

Erold moaned as the sheets felt suddenly hot. He tried going back to sleep by squeezing his eyes tight but Erold failed. It was hot. He opened his eyes, looking at the curtains by his left side. And what he saw was the blazing of the hot sun shining upon him.

It was already morning. Putting down his own two feet in the cold floor, he once again stared at the curtains that the sun was hitting on for how many hours now. Opening it was a bit harsh for the light of the sun came upon him. He saw the streets below with cars and people wandering around and buildings standing tall.

It's still a foreign sight for him to wake up every morning and this would be the scene he'll be looking at. It was fascinating but not fascinating as the wild free place where he used to be. Where green surrounds the environment but here, it chokes him to death. The water and air wasn't clean as before. Erold couldn't help but sigh and go to the washroom to wash his face up.

Going to the dining room where food is seated on the table, a frown crept onto his face. He isn't here again. His tests were already done and he was negative to all but the fact that he's so busy to even talk to him makes him sad. Every morning instead of a gray pair of orbs that he's waiting to see with those bright smiles of him, he sees food on the table.

Not that he's complaining though. The food being served to him makes him grateful. Every morning there will be food already, he have lots of clothes that Owen and him bought and even have a house for him to stay.

Although it still bothers him that he was indeed kidnapped and was sold to Nixel. His mind used to be blank most of the time back in the wild. There are no problems for him to think of, just surviving for the past years is the only he thinks of every day and night.

Once I finished eating, I placed the plates in the sink and washed it after. I went to the living room where the big flat screen television stands with both two big speakers beside it.

Erold was already familiar with the environment he was living in. It took him 2 weeks to understand what was happening, to be honest, he was not really that new to this. He knows that he used to live in the city back in the days but with how many years had passed, it evolved and upgraded and now there's too much technology going on.

Slouching on the couch as he looks for something to watch that Owen obviously thought him how to. The door opened but he wasn't fazed by it. Erold thinks it's just Owen checking up on him. Goodness, when will Nixel ever look for him? Why is it even bothering him? He's scared. Erold, deep down, is scared that one day he might need to—

"Morning, Erold." Erold looked at to see who spoke and he was right. It was those gray orbs he was dying to see ever since he woke up.

Erold doesn't know what face he's making right now but Nixel was just laughing at him. Erold opened his mouth but why did he? Does he have anything to say to him, in fact, he was sulking to see him. After avoiding and not showing your face for the whole two weeks.

Nixel seeing how Erold avoids his eyes and pouts amazes him. It was cute for heaven's sake that how he wish he could eat him up in this very second. Nixel chuckled putting the groceries down on the table, seating right next to the smaller guy, placing his head at the crook of Erold's neck. He tensed up a bit but softened when he could feel the locks of Nixel brush his neck.

"Ngh." Erold moaned as the strand of Nixel's hair tickles his neck.

Nixel looked astound at what he have heard. He looked up to see Erold's reaction and was amused to see him. Nixel sat straight looking at him. Staring directly onto Erold's emerald green eyes.

Nixel bit his lip when he felt his hand going nearer to his face. What was he doing? Did he really just almost kissed him? Instead he ruffled Erold's brown hair and smiled. Standing up going to the kitchen to fix his groceries.

Erold felt lonely once again as Nixel left him by himself in the living room. He sulked more but as what he have heard, he went to where Nixel was and tucked his shirt.

"N-Nixel," Erold muttered that made Nixel blush to death. Did he just really said his name? He faced Erold who was bowing his head.

"What?" He held his chin high up to see his face and it didn't disappoint him. It was priceless, it made him feel butterflies in his stomach. "Can you say that one more time, baby?" He requested as he kissed his cheek down to his nape wanting for more.

As Nixel's lips brushed on Erold's nape, he flinched, moaning his name. "Nixel." It was a weird feeling for Erold, his body suddenly felt hot.

Nixel groaned at how Erold called his name. It wasn't deep for a guy but it was baritone. A little hoarse since he probably hasn't spoke in how many years but it sucks him deep. Pulling Erold closer as he continued to kiss him at different parts of his body. Nixel snapped back in reality.

Looking at Erold whose breathing is now ragged and his face all blushed and those bright emerald eyes of his now suddenly fogged up.

He's not gay. Of course he's not. He dated countless of girls and also slept with them and yet, here's Erold suddenly messing up his emotions. Even down there.

He have to stop, that's what his mind was saying but he wants more. More. He wants to see all kind of expression that Erold could make that only he can see.

"Nixel?" Erold called as he was starting to worry. The expression on his face was unreadable and scary. What is thinking as of this moment? He's scared.

For nth time that Erold called him, Nixel flinched looking at Erold's now troubled face. "Fuck." Nixel muttered as he hugged him close burying his face on Erold's neck once again. "I just missed you."

That's right, Nixel just missed him that's why he was acting like this and he haven't done it in a while so he's penting up. Erold hugged him back smelling Nixel's scent in.

They were hugging for a couple minutes before Erold pulled from the hug and asked him, "Work?" He mustered to say with a little bit of stuttering.

Nixel chuckled and ruffled his hair. "No work for today, babe. I'm having a day off with you." Nixel said as he caress Erold's face and continue to fix the groceries he bought.

The door swung opened by the cause of Owen Carter. "Nixel!" He shouted from the front door.

"We're here, Owen." Nixel groaned from the kitchen and Owen went to where the sound was coming from. Examining the blushing and giddy Erold, he greeted him by ruffling his hair.

"Good afternoon to you to, Erold." Erold smiled at him.

Nixel then felt this unpleasant feeling inside his stomach making him wanting to throw Owen out of the window but of course he can't do that. Instead, he groaned and glared at him. "Owen, what do you want?" Emphasizing every word he says.

Owen pushed up his glasses before facing Nixel. "Sir, have you heard the news?" He asked directly at him as Owen purses his lips.

"What news, Owen?"

"Awen." Still sounding a bit hoarse. Owen flicked at Erold who just mispronounced his name. Owen groaned at the way he said his name.

"I'm glad that you can speak, Erold. But my name is not Awen, it's Owen. We've been hanging around with each other for the whole two weeks and you call me Awen? But for the first time, not bad."

Erold furrowed his brows and said, "Awen."

"No. Owen."

Erold shook his head. "A-wen!"




Owen cupped Erold's cheeks and emphasized the letter 'O'. "Owen." He told him but before Erold could repeat his name, Nixel slapped Owen's hand away from him.

"Get out, Owen."

Nixel commanded as he push Owen away from his house with dark eyes. Owen tried to resist and tell him the news but before he could do so, he was already of Nixel's suite, doors closed shut.

Owen sighed with amusement with his eyes. "And he said he doesn't swing that way. No need to be jealous of me, sir." Fixing his suit as he went down to go back into his car.

As he was in the lobby, Owen bumped into someone familiar. "Sorry." Owen said as he looks at the girl she bumped into.

"Trisha?" "Owen?"

They pointed at each other but got caught up realizing that Trisha's glasses was removed and people started to flock around them. "Nice, another scandal. Okay." Trisha told herself as she fix the crumpled dress.

"Let's go." Trisha requested while trying to drag Owen to probably Nixel's suite but Owen knows Nixel would just kick them out so he have let go of Trisha's grip from his wrist and grabbed her wrist instead.

"No. Let us go." He told Trisha as she dragged her to the nearest café.

Trisha started asking him questions on what was happening and stuff and when they finally gotten their order, they sat down.

"Owen, why in the fuck did you drag me here?" Trisha started. "I should be going to Nixel's suite."

"You can't." He told her.

"What? Why? Is he not there? But I went to the company just a while ago and they said that their oh-so great boss wasn't inside."

"He is there but," Owen stopped as he sipped from his latte.

"But what?" Trisha repeated with wide eyes as she watched Owen sipped from his coffee.

"He kicked me out and I think he'll do that to you too."

"Excuse me?" Sounding a bit offended, Owen told her the whole story which made her laugh to death again. As she holds her stomach while drinking her tea and eating the cake in front of them.

"For reals? That's hilarious, Owen!" She told him as he nodded with agreement. "And he says he doesn't swing that way! Pft, yeah, whatever." Trisha said as she continues to laugh.

"But he's too in denial and naive."

"I know. Goodness, he got jealous of you. Doesn't he know about your–err–y'know?" Trisha trying yo be careful not to tweak some buttons that may hurt Owen, he shook his head and answered, "No."

"Uh, I see." And silent fell onto them as they drink their drinks. While having both of their time, Trisha suddenly smirked at stirred her drink.

"Does Nixel know yet?" Owen looked up at Trisha as she speak. Owen frowned remembering what happened earlier.

"I was about to tell him but he kicked me out."

"Really?" Looking down on her drink that she have stirred for seconds now, her smirk grew wider. "Then I think he's dead when they find out."

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