
1 Vs 3

Moreover, there was also this sense of servitude within her that kept reminding her that a servant should never make any movement on his or her master, this was something Min Hong had unknowingly induced within her the last time he went all out in his death match with Zi Kun and Chi Zheng…

Thus she was currently caught in two minds; one wanting her to satisfy her innermost desires, with the other not wanting to be too forward causing her to stare into Min Hong's eyes with massive amounts of yearning, like every fiber of her being was begging Min Hong to make the first move on her, so she could at least have a leverage to claim that he wooed her into it, if anything ends up happening, that is…

But Min Hong wickedly kept her in the edge as he noticed that though she really wanted him to kiss her right now, she could actually hold her emotions in check and also boldly give him a hint to do it…

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