
Training again, and... meeting?

∆ Part 1

The next morning I was awakened by Kaa-san since she was worried for the state of my body.

Apparently I was covered in sweat all over. I did find it harder to communicate with He(?) but I did not think it would affect my body for real.

Kaa-san left to continue making breakfast after making sure I was perfectly fine.

I still could not put my head around the things he(?) said about power or not. I can barely understand that I will probably be able to use magic, and that my ability to handle Ki will improve somewhat. For the other things... I don't know that much, although what he(?) regarding me seeing, I guess that is easy enough to give it try.

But for now, I have a more important business to focus.

The person who cursed Kaa-san. In this particular world there are bunch of bunch of psychos going around and causing troubles wherever they go. That makes it hard to guess which one could've done.

But I can't tell her about it, her child had died at that time. Even if she never got him, she would probably be saddened by the news.

Still, I need to know more about the incident where she got cursed... perhaps Yasaka-san will know.

"Nora-chan, breakfast is ready". I heard Kaa-san from the kitchen.

Well, for now... let's eat. I have not eating anything since yesterday at lunch.


Today's lunch was more than what Kaa-san usually makes.

Every dish looks very appetizing.

Steamed rice, grilled fish, miso soup, even tamagoyaki (rolled omellette). The quantity is rather high this time.

They usually taste very good, although once in a while, Kaa-san gets affected by her hidden, or not so hidden, airheaded and klutz attributes. The effects can vary every time. One of the most common mistakes is usually confusing salt with sugar, or vice-versa. That is why, I always have to be prepared to any kind flavor.

In my previous life I never had the change to taste Japanese style food, so the first time she gave food like that I was curious. I had long heard of the combination of flavors and had an idea what to expect. That is why I was taken by surprise when something I thought it was suppose to be salty, tasted very sweet instead.

Putting aside my inner struggles, Kaa-san just smiled while offering me a seat.

I guess that not much has changed. I am glad.


Finishing our breakfast (lucky day, everything tasted normal), I was helping Kaa-san clean the table when I decided to ask for a few things.

"Kaa-san, Can we talk for a moment?". I said.

She glanced at me curiously and stopped cleaning the dishes.

"Hmmm, Is it about yesterday?". She asked.

I smiled bitterly at her tone filled with concern. She might be acting normally, but I guess that she still has that in her mind.

"Yes, you could say that. I think that now that you know more about me, it will be easier to ask for a couple of things. I have two requests for now, if that is alright with Kaa-san". I told her.

"Just ask me anything". She said.

She was just going to do what I ask to. Kaa-san, please hear me first before accepting like that.

"Please do wait for me to tell you first what I want, and don't go saying something like that so easily. You don't know if I have wicked thoughts and I will be asking you bad things". I told her firmly.

I am worried that a bad man will trick her if she is like that all the time.

"Ohhhh, you will ask me that? Oh, what should I do?". Said Kaa-san in a mock-worried tone.

Forget about worrying about her. If she can tease you like that... she will be ok. Probably.

"Heh Heh, don't worry about it. I will not say this to anyone. You are my child and I trust you". Explained Kaa-san.

I have never been good at handling the teasing of others.

So I will use the mighty... 'change the subject'.

"Kaa-san, I would like to help me publish something". I started to explain.

It was noting complicated, I was planing to use a slightly(highly) low-handed method of taking advantage of my knowledge of different works of fiction to publish them here. At the end, I feel like I should repay Kaa-san and Yasaka-san(not like I told her that, I was just asking because it was one of my regrets, or so I told her), I don't think my abilities to write stories will be enough to give them what I think they deserve. So I will use the other method I had. Well, I will still be writing my own manuscripts so perhaps that would be an unexpected harvest(hope so).

Not only I explained to her what I wanted to do... I also asked from writing supplies. Particularly... a laptop. Although I could work by writing it using paper, I think using technology here would be more helpful for my second request. It would save me time.

"That should be it... Is it possible?. I think about it starting little by little, but I can't do that on my own. So...". I said.

At the end of my explaination I felt slightly nervous, this would cause them many troubles

"Regrets you had huh... I see. I guess you wish to fullfit them this time. It should be easy to arrange, but I will be asking Yasaka-chan help for this one since I am not too versed in technology. You shouldn't worry about asking, you know. I actually had a worry when you were little, you never asked for anything in particular. After hearing all that yesterday, I understood the reason. But, even though you have lived more years than what your body can tell... You should never forget that I will do everything I can to help you". She seriously said.

I see... well, I won't say anything then.

"That takes me to my second request, I would like to continue the trai-". I started to tell her but I was could of by her.

"Not going to happen". Said Kaa-san with a look that would not accept any further compromise.

"But you said...". I tried to counter her but...

"This is this and that is that. Don't even think about it". Ultimately said Kaa-san before standing up.

This is troubling, I might need to try harder to convince her.


...I managed to convince her after four hours of hard work... and various compromises.

She was not going to use the same method with the Senjutsu healing bullets. Kaa-san explained that as I am now, that method would ended causing me problems when I grow up.

I could only accept the idea albeit reclutantly. I think that training was perfect because it covered several areas, but Kaa-san should be reclutant to try it even though I am not a young child on the inside.

Instead, she kept the part where I exhaust myself, while making me recover naturally the fastest I can by relying on my own Ki, or just by letting time pass.

After talking her about the problem I had with the speed of recovering... she gave a bow and an quiver of arrows, leaving me dumbfounded. Kaa-san then explained that I needed a better control in Ki if I wanted to increase my recovery speed. The idea of the bow and arrows consisted in me adding particular amount of Ki to reinforce the arrow. Making every arrow contain differential amount would lead me to control better how much I use. The thing is that I needed to keep in check my recovery rate to last as much time as possible doing it without stopping.

I asked her why I could not try using pure Senjutsu bullets but... she just told me that I should only mention it when I have good enough control to transform easily into my cat form.

The topic was not mentioned again because... I would have to train in that a lot.

One of the compromises required me to sleep in my cat form with Kaa-san now and then. Apperently she was somewhat lonely that I was no longer doing it at my age.

I could only reclutantly accept I was asking too much from her. Although I blame my slow speed in ending the topic because Yasaka-san overheard us and demanded the same reward in payment for her help at training. Not like I was that against staying with a beautiful woman... but I was suppose to stay as a cat.

Perhaps I let it show on my face too much, but Yasaka-san told me I could even doing in my regular form.

The answer I gave her to that... I will keep as a secret between my heart for now.

Other than all those things, I guess that continuing with training with Yasaka-san was the thing did not advance too much for a while. As the leader of Youkais(she has never told me in a direct manner), she has duties to take care of. Whenever she comes by is because she rush to take care of things but it is not possible to do everytime.

During those times, I focused on writing. I never had such a good memory so I had to do my best to get out of my head all the ideas regarding the light novels and mangas I had before I had forgotten them.

In that manner, time passed by.

∆ Part 2

-Time skip, 1 year

Sitting on a log just outside the house, I was thinking about my new training.

On my right side there was there was a sack full of... seeds. In front of me, a number of pots with plants of different sizes.

Some of this plants seem healthy, but for the most part they were dried have a weird shape, and the fault of that lies not with the quality of the seeds but... me.

A little over a month ago, Kaa-san decided to add to my training her use of Senjutsu to heal. You could say she was teaching me her craft.

She took part of the time I used to write which I accepted since there were not many news regarding the few manuscripts I handed a few month prior, leaving me with a bit of free time.

I never had any problem trying to aid my recovery of fatigue so I thought it was going to be easy but Kaa-san spotted a problem once we started to train.

In simpler terms, my Ki was not 'gentle' enough. Which after a couple of checks from her part... she located the problem at the root of Ki. Inside my inner world or however you might want to call it.

Over the years, I kept compressing my Ki as I gathered it and absorved it.

But the rate which I gathered Ki became much more during this time due the little changes He(?) did.

This led to raising the amount I had rather quickly, and every time the ball... or let us call it 'orb'. Every time the orb of Ki increasing in size too much, I would do my best to compress it further.

Now then, what is the problem?. Well, I could use easily use Youjutsu spells due me having got used to it. But now learning a new technique became much harder because even a 'little' of it was much more quantity that I needed.

Apparently, I just raised the quality too much for me to use some techniques.

To avoid further problems, Kaa-san made this practice for me. Stressing the 'life energy' of Ki, I had to help the plants grow with my Ki.

The first time I tried this... I wasted one entire sack without making a single one sprout.

Considering trying to change my orb of Ki... Kaa-san 'kindly' advise me to stop playing around.

She told me how the process I did is used a lot by being of certain level of power. Because if they let their Ki, Demonic power, Magical power, or Light power, keep growing in size inside their inner world, it would make it harder to keep track of it.

The difference from me is that they have years under their belt regarding the control of their power.

At the end, while my level of Ki might look weak because of the size, the quality proves that I am stronger.

But I decided to not care about any of that, they are they and I am I. I just had to train and practice more to fix the problem.

Taking another seed and inserting it in the pot, I proceeded to make it sprout when...

"Nora-chan, Can you please come to the house for a moment?. I heard Kaa-san calling me.

Thinking it was odd for her to stop my training like that, I went to see what she wanted.

Inside the house, Kaa-san and Yasaka-san awaited for me.

"Nora-chan, Nora-chan! Your manuscripts were a big hit!". Happily said Kaa-san.

That is a good news... although I have sent a good number of them.

I did not remember word by word each light novels or manga I read, so I had to be a little creative. I kept apologizing in my mind to authors while I wrote, so I hope they forgive me.

"Which one was it...? I sent five". I said

Indeed, over the course of the year I sent a big number of ideas which were rejected for the most part.

You must never underestimate the industry.

"There were three of them, the story of the detective kid, the exorcist, and the treasure hunter". Answered Yasaka-san.

Really? Wow, from those three one was my original one and not someone else's work.

"Nora-chan, two of them even made it over seas. They were liked by a lot of people(youkais) we know". Said Kaa-san.

That is even better. But... to be liked by the youkais...

"That is good but... You are speaking about those three in particular?". I asked.

"They really liked the story about the exorcist. They said how having a non-human protagonist was rare these days". Explained Yasaka-san.

Those guys must be wrong in the head... to like that one in particular. They are youkais.

I don't even know where to begin retorting.

"But the story about the treasure hunter was well received more by kids, even though it was a rather long book". Said Kaa-san.

That story in particular was a really old idea I had from back then, I actually sent it among the first manuscripts and got rejected. After that I kept working and working on it. And it looks like it paid fruit.

"The other ideas about the manga are still under discussion, but they informed me that it would go smoothly after they set a date to talk with us. But... Are you sure that you want only the money of that story?, if you count the others, you would be getting a good amount of money of it... perhaps you don't mind now that you are little but when you get older...". Asked Yasaka-san with concern.

That is something I requested of her.

She should get all the shares in that along with Kaa-san. I used the argument that I was a kid and they could manage it better than me.. also a little bit of saying I just wanted to write for fun is what convinced her.

Although I feel like Kaa-san saw through that, but since she did not say a word... I think she decided to mention the topic when I get older.

"It is ok, I don't think it is good that a child gets to use that much money just like that. I also trust that you could put that money to a good use, you can use it to invest. You can later give me my share when I ask for it". I said.

Not like I will ever ask for it.

This way, she could use it to grow somewhat the influence of the youkais.

If possible, I would like a better grasp of the city. The responsible for Kaa-san's curse from back them is still unknown. Although I have a suspect, I heard from Kaa-san how he is MIA since a while back.

I had asked Yasaka-san to do a bit of proving for certain idea I had. And he is gone now. I can only wonder if he was a loose end that got taken care of... or the culprit himself. Either way, there is the need to find more clues.

Thanks to that particular topic Yasaka-san sometimes keeps staring at me. I feel like she suspects somewhat about me being something more than a kid, but decides to remain silent since I have not made any signs of being a treat. Her sights also get directed at my tail sometimes so I can't be sure though.

"Nora-chan, Did you hear what I said?". Said Kaa-san while shaking my shoulder.

"Eh? What?". I asked.

I was too lost in thought.

"Yasaka-chan said that you should talk with those people regarding the manga". Kaa-san repeated what was said.

How did it come to that?.

"Don't make that face like you don't know what this is about... You are the author and you should have a better idea about what kind style it should have. I know that you did not want initially to make one, but our staff strongly insisted to push the idea forward and many very thrilled... that is the reason why the talks has been going but no decision have been taken". Said Yasaka-san.

I did not want that because I did not want to get involved in anything other than giving the idea.

"But I don't think a child should be getting involved with such a big talks...". I said.

That is no joke, I know nothing about the process so I could make it worse. Besides, I want to leave this to these two, if I get too involved they might want to really give me 'my share' later.

Not to mention.... I don't like to be surrounded by too many people.

"It is your manuscript so you have more than enough reasons to be there. No one will there to bother you with me there. Saya-chan will come with us too". Said Yasaka-san.

Wait, mother was the one that did not want to let me leave this place until I got older, why... Oh, I see. She knows what I want to do... this is how she decided to counter my idea.

"It is decided then, we will be leaving tomorrow. Yasaka-chan prepared a change of clothes". Said Kaa-san, the culprit behind all this.

"I still don't know how to hide my ears and tail so perhaps I should not go...". I used my trump card.

"I can hides those with Youjutsu on my side, or I have a few tokens that help you with that". Yasaka-san said, crushing my now-that-i-think-about-not-so-good-trump-card.

No choice but to do it huh.

∆ Part 3

On an unknown location, two individuals seems to be having a conversation.

Both of them were wearing robes and hoods. Being black and brown respectively.

The black-robed one seems to be inspecting an small object, which was as big a bead, colored black.

"You certainly did it... It was properly nurtured". Said the black-robed one.

Putting the bead inside the robe, he sounded satisfied.

"Of course I did it, I would not be here to give you a failure". Said the brown-robed one.

Snorted the brown-robed individual at the words of the other party.

"Indeed... by the way... Are you still not planing to start with the plan to get rid of your target? I know how you said you were patient but... it's been years...". Said the black-robed one.

Much longer time than what the black-robed individual expected.

"There has been a couple of problems, for some reason that fox woman started to dig on the last incident and some of the previous to that one. But she also seemed to want to caught me... she never liked me. I have no news about the Nekomata woman or her child. Even if I have it, I can't go back if the fox woman is wary of me". Explained the brown-robed one.

Even though he said how there were several problems, the brown-robed individual was not really bothered.

"That is strange considering how careful you usually are... then you plan is done for...?". Asked the black-robed one.

The situation did not sound like something that the brown-robed individual would cause, so the black-robed individual decided to ask.

"The initial plan is done for, as long as she makes the bad guy I can't go there again. I still planed to take care of her too so this hardly changes anything, but I need to deal with the other one first". Explained the brown-robed one.

There was almost an obsession with the order the brown-robed individual wanted to take the other woman first.

"It is your choice then...

We will fullfit the request to take care of the woman with the child as we agreed before. No more than that unless you pay the corresponding price". Said the black-robed one.

Not interested in the reason, or perhaps for a personal reason, the black-robed individual just cut short the subject with that.

"Aren't you unusually cold this time? What is it? You have some problem on your end?". Asked the brown-robed one.

The brown-robed individual seemed interested in why the other party acted like that.

"Nothing much... Just... There are rumors going about 'peace talks'. We are not very please with those... Oh, We seem to have heard an interesting rumor that you might find informative". Said the black-robed one after thinking for a moment.

The black-robed one did not delve in the topic to much, but decided to change the subject.

"Do tell... If it comes from you then it should be pretty accurate". Said the brown-robed one.

Curious about the information, the brown-robed individual sounded almost eager to know.

"Well... The 'devils' are looking someone to aid them in healing someone sick, or so we heard, and some people has been mentioning information about your target. For now, We only know that it is a high ranked family, but the details are not clear. What we know is that they started to look for 'her'... but due their particular request, they are being extra careful". Explained the black-robed one.

Unusual for the black-robed individual, he spoke a lot.

"The 'devils' huh... It would make things complicated if they formed some sort of link due this situation... or maybe... Yes... This could be pretty interesting. Sometimes, having others do the job is enjoyable. Why don't we...". The brown-robed individual started to machinate something...

∆ Part 4

-Time skip, 1 year.

Another year when by, and I was...

"Urgh....". I managed to say.

While standing up from the ground... again.

I was currently recieving a beat- training from hand to hand combat from Kaa-san. Although the process was one-sided.

"Kaa-san... that was unfair...". I weakly said to her.

Really, I did not expect it.

"Why? It was pretty normal for me". Said Kaa-san from the spot few steps away from me.

She was wearing her Miko outfit that she used during training, and her attaire remained spotless, proof that I did not land a hit on her.

"You used your tails...". I said.

Yes, that she did. The last hit, that sent me to but dust again, was with one her tails.

"Where does it say that I can't use them? You should expect something like this. If you are able to cover your body with Ki, and even your weapons... You can certainly do it with your tail too". Kaa-san started to lecture me.

I just did not think she would be able to, considering how much of a weak point it can be. It is pretty sensitive... I remember this where during training Yasaka-san accidently stepped on mine, I think I saw Hades for a while there.

Although what surprised me more is how good she can control her tails... mine in the other hand, just do as it pleases for most of the time.

There was a time when I asked Kaa-san regarding my number of tails... she explained that you need to reach certain level of maturity... to which I told her that I did not understand how that works, I asked because I recalled certain situations during the Canon. Her answer to that was... to grow as a Nekomata. There physical changes that come with age, there were changes that came with increase in power, but that is not all. It also means we have gone further one of our limits, kind of like crossing a wall. Everyone has those, some people never overcomes them, but those who do... are able to go further. In that regard, she told me that at some point she would take to meet someone who can explain in better details the topic.

"Hey, stop day dreaming. We have to go to see some patients today. You were the one that told me to teach you how to defend yourself so we have to train all we can early in the morning". Kaa-san 'kindly' reminded me.

I certainly did that but... Kaa-san, Aren't you having too much fun?. You used to cry when I started this training... my kind mother is no more.

"Ok ok, I am already up. I should just go once again until I can hit you, right?". I asked.

For the record, I started doing this six months ago, and I could still not land a thing.

"You can try... but you have seen the result to that". Said Kaa-san.

She really seems to be having fun there, I on the other hand... just get to know better the ground each time. We might as well call us best friends at this point.

"Ahhh" I spiritly said while I sprinted at all speed.

Trying to take advantage of my agility as a cat, I ran straight ahead.

The result...?.

"Urgh... Can't we called a day?". I weakly said while lying on the ground... again.

Nothing changed.

"No, let's go a couple of rounds more. If you have energy to complain then you can still go on". Said Kaa-san in response to my pleas.

Really, Where is my kind Kaa-san?.


After tasting dust a few more times, Kaa-san told me to get ready to go.

This routine started two months ago when I could make seeds grow without damaging them for about a 90% of the time. She told me to come with her while she was treating people, making me observe.

It basically was to gain experience in dealing with different patients, although she could not allow me to treat anyone yet... I could observe her closely.

It was pretty confusing for me at first... I only assumed that you gave Ki in order to heal people. But the process is only that 'simple' when wounds are involved.

There are times when diseases have particular ways of treating someone. Even treating things like poison is no always possible to use Ki. There was even a disease that are away Ki on its regular form. That was an eye opener. Youkais have different forms and wondrous abilities, but they do also get sick.

That added more stuff I had to learn... herbs and their uses. The list? Really long.

That is why Kaa-san uses things like herbs to aid her. Located at a good distance away from our house, there are a number of them growing.

Apperently, the house was built there after much opposition from the youkais in the faction, claiming that it could influence the herbs. Kaa-san shut them up by reminding them who was the one that grow some of the rarest ones, and also because she was the one who pushed to built that particular pocket dimension. So she could do as she pleases with it.

A pocket dimension, I was aware that Urakyoto, the residence of the Youkai faction of Kyoto was one. But I did not expect that our house is inside another pocket dimension at Urakyoto.

The heck?... It is something I kept saying in my mind, repeating it over and over for a while the first time I got out of there.

Although I forgot later after taking a look around Urakyoto.

Really a sight that blows your mind.

Well, that did not last too long before we had to take care of the business of the manga.

I did not get any chance to wander around outside with all the youkais because Kaa-san took me home as soon as we finished.

It was not until my training paid off that I could go out more often... only with Kaa-san at my side.


As we were preparing to head out, Yasaka-san came by.

"Oh, Saya-chan. I am glad that you did not head out yet. There is a little troublesome request I got... I wanted to turn it down because I know you might not like it. But it's origin makes it hard to do so. That is why I thought of leaving the final decision". Said Yasaka-san.

This is unusual, normally she would not start talking about any potential request at once.

It should be something serious.

I tend to forget due my peaceful envoirement but this world is a death trap considering the walking disasters that can nonchalantly be among the regular people.

"Let's talk this at the kitchen table... You need to be careful, you are pregnant now. You can't be going around working as a messenger. If you call me I would go to visit you to talk this over there". Said Kaa-san with concern.

That was something that happened a few months ago too.

She had some time without coming here, and Kaa-san decided to visit her.

She was apperently sick, but after Kaa-san started to diagnost her... she found out that she was simply pregnant.

I can't deny that I felt jealous at that, heck... scratch that, I was terribly jeaoulous. But there were several reasons why I felt that I should not comment on it.

Besides the probability of the one-sidely longing on my side for her. I must say that I only considered her a really caring older lady. My status as a child made it worse.

But I was somewhat prepared to it, I knew that she was going to have a child... that little fox girl had not been born yet. I also did not plan to interfere to avoid her birth due my selfishness.

Still... I felt somewhat bitter when I realized this.

Putting my personal feelings aside, I am happy for her. She seemed happy with this so that is enough for me.

While I was lost in my thoughts, the two women kept talking. I paid attention again to hear Kaa-san say....

"No". Kaa-san resolutely said.

At her answer, Yasaka-san put a troubled look.

I am kind of lost here. What is this about?.

"But... Is this your official standing or personal standing?". Asked Yasaka-san.

It seemed to be something important because Yasaka-san pressed forward.

"Urgh...". Kaa-san faltered at that.

"Hmmm, what was this about again?". I asked since I was still at lost.

"We recieved a request for your mother, it is to treat someone but that person is a devil... not to mention, it is in the underworld. Although this has another meaning. If it's possible, through this cooperation, we could form friendly ties with them". Explained Yasaka-san to me.

Hmmm, I don't recall this being mentioned in the Canon. Is this another difference with this world and the novel? No, they are requesting Kaa-san. As someone who was going to fall on someone's trap and die... Grrr, it bothers me just thinking about it. At the end, this is probably a new path, perhaps in the Canon this people never requested for help from the youkais.

Knowing that the baby in Yasaka-san is the Fox loli in the Canon, Kunou. That means I am few years before the story begins. Pushing for better ties opportunities for the youkais should be helpful for Kaa-san and Yasaka-san at the end of the road.

"Isn't it good? There are many good points worth". I tried giving my support for the idea.

Wait, even though it looks good...

"But this could be some sort of trap. From the request, I read how the place we are suppose to go belongs to a family of devils but they are not the ones behind the request. They are just middle-men during all this". Kaa-san told me her worry.

That makes it suspicious, you can't be certain with term like those then.

There are many families of devils that are hostiles to other races. Pursuing the path of devil supremacy, they loath other supernatural creatures other than them.

If by any chance the request came from one of them...

"It sounds too suspicious, we should perhaps turn them down after all...". I said.

In any case, I want them to be safe. Benefits can come later.

"But it is from a prestigious family. I have also confirmed that they are trust worthy. By no means they would use methods like this to cause harm". Said Yasaka-san.

That is also true... I doubt Yasaka-san would consider any request that could be a potential harm to Kaa-san.

But in this world there are sick bastards that rely on underhanded methods to trick others...

"Do you know the name of the household?". I asked.

I have my doubts but let us at least learn the most we can.

"It is the Sitri household, they are the ones that are acting as the middle-men this time. I confirmed that they have a good reputation. Even having one of four Maou, hailing from their house". Explained Yasaka-san.

Oh... they.

"Let's accept". I said while looking at Kaa-san.

"But they are devils and... and...". Kaa-san seemed at lost.

She is looking me like I betrayed her trust.

I don't think that the house that had that Magical Girl is that bad.

Although I have my worries for Kaa-san, this is one of the best opportunities we have to make a good impression on the devil's side.

There is also a good opportunity to ask her about her distrust for devils.

Perhaps changing her view on them...

Well, we will know when we go.

Why 'we'?. There is no way I will let her go alone. I still have my doubts about it after all.

"Now that is decided... When is this scheduled?". I turned to Yasaka-san for an an answer.

Maybe surprised for my immediate support for the idea after I expressed disapproval she did not answer quickly.

"It is rather soon, one week starting from today. But they wish to know the answer before the day in question". Said Yasaka-san.

Not too soon not late.

"Then you can tell them when you think is the right time. You can wait until the dead line for the answer or tell them right away. Just... keep it discreet. We don't know if a third party might want cause trouble at this time". I warned Yasaka-san.

The meaning, I know that Yasaka-san got what I was trying to imply.

"Fufufu, of course. I will be careful, I have enough time to prepare". Happily said Yasaka-san, but her eyes said something else.

She does have an idea who the culprit could be, but she has not told me so far. I do try to touch the topic sometimes but she just changes the subject again. Still, I do give her some of my ideas regarding the possible actions the culprit might take. In anime and manga, I have read about a good number of villainous people so I take example from there.

Although I am not like those absurd protagonist that solve problems from left to right with their ingenuity... I can at least think one or two easy solutions to simple schemes.

Yasaka-san found odd my behaviour and interest in this, I just lied to her by telling her that I heard Kaa-san during a nightmare. Since then, I have told her that it bothered me the possibility of harm coming their way.

I am pretty sure that she just half-believes me, m story sounds suspicious after all. But knowing about what happened by itself she can't afford to pay attention to what I say. One of things I warned her about was the so-called 'long term's spies. They are people that has been infiltrated for such a long time that no one finds them suspicious. At the end, they only act when their mission requires them to, even if their allies are caught, heck... they might even help to capture their allies in order to earn more trust.

My ideas are nothing out of the ordinary, but I do recall how screwed each faction got thanks to spies and traitors.

She took me even more serious after some 'long-term' spies among her people.

I definely don't think that is the end of it so I keep reminding her to be careful.

Like today.

"Why do you two decided that on your own like that? I am the one that has to go". Kaa-san interrupted my thoughts.

She looked a bit angry. This might bite me later, in the form of hand to hand combat training.

"Well, I have more business to take care so I leave the rest to you, Nora-kun". Said Yasaka-san while preparing to leave.

And she reality just like that.

Damn, I have been abandoned. Where is the basic trust between people(youkai)?. Weren't we friends?.

"Nora-chan... I hope that you are going to explain to me why you wanted me to go along with that request. Also... I know that you have been talking about some stuff with Yasaka-san behind my back, you might think I did not notice that but you are wrong". Said Kaa-san while putting a hand on my shoulder.

Oh, what a radiant smile. Her eyes leak her true thoughts though.

"To sight see a new place as mother and son?". I tried playing dumb.

Bad answer.

"So you planed to come with me huh. But never mind that... Is that truly your last answer?". Said Kaa-san while tightening her grip on my shoulder.

The 'last' part worries me.

"If I explain... Will you consider accepting?". I tried negotiating.

I put to use the mighty force used by young children... puppy eyes, no, kitty eyes?.

"You... *sigh*, I want a really good reason or you can forget about me accepting. I still want to know about the thing with Yasaka-chan... but... I want you to tell me that one by yourself". Kaa-san said after avoiding eye contact.

You might think whatever you want about my methods but... I was desperate. The last time I made her this angry... she made a really spartan training where I had to punch through logs, easy if I use Ki, but she did not allow me to do so. I am still a kid so it was pretty hard to do. My level of strenght is not as high as I thought it was... I used to think that until I learned that those damn logs were from a particularly hard type of magic three. Kaa-san just wanted me to suffer a bit then have me apologize later after I gave up... too bad, I felt so pathetic remembering how that loli cat girl had so much strenght in comparison to me that I... did not stop until I broke one.

My hands were a mess after that... and Kaa-san got angry at me for being reckless.

I really wonder where my kind mother went.

"We will talk after we finish today's rounds". Kaa-san said, remembering what we were originally going to do today.

I had nothing to say about that so I just nodded at her words.


The next day, sunny all over, I was...

"Why!? Urgh...". I said as I was thrown to the ground.

Getting beaten by Kaa-san again.

Yesterday, I managed to convince her to take me with her, I used the reasoning that this is a good opportunity to make a good impression to the other side.

She did not accept until a named several good points about having a good relationship with devils. One thing that picked her interest, was the opportunity to push for business of the famous phoenix tears. I was not sure that we could get some, but I told her that it was the first step to do so.

Getting some on the black market is apparent quite expensive, and she did not want to get involved too much with that kind of people until now so she never got the chance to acquire one.

Thankfully that was enough of a good reason.

I was quite limited since I hadn't told her how this world had been known in my previous one as a light novel. The reason being rather clear, simply about her non-existence in there. But I wanted to eventually tell her about it, just... I think that although we have talked about each other life francally, me even telling her about my time after the death of my family, I had not told her how that happened. The same could be said from her, there were things that she had not mentioned me about... one in particular being about my father, or rather, Tou-san in this world.

But I believe that she will eventually talk about it.

*Blasting noises*

"Hey, I was on the ground, Isn't it normal to leave lying people alone? Kaa-san, you are not suppose to attack me until I stand up again...". I complained after rolling from the impact zone of that blast.

Kaa-san, somewhat sulky because I did not talk about the topic regarding Yasaka-san, did not pull any punches during today training. Even using Senjutsu bullets during our hand to hand combat... while I am not allowed to use even Youjutsu which I learned few defensive and illusion spells, during the fight.

"I never said you could rest that much, I noticed how you stay on the ground more than you have to... just to rest". Rightfully said Kaa-san.

She is clearly and openly bullying me but... she got me with that. I might've been trying to avoid being blown repeatly.

"Alright, I won't do that again...". I said giving up.

Now it's time to get serious... It's been days since I have been thinking of one strategy to lay a hit on her.

I have one opportunity at this, I doubt this will work next time on her... and she might not allow me to use this method during mock-fights with her.

I look at the ground and check that everything is in place.

This is it.

"Kaa-san, if I win... you will teach me seriously about your techniques, not only basic ones". I said.

Although I wanted to distract her with something. I did want that, she only teaches me the basic even though Yasaka-san has been teaching me more advanced techniques.

"Aren't you greedy? I thought I told you that you are not ready yet". Said Kaa-san while narrowing her eyes.

I know that I still have long ways to go, but I always felt that her reason to not teach me lies elsewhere.

"Consider it a gift, I will be doing something pretty amazing by landing a hit". I said while trying to distract her as I get closer.

Step by step... The closer I am, the better this will work.

"Very well... But only if you land a hit". Said Kaa-san after a moment of silence.

In the next moment she sent a barrage of bullets my way.

I had to dodge by jump to my left side.

No more buying time.

I dashed at my fastest speed. Dodging by steping right or left at times. I still got hit a few times, but I could manage to hold it for now.

The bullets lacked power to knock me by their own but if too many came at once they would throw me off at once... I have experience with that.

Now close to Kaa-san, but not enough for her to reach me... I threw myself to ground.

Kaa-san seemed confused at my actions, perhaps thinking I made a mistake.

But I did it for a reason.

Extending my arms to reach certain place... I made contact and sent my Ki as fast as possible.

The effect was immediate... Plants of all kind started to grow out of the ground, really near Kaa-san, entangling her.

But I know that this will hardly stop her for long, even though they should be somewhat reinforces by my Ki.

My intentions were simply stop Kaa-san for a moment... while I stood up qyickly and...

Just as I am about to touch her, she blew up all the plants and branches covering her, sending me flying too.

I landed a few meters away...

"Kaa-san, using Touki is overdoing it". I said while standing up again.

Ouch, I kept falling on my back. Who was the one that said that cats always fall while standing?, I still can fall on my back... or head first.

"That was a pretty good try, you were so close... but took too long. You could've moved faster after growing the plants. At end... You take too long between every action. Thinking too much during battle is no good". Explained Kaa-san, ignoring my complain about using Touki.

"It was the first time I used that so I might've moved slower than usual...". I said after thinking for a moment.

"Nora-chan... Using a new technique during combat is very dangerous. You never know if you will truly be able to pull it off. Besides, since you are not used to it, you won't get to use your 100% if you are too worried about it and neglect your movements. This was the perfect example. Everything went pretty good in regard to your movement until you touched the ground with your hands". Said Kaa-san while coming closer.

Near enough, she starting dusting off my hair.

"Using plants is a good idea, but you have to think of the party you are trying to use it against. Even if you could seal the movement of my hands and feet, I still can hit you with my tails. Even though I used Touki to blast off everything, I did have a different number of was to take care of it. Still, the first thing you did was to complain about the Touki. I could've done that to lead your thoughts during battle, making you think that it had no choice but to do so". Kaa-san continued explained.

I kept my head down during her explaination.

She was right on point after all.

"You had a lot of information about my abilities but you still did not use it correctly. When fighting other people, you will hardly know about their abilities so it even more dangerous to face them. Although you might think I am being unfair by placing you under the conditions I put you... I think you are still not ready to use that many abilities to fight. At the end, you might be older in your mind, but from what you told me before about your previous world I can tell how peaceful it was. Not to mention that there were only humans with no super powers or abilities. You are still bound by that place's common sense. Let's leave at that for today. You don't have to do anything for today, just think about what I said, promise me". Kaa-san finished explaining.

With a pat on my head, she left after watching me nod.

I was left alone think about her words...

Really, what have I been doing so far.

∆ Part 6

A week easily when by, and the time to visit the Underworld came.

At the end, the request was not going to be completed at once since both sides were still wary of the other.

They will discuss the details and then decide after that.

To me this is... a waste of time, really. If they need Kaa-san then this is not your everyday cold. But they are the ones that wish the service, and they will pay just for talk today.

There was certain request on our side that had to be done, mainly because of me.

I wanted to go by using teleportation magic.

It is faster so it will save time. We would be getting to the place at once.

But above all... I really can't seem to ride the train those guys have as a common transportation to the Underworld. Past trauma working overtime. Although I did not exactly die at the crash... I did die because of it.

Anyways, we were waiting for our guide to arrive.

Kaa-san was wearing a green homongi(a type of Japanese kimono that married or unmarried womans can wear during ceremonies or parties) with a design made of black Sakura leaves falling of a Sakura three. She was not wearing her usual work Miko outfit. Mostly because this will be more a social gathering if you think about it.

As for me... I am wearing something called Haorihakama(a type of male kimono used at parties and gatherings). The color being black. Kaa-san wanted me to use a more colorful one but... no. I find this bothersome already, I prefer my usual hakama.

One thing worth of noticing is that we are both hiding our ears and tails. The least people that know we are youkais the better.

But, really... how long are we going to wait. They are late by half an hour.


It results that we were early by too much. Kaa-san quality I must mention. She never told me the time of the meeting so I just followed along with her directions.

Anyways we were going to be teleported by an incredible absurd individual.

From the different people(devils) I was expecting to meet today, she was not among them.

This gives a new whole meaning to the visit today, because the requester is either involved with the strongest Maou, or with his family, the Gremory household. Because having come to pick us is... Grayfia Lucifuge, the strongest queen.

I was eager to meet her due my unquestionable love for maids, but as expected she is no joke. She only hid half of her aura when she came to pick Kaa-san, as show of strenght I believe. Just standing near her was making it hard to breath, until Kaa-san pushed the pressure aside with her own aura as to shield me. Finally letting me take a breather.

This however put on guard Maid-san, thinking that this was perhaps an ambush or some kind of attack.

But when Maid-san noticed me as the reason for Kaa-san's reaction, she proceeded to apologize for it.

She is kind of different how I recall in the Canon as I thought that she would be more kind, but she is no particularly our ally so her aptitude must have some sort of meaning. Too bad I am terrible at politics.

Thanks to this little show, Kaa-san's mood hit the bottom.

Even while Maid-san, proceeded to explain why she was here and how we were going to move close to the mansion of the Sitri household, Kaa-san looked very angry.

Well, Maid-san never introduced herself and she was even flaring her aura half-way making me unconfortable.

Combine that with her already low affinity with devils... and it is a true miracle that she did not start crossing blades... or fists with Maid-san.

Glad I am here.

I am kinda scared since Grayfia-san has really sharp presence now but... I need to make this meeting work.

"Excuse me, Miss". I tried faking a child like voice, although I might've wasted my efforts since my voice is pretty much like that as a 5 years old.

Scary, she is looking right at me like asking why interrupted her... Maids are love, maids are love, she is not scary. Repeat, repeat.

Repeating that in my head for a number of times to calm down, I spoke again.

"I apologize for interrupting you. But while I might be overstepping my bounds by saying this... I believe that it is important. I think this meeting started with the wrong foot. But, if you don't mind, Could we start over?. I think we both want to this to succeed and to form a friendly relationship if possible". I said.

I am not sure if she will pay attention to the ramblings of a random kid. But I think she will hear me out in the name of completing her duty.

"You might be right". Said Maid-san.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she seemed to ponder for a moment.

I know that she did not plan to offend anyone by keeping her aura out. I am not sure how the relations between devils and youkais are at the moment, but I think she did it in order to keep in check any uncanny individual. Basically, she does not know who is going to be coming with her. While showing her strength openly like that might cause problems, there is probably a reason why she is wary of us.

At this point, she knows that she was wrong because I happened to be here a caused her actions to escalate. But apologizing more is not going to be possible for her.

We are not friends that can joke around, or just apologize for minor things.

In a sense, currently she represents the devil's side... but at the same time Kaa-san represents the youkais.

"I am called called Nora Shiki, and this is my mother, Saya. Nice to meet you, Maid-san". I said with a slightly bow.

I tried signaling Kaa-san with my eyes. Although she was not really pleased, she at least followed along.

"I am Saya Shiki, nice to meet you". Said Kaa-san reclutantly.

Taking a hint from my actions Maid-san just did the same.

"I am called Grayfia Lucifuge, pleased to make your acquaintances, then...". Said Grayfia-san as she stopped her words unsure how to continue.

"Maid-san can call me by my name, Nora". I said.

Having the super maid calling your name sounds nice... Besides, I don't want to be called with '-sama'. Please pardon me from that. '-chan' and '-kun' from Kaa-san and Yasaka-san is enough.

Kaa-san only remained silent, she did not participe in the conversation.

Hopefully she will only act like this in front of Grayfia-san.

"Then you might call me as you'd like, Nora-kun". Said Grayfia-san.

It looks like the list of people using '-kun' will increase after all...


Her sharp looks slightly softened, even her voice slightly cold at the beginning is sounding milder.

Truly the power of being a kid, no, a shota?. I might have an incredible trump card in my hands.

With this done then they will get along soo-

"Grayfia, is it? Just takes us there. We already know the details". Said Kaa-san slightly annoyed.

I might need to talk to Kaa-san in private later, her problems with devils is worse than I thought.

"You might call me, Lucifuge-san, Saya-sama". Said Grayfia-san in her original cold tone of voice.

"Eh? Me too?". I asked.

She just said to call her as I like... I was tempted to call her wife, but that feels like it will my end no matter how I think about it. Perhaps she read my thoughts!?.

Super maid did not have some sort of grudge with youkais, right?.

"No, Nora-kun is free to do as he wishes". Said Grayfia going to her milder tone.

So... that's it.

It looks like these two won't be getting along.

Is this visit going to be fine?, I feel like going home already.

Yasaka-san, I feel like I should receive some compensation for all this later... your tails... let me sink in that softness to heal my heart.

I plan to receive full payment.

Here is the next chapter, a new character appears.

Do give me a feedback on this chapter.

Have a nice day.

I did some corrections...

Nyarlathotep00creators' thoughts
Chapitre suivant