
Basketball club

A/n: fucking forgot to put the past two chapters in a different volume.....

After listening to a boring lecture, since it's all about the things they learned in middle school. hideo left and went to the principal's office. Being late at the second day of school and his first impression to the club members might drop as it seems like he has a big ego to not even show himself to join the club in the morning.

"Sorry...there is something that I had to do and it really was important to me.."

"We get it, but make sure to not make their first impression of you to go down"

"I got it..."

Leaving the office, he went to the basketball court. Looking at it he found out that it was bigger than the mahouka one that they got. Since he was a little late, there are already a lot of people. He looks towards the corner with a big glasses by on the wall. He was confused as he didn't notice it. Soon a lot of girls and boys came out of it. One of them is that 'bitch idol' and one of them is that 'asshole' aito.

'So there is a dance club.... and that asshole is in it as well, huh? He's probably targeting that 'bitch idol'...'

Looking at all of them he also noticed most of them are good looking, the girls and the boys. But he found it that all the girls looks good.

Hidoe wanted to attack her with his 'pheromone' but couldn't as they are too far away from him. He could only see them from far away, since he had a stats of a super human.

Soon some members of the club put on a big green net, making the ball impossible to flew into the other club, hitting them.

There are a lot of entrance and way out, but he found it kind of dumb to design it this way.

'Why didn't they just made a seperate ones? Instead of making a big one....'

The biggest one is the basket ball court as it cover half of it.

A/n: for those who want more detail, basically the badminton, volleyball and dance clubs are placed in the stage in the corner. While the basketball is more towards the gate while the middle is serve as a full court for them.

Noticing this detail hideo couldn't help, but sigh as it may be bigger and makes it easier for the clubs to have activities everyday. He was pretty frustrated with the design, but found it a little interesting as he could see what the other clubs are doing and he can start to get in aito's way to get to the 'bitch idol'

Soon, some of the seniors and other members that is planning to join arrived.

"Is this hideo?"

"Hehe, he is pretty well built! I can't wait to have fun with you!"

"Ye-yeah!" Hideo answered nonchanantly.

Soon all the members lined up, hideo made a surprised look as he notice ichinose. She looks down, fidgeting as she approach hideo.

"S-surprise!" She said timidly making hideo smile.

"Yeah! I'm surprised! But I would be more happy if you didn't dodge me trying to surprise me..."

"Mou! You didn't tell me that you were gonna go to this school. If ryouka and the others didn't tell me I wouldn't have gone here...."

Pouting as she hit hideo's chest lightly. His senpais couldn't help but be jealous of him.

'I guess I didn't told her!'

Patting her head, he got closer to her ear then whispered "well, I will give you something that you want..."

"R-really? Promise me!" Ichinose said cutely as she shows a bright smile.

"I promise!"

She giggled as she felt hideo's hand rubbing her head.

'What is with her? She became cuter...'

Hideo and the others start changing to their sports shirts.

They start introducing themselves, ichinose applied as a manager. Since she knew hideo would go in the basketball club, she figured out that she would join in as a manager again.

"I'm asayama mikoto! Nice to meet you hideo! We heard a lot about you! We are looking forward to your performance!"

As a manager mikoto already watched the tournament videos with the coach.

"Okay! Now that we introduced ourselves! Let's have a practice match! The first year will be against the third and second year! Do the stretching first!"

"Let's go!"

Ichinose starts to give the practice jersey out as well as mikoto.

Walking towards hideo, ichinose touch his hand sneakily as she smiled at him.

Putting it over his shirt they start their stretches.

Noticing the senpai looking at him intently as if they can't wait to have a match with him.

'What is happening? Why did they're personalities changed too much? I remember ichinose to be more reserved and would not be straightforward for what she want. Ryouka became more bold as well as shiori...'

Hidoe sighed then focus on stratching. He tried to keep up with their slow pace as he could literally run a long distance and he won't be tired.

"Yosha! Let's go!"


Starting practice hideo decided to let them score first making them confident in their skill. Soon enough they couldn't score as hideo kept scoring while making his team score as well by passing it to them.

"Score! 90-70! First year won!"

At the side, aito look at him with amazement and frowned as he look at ichinose hugging hideo.

"I'm still sweaty"

"I don't care! You are amazing!"

"Tch! He is too good man! We couldn't keep up with him!"

"Well, he is on our team now. So we don't have to worry."

The team captain runs up to him and said "good game! I'm looking forward to playing with you!"

"Me, too senpai!"

Soon the coach called them as he started his speech on how they can improve and how they needed more practice to keep up with hideo.

"As it's only the second day of the school, we can't use the gym for a long time. If it reach five and half pm, stop practicing and make sure to lock the changing room"

"Yes coach! Thank you for the advice coach!"

As soon as the coach left they started to have a one vs one.

"How did you became so good?"

"Talent and hard work?"

He Shrug his shoulder to the team member's question as he doesn't know how to answer it.

A/n: too sleepy! I can't....I'm dying! Gonna do a double chapter tomorrow as this is too short of a chapter! Sorry for the short chapter....i thought I still have the energy to write 3k words

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