
The dream

Once upon a time, when the world of Faey was first realised, and the stars were mere twinkles among the vast expanse of the sky, there was a lone god who wandered the vast perimeters of the world, seeking his way through the lands to give purpose to life that flowed there. And every night he would leap from land to land, tree to tree, star to star, through river and sky, giving life to his creation with each touch of his immortal hand. To him, Faey was the picture of perfection: a land without discord, a slice of harmonious magnificence.

But at this time in the span of his immortal life, there were no other gods to bring solace to the ache inside him, for try and try as he might, no fairy, no elf nor nymph nor angel could alleviate the loneliness in his heart: the god was immortal, and in a world of death and decay, there was no place for a god.

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