
To live or die?

To that we all nod in joint agreement. It is true, after all, that while we are the most convenient souls for Azrael's picking (largely due to our handy proximity to him), we are not the only ones. If he fails to capture us here and take out souls, I have no doubt that Azrael- in the sneaky and devious way that is befit of any treacherous wretch, will merely move on to another victim, another soul, content on plucking theirs until he has all five... In some form or another. The thought it enough to send shivers shuddering down my spine, my mouth souring at the thought.

Before now I had often found myself wrapped up in my own affairs to really consider the matter properly, but now looking at it in retrospect, the reality of the situation hits me like a punch to the gut. An unspoken foreboding lingers in the air between us all.

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