
Potential and desire for something greater

I quickly regained consciousness again and found myself in a tank surrounded by green liquid and a breathing apparatus on my face.

I looked around and saw other babies sleeping in tanks.

'Where am I and what time frame is this,' I thought. I was pulled from my musings when I heard a knock on my glass and saw a little Vegeta below me staring up at me with his signature scowl.

"Look father, he is awake," little Vegeta says looking back. I look in that direction and see the king in the flesh with his goatee.

"What is his power level father," He adds. The king activates his scouter and it quickly calculates my power

"2,723," he says with a look of smugness and pride. Little Vegeta looks on astonished but then looks at me with barely restrained rage and frustration. Being confused I look at my status page and see the problem.


Name: Lantro (Jason Mackenzie

Race: Saiyan ( Super Elite innate latent battle power)

Age: 0.5 yrs

Power level: 2,723

[ki abilities]----------


[ki techniques]----------



Genetic Access(locked until stronger 100mil or more), unlimited potential, unbound soul


Judging by my age and my power I was born much stronger than he was and I might even be catching up to his power now despite him being at least 6 years old. If I were told that I was the best all my life only to have some fetus come out of know where and overtake you in strength, I would at least be a little peeved, and with Vegeta's pride, I can only imagine. Oh well, who cares what he thinks I should start getting even better to rub it in his face. As soon as they leave I begin focusing near my center where my ki should be locked at.

After searching for a few minutes I find my ki center and try to focus the power outward. In a few minutes, my energy spreads out nourishing my cells with power. Ok, step one over now for step two of my master plan! I try to feel out for the powers of the babies in the tanks next to me it takes me a bit but I feel them out but I can only feel for a few miles. Man. having unlimited potential along with super-elite bloodline is awesome! It takes me minutes for what Goku took years to do.

Step three is to increase my ki reserve, control, and senses while I am stuck here since I can't train my body. To increase my ki reserves I meditate, I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth, whilst doing so I reel my ki back into my core then push it back out toward the rest of my body in rhythm with my breathing. This should increase my ki reserves while improving my control.

For increasing my sensory range all I have to do is to keep straining it pushing my senses more and more outward. As my ki increases my ki sense field would as well but I want to be able to sense everything on this planet by next year and doing this will make it go fastera.


Two years pass by with no real change except for my increasing skills and my body getting bigger and stronger with occasional visits from my family and them getting more and more astonished by my growing power seriously, ki control improves my power so much. I even sometimes hear the king mumbling something about the Super Saiyan.


Name: Lantro (Jason Mackenzie)

Race: Saiyan ( Super Elite innate latent battle power)

Age: 2.5 yrs

Power level: 21,664

[ki abilities]----------

Ki control(C),Ki sensing(B+)

[ki techniques]----------



Genetic Access(locked until stronger 100mil or more), unlimited potential, unbound soul


Seriously, my talent is almost unfair when compared to others. Well anyway, it's almost time for my release just half a year and I will be able to taste food again and breathe in natural air. Hopefully, no satellites coming down from space trying to kill me.


Tomorrows the big day, gonna have that sweet freedom and then gloat to Vegeta. In these past few months, I have been able to improve even further. Although I haven't been able to improve ki control without actually projecting outside my body.


Name: Lantro (Jason Mackenzie)

Race: Saiyan ( Super Elite innate latent battle power)

Age: 3 yrs

Power level: 23,134

[ki abilities]----------

Ki control(C),Ki sensing(A+)

[ki techniques]----------



Genetic Access(locked until stronger 100mil or more), unlimited potential, unbound soul


Finally, I'm about to leave. One of those weird bird-scientist-alien things lets all of the green liquid out and the harness and mask leave my body. I step out on my two feet and I shiver slightly at the cold air.

"Ah, P-prince Lantro please follow me we shall get you dressed," the bird-thing is probably intimidated by my power that far surpasses the King who is at around ten thousand power level. He leads me into the armor room where I put on a dark blue full-body jumpsuit type onesy, some white gloves, white boots, and torso armor colored white and dirty gold. (basically what Vegeta wore on Namek during his fight with Frieza)Man, this thing is skin tight.

I followed the bird thing as it leads me out of the armory.

"It is currently age 736 P-prince Lantro and the Saiyan kingdom is doing marvelously we have currently reached our planet quota this year for Lord Frieza," he says nervously. Age 736 huh? I only have a year before Planet Vegeta's destruction. I need to train while I am here and take advantage of the 10x gravity, then get a pod and go to earth and learn martial arts and ki.

I continue to follow him until the throne room where the King sits.

"Ah, my Son I see you have left the pod, how are you feeling?" he says.

"Uh, fine I guess?" I say awkwardly. he grunts in acknowledgment and leads me to my brother Vegeta. Vegeta and I meet and he introduces himself and subtly tries to intimidate me I just give him a shit-eating grin. I can just feel the jealousy and anger roll off him in waves. At nine years old he was around 9 thousand power level in strength but, he paled in comparison to me. If only he trained instead of coasting on his natural talent and growth spurts. I leave and get my armor stamped with the royal seal and I was left to my own devices.

'I knew Saiyans didn't really care too much about family aside from Bardock and Gine, but damn I'm barely 3 years old and they just leave me to myself' I muse in my mind. Whatever more time for me to train.

The gravity of this planet is a blessing for me. While my ki power is in the 20,000s, my body power is low and unbalanced. To maximize results I will suppress my power and get weighted clothing. In the first half-year, I will focus on the body, then in the next, I will get my ki control and sensing as far as I could.


I was able to improve quite a bit in the past year, surprisingly my family helped quite a bit I would suppress my power and they would teach me how to fight and I would get a lot of experience from it. They used many dirty tactics and feints but it helped me get prepared. They taught me how to fly and the Galick Gun, I even redeveloped the Final Flash and Big Bang Attack.

My training by myself also bore fruit as my Ki control shot up, and my body's strength rose quite nicely. I was revered by the populace as they respected strength and heralded me as the Super Saiyan of Legend. I was currently the strongest Saiyan alive and before my two growth spurts as well.

You see Saiyans from the time they are born until 12 look like 4-year-olds when they become 12 they age until looking like 8-year-olds until the final growth spurt at 18 when they rapidly age until they are the correct height and maturity for a human 18-year-old until full adulthood. Yeah, not looking forward to that, on the bright side my enemies would surely underestimate me and that explains why Goku was so short as a 15-year-old.


Name: Lantro (Jason Mackenzie)

Race: Saiyan ( Super Elite innate latent battle power)

Age: 4 yrs

Power level: 43,492

[Martial arts]----------


[ki abilities]----------

Ki control(A++), Ki sensing(S++), flying(S+), ki aura(A+)

[ki techniques]----------

Ki blast, Galick Gun(2x), Final flash(4x), Big bang Attack(3X),


Genetic Access(locked until stronger 100mil base or more), unlimited potential, unbound soul,


Mastered Oozaru(10x)


On more urgent news the day Frieza destroys the planet is tomorrow so I have to get a pod and skedaddle.

Lantro is short for the Cilantro leaves used in cooking. If you are wondering where the queen is I just decided to not mention her and decided that she died at childbirth or something.

Chad_Thundercockcreators' thoughts
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