
Chapter 38

Danny spent the night in medical so waking him with games and noises wasn't happening. Today was going to be the first true test of our skills down here. We go head to head with THE Susan Wilhelm. Its five o'clock in the morning, couldn't sleep, my nerves got the best of me throughout the night.

"Wake up Danny." A gentle shove seemed appropriate.

Danny sat straight up as if I were the monster in his nightmare he just couldn't seem to run fast enough to get away from. He looked literally like a large piece of shit that could breathe and talk. Little does he know, after Wilhelm falls, he will too, by my hands.

"Get to my office, you have three minutes." I instructed.

He hadn't spoken a word to me, I didn't get a good morning, I didn't get a fuck you, nothing. That pissed me off the most. He was still trying to fight with the change that was going to take place, even though there was no possible way it plays out any other way.

Upon exiting medical, I notice my woman standing right in front of me. Her body, her face, so perfect. She knew I was stressing and I had been up all night pretty much.

"Good Morning gorgeous!" I announced.

She smiled, "Morning baby, what do you need, what can I get for you?"

I replied quickly, "No meds, gotta stay fresh today, sharp and quick. Today we start a revelation down here and we also eliminate a very bad and evil person. I want to enjoy this to the fullest."

"You sure Gregg?" She said as she cheated! Holly was slowly pulling up her very tight white v neck, every inch exposing more and more skin.

I grabbed her hands and held them in my own, "I want you more than anything, but today, today I need more than anything."

She embraced me and kissed my cheek, "Let's do this Gregg."

"Get Mills and make sure Danny makes his way in here please." I asked.

While waiting for the troops to arrive, I was brain storming my own way of making this work out. I knew she couldn't come with any security or secret service because we "don't" exist. She would be utterly helpless once down here, we just needed to make sure Danny didn't scare her off or warn her in some way.

I instantly remembered a machine that The Boss showed me the first day I was down here. This machine attaches to the human body and basically taps into the vocal cords. It runs like a script of sort. We tell it what it wants to hear, at the correct pitch and voice level and the machine is just along for the ride. However, if you vary from the script or pitch, the machine sends a tiny electric charge to the host's vocal cords. This disables the vocal cords until the host can get back on track. Now it does have an override so we can choose to let it shock or let the conversation continue.

The team enters my office, Danny sits at the desk and Holly and Mills stay standing.

I start off, "Alright team, we have three and a half hours to make a plan for Wilhelm. The main part of the plan is convincing her that we are deceased down here. Danny will be the escort obviously. That is very important for you to understand Danny; you are going to basically lead her to her death, clear?"

Danny nods his head in agreement.

I hold up the voice box debilitator, "This device will be attached to you, in this box will be a digital script of everything you are to say during your interactions with Wilhelm. If she asks you a question, you can nod but if you speak you will receive an electric shock, disabling your ability to talk for up to thirty seconds, clear?"

Danny nods his head in agreement but a little more cautiously this time. It was clear he was becoming very unsettled.

I continue, "So, Danny boy, all you have to do it record yourself reciting what we are going to put on paper. Once you have done that, the device will be attached to your body and the next words you speak had better be on that script or you're going to be shocked as a motherfucker! Clear?"

Danny shuffles in his chair with every word, realizing he will be unable to even activate the most human of emotions with his vocal cords. If she says I love you, he can't say it back. If they kiss and he moans even the slightest he will be internally shocked directly on his vocal cords.

I hold up a piece of paper, a pen and I point to my wrist, "We need to get this written in an hour so we can input and test the information prior to her visit at nine o'clock."

Mills brought up an excellent suggestion while we were brainstorming, "We could send up eight vials of blood with Danny at the introduction phase of this mission symbolizing all of us, the agents, The Boss and the councilor. A little false proof to ease the tension."

Holly and I agreed, "Perfect idea, she needs to be relaxed if our boy Dennis is going to really have his way with her."

I nodded, "Good, more ideas like that.

We used the entire hour collecting lines for the script and placing them in spots that made the most sense to us and for Danny. Even with the override, we had to be very cautious because too many shocks could send up red flags to Wilhelm. The script that was input reads as follows:

Good Morning Susan. It's so good to see you. I'd like to start off by showing you this, eight vials of blood, each one representing an occupant of the empty level below.

Before we go down I want to warn you, things got a little messy. As you can tell by the sight of my pinkies missing and my compound fracture. The agents really are monsters.

Never-the-less, Mission was accomplished and all is right with the world. Shall we proceed?

It's not a long script but it was precise and to the point. This should allow us the ability to get her down here without raising any suspicion and lead her directly into Dennis Rader's room.

We each gave blood, twice, to make up for the lack of eight people being down here and to keep agent interaction to a minimum. The script was input via USB cable into the voice box and it was attached to Danny's right hip, behind his back. Now for the rough part, two small incisions were made between his ears and his jaw, the soft spot on each side that leads down to the Adam's apple and voice box area.

The cords were so small and so precise that they just appear to be hairs growing from a pore on the skin, that old bat Wilhelm probably couldn't see that well anymore, with the eye patch and all. The incisions and cords were sealed with a flexible super glue compound, not visible to the human eye.

Now that Danny was prepped, we had to do a run through to make sure the machine was calibrated and everything would flow smoothly during this mission. Holly was volun-told to be Wilhelm and Danny was Danny.

Holly and Danny are standing in front of each other to simulate a face to face, "Alright guys do it for real because I will shock the shit of out of Danny. I mean it; Danny is going to get shocked even if you mess up Holly."

Holly turned and said, "Ok, I'm…"

Danny flinched in agony; I shocked him, "Dammit that was a test Holly and you weren't supposed to respond. You're Wilhelm now. Sorry Danny, you good? Ready?"

I couldn't hold the laughter in and I didn't try too hard. Danny had to know he was going to get a test shock right?

Danny started, "Good Morning Susan. It's so good to see you."

To which Holly replied, "My name ain't Susan, it's Holly!"

I looked at Danny, "Rules are rules." He doubled over in torturous amounts of pain, while rest of the room laugh at Holly's shenanigans.

"Ok team, let's do it for real. Danny, good? Are you getting the message here? At any point you can and will be shocked. You need to get her down here on our turf so we can't be ambushed or trapped or tricked. Clear?"

Again, Danny and his head nodding.

I looked at the clock, "Alright, it's eight o'clock, we have one hour to work out the bugs and get set."

Just as I announced that to the team the motion sensor goes off for the barn, just like before. Upon checking the surveillance cameras, guess who arrived early. Old bat probably couldn't tell time anymore.

I didn't panic, "Danny! Get over here and get your shirt on. Holly, make sure he has the vials! Mills, escort Danny through the garage and put him in the elevator!"

Danny slowly and gingerly buttoned up his shirt as the red phone rang out, "you better hurry up motherfucker and get to that fucking phone or I'm going to kill you then fuck you and kill you again." I couldn't help myself.

We both sprinted to the red phone and I motioned to my brain, telling Danny to be smart. I drew my weapon and put it to his temple as he answered the phone. I waved to Mills and pointed to the remote box for the voice controller.

I whispered, "This'll be unscripted I'm sure. Listen close."

Danny grabbed the phone, "Yes?"

A male voice came through the speaker, "Susan is here and ready to come down, activate the elevator."

Danny replied, "Yes sir."

Now we're scrambling, Susan brought someone with her. We hustled to the camera screen and pulled up the barn. Two black vehicles with blacked out windows were parked side by side in the barn.

I called out to Holly, "Switch the camera to heat signature please!"

"Done!" Holly shouted back.

Mills counted while I lead Danny to the elevator, "We have 7 targets, 3 in the vehicles and 4 out of the vehicles! Wilhelm is not confirmed yet!"

I had a plan here and I know it's wrong but I'm doing it anyways, "We're not going to send Danny up! We can contain this if they enter on their own! Send the elevator up, but put a car in it. That way they have to enter on foot and won't be driving in here on us."

Mills rushed off to the elevator to knock that order out, now we are literally down to the seconds here. Holly manned the camera while activating the weapons shelf behind her. I grabbed Danny and dragged him back towards the Agent's rooms. I'm going to unleash Gacy and Jeffrey to help us. I'm going to release B.T.K. to sneak in and steal the girl out from under the secret services' feet.

Gacy had never been out of his room before and judging by the way he fucked the farmer and me for that matter, I was nervous he would go berserk on us instead of the enemies. The pressure is really on and I have to maintain control of Danny, use the key card for the agent's doors and enter all three codes. I don't have the time I need for this.

I swiped Jeffrey's first and punched in his code, 2-0-3-1-4-5-6-5-12-0-8-5-3-8, "Jeff, I need you buddy. Go to Holly and she can put you where you need to be. We are under attack. Oh, by the way, can I trust you with this?" I slapped a hand cuff onto Jeff's wrist and the other one on Danny's wrist.

It was a bold move, I had yet to fully decide if I was going to kill Danny after all this or if we needed him after all was said and done but logical thought took too much time, "Jeff, don't eat him please."

Danny pissed himself, on the floor it looked like water; it wasn't yellow or brownish, at least Danny wasn't dehydrated. Jeff held Danny in front of him like a human shield and I think I heard him try to strike up conversation as they waddled in Holly's direction.

Holly shouted out, "Seven in the elevator! Wilhelm confirmed. It's on its way down, thirty seconds."

I scrambled frantically to B.T.K.'s room, swiped the badge and entered his code, 8-4-6-9-7-2-3-5-4-0-0-4-7-8-5, "Dennis, hey buddy, time to wake up. I have a gift for you. I'm going to leave your door open; you come out and try to snag the little old lady from all the bad men that are coming in. Deal?"

B.T.K. smiled and said, "Deal Gregory. Are we ok?"

I replied, "No, but you'll be fine. Kill the old lady, take your time and do it right. Make her suffer how you know to make people suffer."

Holly shouted out, "Fifteen seconds!"

I rushed to Gacy's door, swiped my badge and started to enter his unique code, 4-3-1-0-4-6-7…I stopped halfway through the sequence because I was genuinely nervous he would destroy all of them and all of us before he could be contained.

Holly shouts for the final time, "We're breeched! Prepare!"

I shrugged my shoulders and said fuck it, 4-3-1-0-4-6-7-8-2-2-0-4-7-6-8, "Gacy, do the right thing here buddy. Kill the six men that are entering the facility to try to kill you. Leave the woman alone and leave my team alone, clear?"

Gacy just smiled and happily jumped around in place, "Play time, play time, play time."

At this point, the six secret service men had entered the main facility and had taken positions to surround and protect the seventh visitor. The only problem was, they were all exposed.

I gave Gacy one final order, "Don't come out until you hear screams and or gunfire."

I slowly crept back to where I could see the secret service and Wilhelm. My team had taken up hiding spots behind desks and dump-offs in the hallways. Everyone on my side was concealed and ready for the action to come.

Slowly and methodically the secret service agents in front, three of them, began to sweep the main room. Danny and Dahmer were hiding behind the short end of a desk in the middle of the room and were very close to be discovered.

The four remaining secret service guys formed a perimeter around Wilhelm so she was protected from all sides. Mills had taken up a hiding spot closest to me, I could see him and he could see me. I motioned to him to take the three down before Danny was discovered.

Just as he was about to fire, Danny jumped up from hiding and said, "Good Morning Susan. It's so good to see you."

The three sweepers instantly aimed on him as Susan tried to calm their nerves. She exited the perimeter of her man made barrier to acknowledge her friend, her lover. As she was about to make initial contact with Danny, Dahmer jumped up from his hiding spot, which happened to be the same as Danny's due to the handcuffs.

All seven agents then converged on Danny and Dahmer's location and had them surrounded, "Listen Su…"

Danny had been shocked by the voice box controller. He yelled out in pain and Jeffrey tried to recover for him, "Hello Susan, Secretary of Defense for the President of the United States, how is your day going?" Dahmer adjusted his glasses as he said this because the sweat from his forehead was cause a negative reaction to the traction of his glasses to his nose.

I was so focused on Danny and Dahmer that I completely missed the fact that B.T.K. had begun his stalk. We were about as fucked as we could be right now. Every one of my people began to converge on the six secret service agents. Holly came out from the dump-off, Mills came out from the corner and I stepped out and placed myself in line with a large white pillar for my protection.

I proudly announced, "Surprise! Welcome to the party Susan Wilhelm! You were only allowed a plus one not a plus six. Where will I seat all of these fine men?"

All of the attention began to distribute throughout the room as the secret service realized they had just stepped out into a trap.

Wilhelm smugly said, "Kill these two." Pointing at Danny and Dahmer.

I jumped in, "Wait a second, who the fuck do you think is in charge here?!"

As those words left my mouth, the bullets began to fly; Jeffery and Danny hit the floor but all six secret service men were killed in the exchange, Holly was responsible for three and Mills got his three too. Where the fuck did Susan go? No one saw her get shot and no one saw her move from her spot but she was nowhere to be found.

I turned to look at the agent's rooms only to see Gacy in full sprint, titties bouncing and flopping around, heading right towards me. Luckily I spotted him and got out of the way but Danny wasn't so lucky. Gacy landed in a sort of six-nine position on him. His sweaty dick, balls and ass crack were all over Danny's face, mouth, nose, everywhere.

While that went down, I search for Susan. I walked into the agent's area only to see B.T.K. had swooped in and taken her in between all the gun fire and death. He had her in his room and the door was sealed shut.

I called out, "Wow! Dennis got his girl!" Only to look down on the floor and see that Jeffrey still hadn't gotten up. I rushed over and took the handcuff off of his wrist. He was white as a ghost but still breathing.

"HELP! Holly, Mills! Help!" I was frantic. Jeffrey was the only agent down here that would talk to me like a human being. He was the only agent that didn't come off as a fucking monster.

We pulled him out into the middle of the floor and ripped off his shirt. The blood in his throat was gurgling loudly and he was convulsing as if someone were yanking at his chest like they were trying to start a lawn mower. A quick look at his upper torso showed multiple 9mm entry wounds.

Mills and Holly stepped back as I leaned in, tears flowing, and grabbed my dying agent's head, "Jesus Christ! Jeffrey, this is not how it was supposed to happen!"

Our eyes met as I sat beside him, holding his head in my lap. Our eyes met and the connection was something I'd never felt before. His eyes were so different, they were light brown but now they were almost fully black. I maintained this moment up to his very last breath, Jeffrey passed away in my arms, on my lap in the middle of my division.

Right before his soul passed through his eyes concreting his death, Jeffrey had one more message to pass on to me, "Make it look like an accident."

Obviously that statement didn't come out as clearly as you just read it. The gurgling and frantic breaths caused to become barely audible but I heard him. Make it look like an accident? I scan the room with all the bullet holes and secret service men down; the Secretary of Defense is in the cell with the B.T.K. How the hell can I make this look like an accident?

Holly began to clear all the guns from the secret service men and Mills took Gacy back to his cell. Danny was still lying on the floor, cum and sweat all over his face with his dick hanging out of his pants. I couldn't move, my body was shut down in a state of shock that I had never felt before.

I was holding a dead serial killer's head in my lap and sobbing like I had just lost my mother, again. The memory seems sick to me now but in that moment, that exact moment in time, I had just lost one of my most loyal team members. I had just lost one of the two people down here I could actually talk to and have an intellectual conversation with.

Is this what the end really holds for us? Is this really how we all are going to go out? Certainly the President will hear of our actions, nuke the entire area thus eliminating any remnants of our sad existence down here. So many thoughts are running through my mind, all thoughts except for the logical ones that provide solutions to complex problems.

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