



On the bus, the students were having fun on the bus.

Abigail wanted to take a selfie, but her battery was dead.

She panicked and looked at the phone,with an upset look.



Where can I.... "

She looks at Francis.

He was filming the trip.

Abigail couldn't take her eyes off the phone.

She scratched her head like an addict.

"Selfie",she mumbled.

Francis heard her.

He faced her, while she turned her face away quickly.

Francis smirked.

He looked at his phone, while she sneak peeked at him.

Seeing that he was about to face her, Abigail turned her face quickly.

"Here.. You can take your selfie with my phone",he said, handing his phone over to her.

Abigail became stunned.

She faced him, and saw the phone staring at her.

"Take it.

I know you can't do without selfie",Francis said.

"Says who?! ",Abigail sparked.

"You don't know me.

You know nothing!

Keep your phone"

She frowned and turned her face.

Francis smiled.

As he was about to turn his face, Abigail snatched the phone from him quickly.

"Since you insist, I'll take it"

She began to snap, while Francis laughed at her.

Charles, one of Francis friends, took his guitar and began to play it.

He called someone's attention, and suggested that the person rap.

Everyone began to sing and rap along.

Charles got Francis to join in the fun.

Francis joined in, and they all danced.

Francis decided to convince Abigail to join in the fun.

Abigail joined in too.

They were singing and dancing, while she was adding her own version.

She was busy singing, "Selfie

Yeah selfie


Yeah selfie.

Go selfie, Go selfie ".

Francis laughed at her.

She took a selfie with Francis.

Finally all the buses stopped close to a big forest.

Everyone in the first bus, where Ella was, came down. Waiting for the rest.

The next bus arrived, and there was so much noise coming from it.

Ella and Hannah stood close to a tree, as the bus stopped.

Quickly,the students began to jump out. Still singing.

Treasure and the others came close too.

They wanted to welcome their Queen of models with laugh.

"Why are you acting as if you lost someone?

Cheer up Ella",Hannah said, trying to cheer Ella up.

To Ella's greatest surprise, She saw Francis, jumping out of the bus.

"Francis is here",she rejoiced. Holding Hannah tightly.

"Look. It's our president",Gracious joked.

"Looks like he ended up in the same bus",Blessing said.

They laughed.

Ella was happy.

She wanted to approach him, when she was left stunned by who she saw.


She was still using his phone to snap.


She's with him? ",Ella panicked from within.

The girls saw this and gasped.

Then they laughed.

"See something!! ",Christiana laughed.

Abigail got down from the bus and took a selfie with Francis. Then she and Francis had a group selfie with some students.

"Thank you",she thanked Francis. Handing over his phone back to him.

"Don't mention it

You'll get the pictures when your phone is alive again",he laughed.

Abigail laughed and said, "Okay".

She took her things and turned to find her friends. She saw them waving at her, and she went to meet them.

Francis smiled happily.

He got the chance to spend sometime with Abigail.

He was very pleased.

He took his things and followed his friends.

Ella was furious.

"He didn't even look at my Side",She groaned and faced Abigail's direction.

She saw Abigail, laughing with her friends.

It looked as if they were teasing her.

Ella was furious with the girls.

"If care is not taking,this girls will snatch my joy from me. I can't afford to loose Francis to that brat.

He's mine ",she thought to herself.

All the buses had arrived.

All the students gathered together, waiting for Mr Adebayo to lead.

"This is the way to the village.

Everyone follow me ",he said. Leading the way.

Everyone set in into the forest.

The girls were teasing Abigail on the way.

"LA lovette!

How did your trip with Antonio go? ",Ganiyat asked, winking at her.

Abigail frowned and said, "It's not what you think. We ended up in the same bus, because we both missed the first one.



What a coincidence.

They both missed the bus and ended up on the same bus.

This is like a fairytale story ",Ife said. Acting as if she was dreaming about it.

Abigail hissed and tapped her head. Allowing all of them to laugh at her.

Francis on the other hand, was talking to his friends while walking.

Ella came close to him and held him by the arm

Francis looked.

"You came!!

I thought you weren't coming",She said, smiling at him.

Francis smiled back at her and said, "I was less busy.

So I followed my friends ".

She giggled.

They soon got close to a village.

What surprised them when they got there, was the big electric fence around.

The people of the village.

The men, were fixing the electric gate,so as to complete the work.

Mr Adebayo stopped along with the others.

The men at the entrance saw them.

"Wait here, let me speak to the people",Mr Adebayo said to the teachers.

He walked up to them and began to speak to them.

Soon, they were allowed to enter the village.

All the students followed the teachers inside the village.

The villagers saw them, and wondered what they were doing in their village.

One of the men that was fixing the electric gate, went to see both the king of the village and the head of hunters. Informing them about the visitors from the city.

The man later came to call Mr Adebayo. Mr Adebayo followed the man to see the king and the head of hunters.

Then later, they came out.

The king and the head of hunters followed Mr Adebayo to see the students.

The king smiled at them and welcomed the students.

"Welcome to our village.

We welcome you to our village. Our village is rich in so many ways.

I'm happy that you want to learn about our ancestral history and our culture.

Thank you"The king thanked them.

The students clapped.

The head of hunters also welcomeed them and asked Mr Adebayo.

"How long will the tour take sir?"

"We're thinking of staying throughout today and going back tomorrow ",Mr Adebayo said.

On hearing this, the king and the head of hunters looked at themselves. They were displeased.

The king excused himself, and took the head of hunters to one side.

"They are planning on spending the night here.

What if that werewolf show up and attack them?

Why did they have to come at this time?

Didn't they hear the news? ",the head of hunters complained.

"Calm down.

It's possible that they didn't hear the news.

And yes, the hunters would be around to guard them at night.

We can't tell when that beast would show up",the king said,looking round.

"You and your hunters should protect them.

They are children. And they're here to learn. So Pls try your best"

My Adebayo was looking at them.

He knew that they were talking about the werewolf.

"I'm glad that they allowed us to enter their village. But I need to find a way to get what I want. I'm sure that the werewolf will show up this night. With the help of my knowledge ",he thought to himself. Looking at all the students.

"Noises can attract Werewolves.

And these students can serve as a pawn in my plan",he plans devilishly.

The students were allowed to explore the village, and ask any question they wanted to ask.

The girls were watching some women.

The women were pounding dried pepper together.

Christiana then said, "Imagine Ella and Hannah's head inside the mortal"

The girls laughed.

"This forest is big.

Who knows the kind of animals that are here",Ife said. Looking at all the tall and mighty trees.

"Don't you know that Ella and Hannah's family live here.

Monkey na",Adeola joked.

The girls laughed.

While they were joking around, Abigail began to feel something strange.

She looked into the forest and Wondered why she was drawn to it.

She moved away from the girls side,as she moved close to the electric fence.

She could feel something.

She was about nearing the fence, when Francis came from behind and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Where are you off to now?

Are you planning on taking a selfie with the electric fence? ",he asked and smiled at her.

Abigail smiled back at him and said, "No, I was just looking ".

She looks back at the forest.

Francis then said, looking at the forest too, "The day before yesterday, there was a news about this village, complaining about something funny and unbelievable "

"Something like what? ",she asked.

"They claimed that a werewolf attacked the hunters, while they were hunting in the forest ",Francis said.

Astonished, Abigail faces him.

"A werewolf? "

"Yes, isn't that funny?

What's a werewolf doing in Nigeria?

It's crazy",he doubted.

Abigail looked into the forest and became suspicious.

"The girls may not know about this.

I think Almoron has something to do with this strange werewolf ",she thought to herself.

Francis wanted to still speak to Abigail, but she excused herself and went to meet her friends.

Francis was a bit unhappy.

He wanted to spend sometime with Abigail. But Ella and Hannah showed up.

"What are you doing here Francis?

The others are over there. Let's go ",Ella said. She and Hannah pulled him away from the electric fence.

"A werewolf?! ",the girls exclaimed in amazement.

"I think Almoron has something to do with this.

If the hunters say they saw a werewolf that night, then that explains the electric fence around the village ",Abigail said.

"It only means that the villagers are not safe",Gracious said, looking at all the children playing.

"We'll have to help them in stopping this Werewolf.

Who knows what ALMORON is planning on doing",Blessing added.

The girls decided to stop the werewolf before it attacks the villagers.

Night had finally fallen. The students set their tent outside the village, as they sat down outside to listen to an elderly woman, tell the history of the village.

Mr Adebayo wasn't interested in the story at all. He wanted to go into the forest and search for the werewolf.

He saw the hunters moving out of the village. They were setting traps, in case the werewolf showed up again.


Let me act as if I want to see what they are doing. Then I'll make my way into the forest ",he thought to himself and stood up. He took his camera and began to walk towards the gate.

He got there and took his camera. Snapping the hunters.

"Great work.

Waw",he said, pretending to be amazed.

The girls on the other hand were listening to the old woman. At the same time, they were looking at the forest.

Since it was night, they were sure that the werewolf will come out.

Just then, Abigail began to feel strange.

Where she sat down, she stood up and went to stand at the back.Close to Treasure.

"What happened?

Are you bored? ",Treasure asked, while looking at the trees.

Abigail smacked and said, "I don't know.

I'm feeling somehow. I can't tell".

Treasure scoffed.

She turned and was about to speak to her, when her eyes became widened.

Abigail was glowing pink.

"Oh no! ",Treasure panicked.

She quickly used her blanket to cover Abigail and took her to their tent.


Why did you cover me up? ",Abigail asked as Treasure directed her to the Tent.

The others saw Treasure carrying Abigail to the tent,covered.

So they followed.

Inside the tent, Abigail removed the blanket and wanted to shout on Treasure. She immediately saw her body glowing and became astonished.

The others entered and saw this.

"You're glowing",Adeola said,looking confused.

"How's this possible?

But... ",Blessing gasped.

"Just.. Just like Gracious.

She glowed when the Phoenix passed.

So that means.. "

"There's a mystical creature around",Abigail said, looking stunned.

Christiana gasped angrily and said, "Of course. That's why Almoron sent that werewolf here. To get the crystal from the mystical creature ".

"Well that won't happen now that we know.

I'll say, we go into the forest without anyone seeing us, and find the mystical creature before the werewolf does",Treasure suggested.


At least, we get to kick some werewolf butt and save the mystical creature ",Ganiyat said. Rubbing her hands together.

"Let's go now",Treasure said.

The girls secretly moved out of the tent.

They went to a hidden corner. Used their powers to pass over the electric fence, without anyone hearing or noticing.

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