
Delina's lost desire

"I need an advocate, in some form or another," I explain, looking down to where the tiny little angel waits expectantly at my order. So small, so fragile, and yet... under these veins this little angel has immense power brewing, a power ignited by the flame and the will of her people. It is a potential in all angels that I would largely not like to be wasted.

"I know she is only young but such a benefactor could be useful to our cause in fighting Azrael. Serena wanted this more than anything else, we need her people on our side if we are going to win this war, there is no other way about it."

It is at this moment that Delina's whole body freezes, a shudder of understanding trembling through her. From glancing between the flame and Dawn, and then me, her eyes growing impossibly wide. Trembling, she shakes her head, backing up a little into the shadows of the room.

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