
NCR : Not Really Conspicuous

Once the group was up and the hung-over Karl was watered, they headed back into Primm and picked up some travel supplies before headed out. They bid farewell to Nash and Meyers and went south along the highway.

Unlike last time Afton had trodden this path, there wasn't an army of giant ants to contend with, allowing them to simply stroll up to the giant NCR range statue. Though, as they were headed up the hill to the outpost, the group noticed that all the debris on the road had been shifted to the side, the broken vehicles, the scrap metal, etc.

Most of the group were still pondering why that was when Josie decided to just tell them. "Well, you can't exactly drive a convoy of trucks through a road filled with garbage. No wonder they moved them... With the other route to California blown to pieces, it had to be done sometime." she explains.

Afton nods in understanding, realising that yeah, without the Divide route the convoy would be forced to head through this outpost... Though, at least they'd have some good news for Ranger Jackson.

Once the group reached the outpost they are greeted by Sgt Kilborn who still seemed to be stationed here... Judging by the black bags under his eyes, he ain't enjoying it neither.

He recognises Afton and Karl and welcomes them in, updating them on the recent news as they walk to the barracks. Apparently, the raids from the Legion had stopped after Nelson was captured, but once the Legion retook it they sent almost triple the number of Legionaries into the Mojave, decimating the settlements near the river.

Afton noticed that Cass wasn't sitting around the bar anymore, and found that she left as soon as the Legion had been temporarily dealt with... Kilborn was worried that she might have gotten caught up in the conflict though. He'd make sure to keep an eye out for her, she was one of the top candidates to join his group after all, plus, they were drinking buddies.

"Yo, Jackson." Afton greets the tired-looking Ranger who was currently slumped over a pile of paperwork.

"Ah... Howdy...!?" he starts upon seeing Afton and Karl, a big grin forming on his face as he gets up and shakes their hands. "Aha? Welcome back to paradise on earth boys, didn't expect you to ever come back if I were honest."

Afton smirks, "Well, we're really just passing by to give you some good news." he pauses, "Remember those Deathclaws north of here?" he asks.

Jackson nods, "Yeah? The big ass nest of 'em tearing anyone who tries to pass to pieces. What about 'em?"

"Yeah, well, they're dead now. The route should be safe enough for a few caravans to pass through... I'd still be careful of the Supermutants on Black Mountain though." Afton explains and chuckles at the ranger's reaction.

Jackson's eyes almost roll out of their sockets as he stares at him, "You what now? If this is a prank, it ain't funny." he states.

Karl shakes his head at the side, "It's true, we took the bounty from Dhatri in Camp McCarren. Stocked up on a bunch of Explosive .50 cal rounds and went to down at a distance. Wasn't so hard really..." he says, receiving funny looks from the rest of the group.

"Weren't you pissin' your pants not wanting to accept the bounty, Karl?" Boone blankly asks.

"Nah, why're you fabricating stories? Anyway, the road should be clear." Karl quickly changes the subject after being called out.

Jackson gives them a brief nod, "Well I don't think you guys could'a come at a better time. The trucks are supposed to be passing back through here today, so if you're telling the truth I can send them north instead of near Legion territory.


The sound of a horn going off in the distance alerts the group, most are ready to pull their weapons and await an assault, but Jackson just waves his hand and calms them all, "Hold your horses, that's just the signal that the convoy has arrived." he says, headed outside as the group follows.

They walk outside and approach the gates looking further south out of the Mojave, and spot a long dust trail being created by five large NCR trucks that seemed to be the same ones that were in Camp McCarren. Or at least, Josie seems to think so.

"If we weren't headed to Novac to fix up a car, I'd have half a mind to leave you guys right now." she says, looking affixed at the trucks as they drove towards them.

"Because you want to drive them, or?" Afton inquires.

"There's no 'or', I just wanna drive one until the tires give out!" she quickly says as the group steps back as the gates open to allow the convoy through.

The trucks stop inside the outpost and a Ranger hops out of the lead vehicle and heads towards Ranger Jackson. "G'day to you Ranger, just pass me the paperwork so we can get through here before some shit can happen." the man asks, seemingly slightly on edge. Though, Afton doesn't blame him, Josie almost got kicked out of the NCR for him accidentally repairing one of the trucks... Afton couldn't imagine how nerve-wracking it would be to drive one. It'd be like a different method of playing Russian roulette...

Afton and Josie begin walking around the convoy to take a look at the vehicles conditions while the others mill around buying supplies, cleaning their weapons, and speaking with the other NCR troopers present.

As they're walking, Afton notices something odd however... One of the NCR troopers he'd seen sitting around the outpost before the convoy had arrived is seemingly examining the vehicles too... Though, the way he's looking around for people lets Afton known he doesn't want to be spotted.

If Afton's Perception wasn't maxed out, he may not have noticed the man either, so he must have some practice at this... Of course, as Afton was keeping a close eye on them, he was easily able to see the small package the man is attempting to stick onto the underside of one of the trucks.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

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