
Chapter 29: Goodbye Grace

Neytiri's POV

We took Sa'nok to the Tree of Souls, where his dream-walker body was waiting. Jake had carried him there, and tried to encourage him. Unfortunately, I was very pessimistic about our chances of saving her, but I will do everything I can to make it happen. As soon as Jake dropped her off, I hurried to join my people in praying Eywa.

My mother guided the ceremony, incanting our request to Eywa. We continued our song of request to Eywa, until she signaled to stop.

At that moment, I saw Grace move slightly, seemingly looking at the leaves of the Tree of Souls.

Grace: I'm with her, Jake! She exists....

Jake: Grace? Grace?? What's going on? Grace...

When she closed her eyes and her energy evaporated from her body, I knew immediately that it was over. Sa'nok was dead, joining Silwanin and Father. Although I didn't show anything, trying to be strong for Mother and my clan, my heart was heavy with grief and I had to fight against myself not to cry again. Grace, my second mother, was gone... Just like Silwanin and Father before her. When was it going to stop?

Ben's POV

Lying on the ground, I closed my eyes and listened with pleasure, the na'vi song surrounding the place. It was very pleasant to listen, the music seemed to be one with the singers. I opened my eyes and saw Lutsey disappearing little by little, showing that his time here was over. As for me, I still didn't know what to do. Should I accept death, leaving Lutsey alone, but have eternal rest?

Thinking about this question, I heard cries coming from my right. I turned my head in the direction of the noise, and I saw a young na'vie in an outfit similar to Joltsyn's, even though there were differences, especially in the colors. The top was red and had an extra purple covering her arms. In addition, I could notice that her neck was richly decorated with pearls with a red stone in the center. His hair was long and covered his upper back, in a kind of large natural ponytail. But what immediately attracted my interest was her eyes. The contours gave her a feline look, just like the binoculars. In addition, she also had a darker skin than a normal girl. That must have been their biological mother.

She was accompanied by a man dressed in a kind of yellow leaf tuft, giving her an authoritarian appearance, added by these two kinds of pointed wooden ends to the shoulders.

He had a beige loincloth, added by a dark green protection. A leather armband covered his left arm and had short hair, emphasizing his calm face.

Well, I knew where Joltsyn had that calm look now...

He surrounded his wife with his reconciling arms, trying to comfort her...

He surrounded his wife with his reconciling arms, trying to comfort her.

Woman: I would have liked so much...To see them grow up...To share moments with them....

Man: I know, my yawnetu. I know, my yawnetu. So do I.

It was a very touching show and I decided to stand up, looking at them while yawning slightly so as not to disturb them, covering my mouth with my right hand.

Female voice: So soldier, you plan to stay here like a picket, how long?

This voice was familiar to me. I turned around and saw Grace standing in front of me with her arms folded and a smile on her face. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Me: Grace? You...you're...

Grace: Yes, Ben. I died and Eywa agreed to let me in.

That attracted the attention of the couple who were coming towards us, no doubt driven by curiosity.

Woman: Ben? Are you the tawtute with whom Wilya bonded?

Me: Huh? Wilya..Ah! Is that Lut's native name?

Male: Lut?

Grace: Lutsey is the name Mo'at gave him.

Woman: Nang! I was sure I gave him the name before I died!

Grace returned his attention to me.

Grace: Well, you can't stay in between forever.

If it was really that simple...

Woman: We understand your hesitation, tawtute. But, you have to choose. And I'd rather you come back to the living.

Me: Why is that?

She looked at me coldly. Damn it! It was the same as her daughter and I knew she didn't like my question. On the one hand, the parables were down.

Woman: I want you to know, my son-in-law, that I care about the happiness of my daughters. Even if I am dead, I will make you suffer if you hurt them.

Me, uncomfortable: Oh...Yeah...I see.

Man: And I will join my wife to make you pay too.

Great...In the future, choose my words well with my partner's parents.

Me standing up: In any case, even if I want to return to the living, I'll have to go past Eywa. And seeing the result with Grace, I'm not really excited about it.

Grace: Well, I was seriously injured when I passed. And then...I went through so many fantastic and painful things... It was time for me to leave. However, I don't think you're done writing your story yet, soldier.

I was sadly bowing my head. Even though I saw little of Grace compared to Norm and Jake, I could see how much of a heart she had, despite her tough side. She put one hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, even though I could see a small tear coming out of her right eye.

Grace: We will meet again one day, soldier. But for now, you still have things to do.

Me: Grace...

For the first time, she took me in her arms, surprising me.

Grace: Take care of yourself. I will! Don't forget to give Jake a little slap when you see him. Just to punish him for his foolishness.

I smiled, seeing what she was getting at.

Me: I will. Farewell, Grace Augustine.

Grace stepping aside: No, Ben. It's just a "goodbye". I am now with Eywa. Don't forget.

Me: Yes, but it's not the same thing.

Grace: Yes, but you know...we all have to leave one day.

Suddenly I heard a song much louder than the others. Lutsey's mother turned to me.

Lutsey's mother: Eywa is waiting for you, Ben.

Me: That's reassuring...

I was on my way to a big tree where the song seemed to be coming, when my partner's mother intervened, again.

Mother: If you see my daughters, tell them that we love them.

Me: But you can't talk to them at .....

I didn't have time to finish my sentence, a fog covered them and seemed to surround me. Then, when it disappeared a few moments later, I could see that I was still in that flowery plain, but the trees were surrounding us. I could hear various animal cries with the song of the Na'vis.

Voice: I was waiting for you, child of Gaia.

I turned my head towards the direction of the voice, to see a na'vie sitting in a suit with her eyes closed. I risked a step towards her, to see her blur before splitting, to see a human appear next to her.

I opened my eyes in horror as I recognized them both. The short-haired na'vi, the long black hair of the human covering her upper back, the blue skin a little darker than a normal na'vi and the light skin of the human. A fringe covered, in part, the left eye of the latter. Her Asian features gave her a fatal beauty, while the eyes drawn with a feline line added charm to the beautiful native.

Me: What the hell is this mess?!

Both opened their eyes and looked at me, as if to judge me. One with his orange eyes, the other with his amethyst purple eyes. In front of me stood the two women who shared my heart.

Lutsey: This is the image of your hesitant heart.

Julia: Prisoner of the past, preventing it from moving forward.

I looked at each of them in disbelief at the two women chosen by my heart. It was their voices, but the words didn't come from them.

So, this is Eywa's judgment. I suspected that it would be difficult, but not that difficult!

I had to choose, no doubt, between the two. In theory, it was obvious. Unfortunately, the latter was often far from reality. Of all the tests, my test had to be this one!

Sitting on a root behind me, I observed both with a hesitation in my eyes, my heart torn in front of the choice that was before me.

Lutsey: Will you choose to move forward?

Julia: Or to continue to lock yourself away?

Me, sighing: It doesn't help me!

How the hell am I going to get out of this?

Joltsyn's POV

With my group, we had participated in the ceremony to save the tawtute, named after Grace.

Guided by Mo'at, we incensed our request until she gave the order to stop. I watched the scene from a distance to see the result.

The sad face of the group close to the body and the lowered ears convinced me of the failure of the transfer. Although saddened for Lutsey and Neytiri, this result did not surprise me, considering her injury and her very fragile state.

Suddenly, the uniltiranyu took Neytiri's hand and seemed to ask something of Tsu'tey. The latter granted him, while moving aside, and the Toruk Matko faced the group of omatikaya who looked at him with anxiety.

He spoke in words unknown to my ears. However, Tsu'tey was translating for us.

Tsu'tey: The People of Heaven sent us a message. They say they can take whatever they want. And that no one can stop them.

He took a short break. I took the opportunity to observe Neytiri, who was in the middle, her face looking uncertain, listening to her companion. I could smell a rather familiar energetic bazaar coming from her, which made me smile slightly.

Tsu'tey : Well we'll send them a message back. Ride as fast as the wind can carry you!

With these words, hope seemed to be reborn in the hearts of the people she spoke to. I had to admit that I, too, shared this craze, even if I remained suspicious.

Tsu'tey : You will tell the other clans to join us. You will tell them that Toruk Makto is counting on them!

The infatuation took more and more impact, warrior cries even joined Toruk Makto's orders.

Tsu'tey : Fly now, with me! My brothers, my sisters!

At that moment, the cries of enthusiasm and determination were growing in strength.

Jake: And we will show the People of Heaven, that they cannot take what they covet! And that this world...is our earth!

Those last words were enough to give courage and momentum to the wounded people. I watched them fly away as I approached Mo'at, who seemed to be thinking. I wondered what she was thinking.

Me: Your family is very close to the Toruk Makto.

She came out of her thoughts and looked at me with a small smile.

Mo'at: Yes, but who would have thought that Eywa would choose a member of the Heavenly People as her champion against our enemy.

Me: Yes...Mother's decisions are very strange. But in the end, it serves the balance of life.

Mo'at: I wish I hadn't paid such a heavy price for that. I miss Eytukan very much. Even today I still feel the pain of his loss.

I remained silent at that word, finding nothing to say. What could I say? I understood his pain perfectly, to feel it every day. Seeing my sons grow up without their father made me suffer. And I knew that one day I would have to talk to them about it and I was already dreading that moment. Finally, I found something that could comfort her from her loss.

Joltsyn: As a Tsahik, you should know that we follow a cycle. Life and death intersect and sometimes are very close to each other.

Mo'at responded with a slight smile, seeming to see where I was going with this.

This silence for a few moments was interrupted by a legitimate question from Koltyey.

Koltyey: My Tsahik, shall we warn our olo'eyktan of the changes?

Me, smiling: It will be useless. She will know soon enough.

From the corner of my eye I watched Nilya who seemed to be watching the show with a smile too, and then she whispered something that I didn't hear.

Oh Nilya....Why so many mysteries?

Jake's point of view

I led my group flying north to the Plain. Suddenly, Tsu'tey called out to me, standing beside me, asking for my intention.

Tsu'tey : Toruk Makto... We should turn right.

Neytiri was clinging to me by the waist and looked at Tsu'tey with surprise. She didn't seem to know what he was talking about.

Me: But the Plain is not in that direction!

Tsu'tey: Srane, but there's a clan not far from our position.

Neytiri : Are you sure, Tsu'tey? I haven't had the knowledge of a clan in the vicinity of the Tree of Souls!

Tsu'tey : I'm sure, Neytiri.

The na'vis didn't lie and even if they did, I couldn't see why Tsu'tey would do it now.

Me: Well, I let you guide us, brother.

With these words, he took the lead and we follow him to the east of our initial route.

Me: Neytiri, don't you see what Tsu'tey is talking about?

Neytiri: Sorry, Jake. I'd like to give you an answer, believe me.

Me smiling: I know, my yawnetu

She was clinging to me and I could hear her beating heart and her strong feelings for me through our bond. We follow Tsu'tey, until we see a big tree standing in front of us. A tree so recognizable by its impressive height, dominating the forest like the plant king that it is.

Neytiri : Nang! A Kelutral!

The young chief joined us, a short time later. Even if I had the status of Toruk makto, I had to know the clan who lived in this House Tree in order to better talk with them, but also to place them for the future battle.

Me: Brother, can you tell me about the clan?

He remained silent for a moment, giving Neytiri a brief glance and seemingly searching for his words. Why did he react so strangely?

Tsu'tey : This clan is made up of brave and powerful warriors. But they are known, too, not to appreciate the People of Heaven. However, if they are aware of our plans and see a Toruk makto guiding them, I think they will join us without too much protest.

Even if the part of the hatred of the Heavenly People bothered me, I was confident thanks to the latest information he was giving me, in the dialogue with the olo'eyktan.

Me: Can you tell me about the olo'eyktan?

His ears seemed to bow to this evocation. Oh... Not a good sign, that.

Tsu'tey: Their olo'eyktan is an unpredictable young woman. She is a formidable fighter and is very devout in her task. She is also very attached to her roots and her loved ones. She is also known for her gluttony, hence her nickname "warrior with a voracious appetite".

With these words, Neytiri gasped in shock and almost fell. Luckily, I barely caught her and she collapsed again to hold on to me ... Ooh...I have a very bad feeling about the rest of the conversation....

Neytiri: Tsu'tey...Don't tell me that this clan is....

He answered with a nod.

Tsu'tey: Srane, Neytiri. The clan that lives in this Kelutral, is the clan of the two orange eyes. And Lutsey is its current leader.

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