
My Most Cherished and Beautiful Doll

Just a week or so after the first one arrived, another beautiful girl sat atop my bed waiting for me with bated breath. Making it all the more enticing, is that the first one, Sam, was alongside us and more than eager to help. In my long loneliness I've enjoyed a number of erotic tales and tomes where one man would be surrounded by beautiful women as far as the eye could see, but never but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that it would happen to me.

What the fuck did I do to deserve this?

Zutiria sits politely on her knees, resting her little hands on them. Her cheeks are flushed and yet the look in her eyes is just as resolute as before. She wants this, and so does Sam.

'I have a small request, Sir.' Zutiria says as she takes off her large, round glasses and hands them to Sam to put over on the bedside table.

"Don't worry," I say after tossing my vest into a nearby hamper. "I know what to do. I'll be gentle."

"Daddy's dick is anything but gentle, don't let him fool you!" Sam playfully hugs Zutiria from behind, causing the petite one to blush further.


'I appreciate your concern but that wasn't where I was going with this. I wanted to tell you not to worry about my first time or what have you.' Zutiria sits up and leans over the bed to start unbuttoning my dress shirt. Her tiny fingers brush across my chest and looking down into her calm yet stunningly erotic face, I can't help but blush at her readily apparent eagerness.

'On the contrary, you don't need to worry about being rough with me. I lived in a lonely tower all alone the vast majority of my life until now. There wasn't much else to do when I got bored of studying and experimenting.' Her lewd dictation doesn't change the expressionless look on her face, surprisingly.

"I woulda helped if you said something!" Sam unbuckles her breast plate, and I watch as the jiggling heft of her titties drop from above into their place.

'You were underage. Don't make this weird for me.' Zutiria looks back at Sam while she blushes even harder.

"It's ok. Daddy fucked me the day after I turned 18 anyway so I think you two have a lot in common." Sam inches closer to the edge of the bed to join us.

"Sam, you really are such a fucking brat." I remove my glasses and put them into my pocket, making a mental note to myself of where I left them knowing full well these pants aren't staying on much longer. "Stop being an attention whore and remember that tonight is about Zutiria."

Sam's embarrassment grows exponentially and she shirks back slightly. I think I hit a submissive nerve because her next words were, "Sorry, Daddy. Sorry, Zuzu..."

"Good girl." I reach out and pat her head, while Zutiria looks up to me in astonishment.

'I've never seen Sammy like this. I didn't know she had a submissive bone in her body, Sir.'

"My Princess is a handful, but if I'm forceful enough she knows not to misbehave." I lift Sam's chin up to look at me, and she nods her head smiling like a nice little pet. Yeah, she's definitely feeling subby tonight. Guess the excitement of our company got to her.

Zuzu's expression changes to a look of mild worry, or as close as her dulled reactions are able to make it, and turns to Sam. 'Princess? I thought you said he didn't... you know.'

"Such a strange fetish, a warrior asking her older lover to refer to her only as 'Princess', wouldn't you say Zutiria?" I say as Sam begins to sweat nervously, drawing the attention back to myself.

The little lady looks at me with a knowing glance. I can tell she's already figured out the gist of it. I know who Sam really is, yet I'm playing along so as not to stir up more trouble than necessary. Evidently this is good enough for Zutiria, who merely nods at me after picking up my implications.

"Daddyyyy, how much longer till you fuck her? I'm so impatient..." Sam lurks over Zutiria from behind and wraps her arms seductively around her friend's slim waist. Zutiria falls back into the embrace, but looks at me with a quivering lip.

"We need to ease her into it." I remove what's left of my clothes until all that remains is my boxers, and both blushing girls are now privy to the massive tent pitching from behind the fabric.

'May I suck you first, Sir?' Zutiria's words appear the same as ever, but reading them feels different. Like I can sense the yearning hidden behind and feel the anxiety, or should I say nervous excitement of what's to come.

"Of course," Like any man would deny such a request. "But first... Princess, please slowly strip my beautiful little doll of her clothes, if you would be so kind?"

Zutiria blushes so madly and her mouth opens wide as if trying so desperately to speak. 'Your... your doll...?' After thinking about it for a moment, I see acceptance from across her body language thanks to my eyes. More so than that, I can tell she actually likes my idea for her playful nickname.

"Anything you want, Daddy. We bathed together in the roya... er, p-public bath before... haha... trust me, you're in for a treat." Sam loses composure for just a second before catching herself and pressing on. Her hands begin to work their way across the petite girl's delicate and dainty body, taking off her beret, and then her blue cape, followed shortly by her frilled shawl.

"Lift your legs." I look down at Zutiria and do my best to sound commanding, but not threatening.

'Yes, Sir.' She responds by lifting them both off the edge of the bed, where I kneel before her like a knight to greet them. Zutira blushes at my formality, especially when I delicately slide the tiny boots off from the bottoms of her feet.

The little lady is clearly not used to being treated like this, but then again, she's not used to any sort of intimate contact at all. But she's incredibly different from Sam and has her own likes and dislikes- all of which I intend to figure out on my own. But I'll admit that I already have a bias.

I want to make Zutiria feel special. I want to take care of her- tenderly- and treat her like the most priceless treasure I've ever seen. My beautiful little doll. Not a toy, no, but a doll. Beautiful and perfect beyond words, a picturesque portrait of feminine frailty that I scarcely doubt could be matched by any other woman.

As my blood begins to boil just from thinking about this, my eyes meet with Zutiria's once more. I felt it before, but now it's certain. A definite fact stirs within me that I can't explain, almost as if a higher power were whispering into my ear that Zutiria Syndaline was made for me, just as Sam, or should I say her Crown Princess Samantha Lundreame was made for me. I swear to the gods, this isn't my ego talking.

A great, or perhaps terrible purpose echoes throughout me. This looming destiny of mine, just as it involved Sam, Zutiria was a part of it. Deeper within me still, I knew Zutiria would be far from the last of my destined, if there were even a limit to them at all.

The biggest sex scene so far begins now! I'm warning you guys, it's really hot. Mixed with a bit of... physical comedy, shall we say, during one of the parts. - Follow me on Twitter @PunishedKomics for lots of art of my characters and updates!

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