
Jiang Yun [Character Art At Chapter End]

As the voice echoed throughout the hall, it made many heads turn.




The uneven rhythm of footsteps rang as a group of disciples entered the Hall.

All attention was upon them. 


All attention was upon the disciple leading them.

The halo around Yuan Shuchun and Jun Xie seemed to dim in his presence.

Whispers rang through the hall as the older disciples identified this disciple.

It didn't take more than a few moments for people to react as a big commotion ensued.

"Is that really Jiang Yun!?"

"Jiang Yun… damn, I never knew I would get to meet him!"

"He's my idol, dude."

"Who's idol is he not!? Even one percent of his talent is enough to make you a core disciple; we can't even comprehend how powerful he really is."

"It really is Jiang Yun.. ah!"

"Guys, is this not another illusion, right?"

"Wha- another illusion?"

"Fuck, not again!"

Chapitre suivant