari coming into contact with Yuno so soon is not a good idea. He exploits people, he manipulates, he lies, he cheats and he destroys. He's the devil on earth.

He has a repetitive pattern of how he handles things. He always gets friendly with people until he finds something he can exploit and once he has his ammo he takes you out.

Hitori and Kai are under his care so he can make sure when it comes to them he has no openings to blackmail her unless Yuno has some secrets she's not sharing.

He looks the baby over and it hits him.

Hitori belongs to Yuno's sister she might be the one Kaminari goes after, but if he does that it won't really affect his plans all that much nor will it hinder Yuno's education.

People finding out about her will make things easier for him, though he's not sure how it will affect her.

His goal is to correct the way things operate at the top of the food chain in Japan. Kaminari is his biggest obstacle and also his greatest ally, he needs to think a bit longer on how he'll handle this.

"I'll be bringing Tori tomorrow. I won't be free this weekend and Sensen isn't around .." Tachibana stops talking when he catches Tori with the phone in his mouth not paying attention to the call.

"Fine, I'll just surprise you if you didn't hear me."


Yuno recieves a call in the evening and Tachibana is parked outside. She hurries out and he hands over Tori.

"I tried to tell you that I'm bringing him today, but someone was munching on my phone." Tachibana glares at Tori.

Yuno shakes her head, "I met Aiko yesterday and we talked. I told her Bobo is my son, think that was enough to set a trap?"

"I don't know, but don't let her get your blood and if you see Kaminari walk the other way. If you can't get out of it try something to get out of it.

"If he asks you to heal his leg heal only heal his leg and leave. In fact mess around with his insides and give him severe diarrhoea if you can." He says before he leaves.

Yuno goes to her room excited to spend time with Bobo. There's a knock on her door and she opens it to find Aiko grinning at her.

"Was wondering if you wanted to go out to the mall with me, I promise you it will be fun." Aiko invites.

Yuno turns and looks at Bobo and a time out would be fun, "Give me an hour or two, I'll be ready in an instant."

They go out together and Yuno takes Bobo shopping going from one shop to the next.

"You trying to buy the whole mall?" Aiko asks exhausted when they enter another shop.

"If I had the money for it I would. I'm done though, want to stop for a light meal?"

Aiko nods and they walk into a restaurant. Tori reaches for the table cloth and pulls on it causing the spices and peppers to fall over. His sneezing fit causes people to stare as he freezes the table cloth.

Yuno picks him up and wipes his nose making sure he's okay. Tori lays his head on her shoulder.


She turns around and glares at her sister, "Hey, I think we should get our food to go, Bobo needs a nap."

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