

We danced for what seemed like hours and it was enormously enchanting to be out here with him, to have all things back in their place, to have the UNIVERSE on my side after all I've been through. The months, the days without him now only seem like a nightmare that I've finally woken up from

"How's it like to be back?" I asked Taehyung as we walked back to sit down after being worn out of dancing.

"Surreal." He sighed and chuckled rubbing the back of his head and I giggled in agreement. Afterall that had happened, all that had taken place, those events constrained our minds from thinking that we could ever get back like this, that things could ever get back to normal.

"But let it be, we're back and that's all that matters, just like you told me earlier." He chuckled and pecked me before staring into my eyes.

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