
Chapter 8

"I have nothing to do."

For me, this did come as a surprise. Guess I became too dependant on them to keep me preoccupied for the day. Well... can't really count on them to keep me busy for days on end. Though I am not opposed to the idea.

I should probably try to make it for Wednesday's concert. What I know about it is from Wednesday to Sunday it will be filled to the brim with music artists and their fans. A lot of popular names that I may recall knowing about.

Heard about Pentakill making an appearance.

Rubbing my eyes I sigh; Just glad they have managed to split it accordingly that you don't get the metal and pop fans on the same day. Nobody wants to see a news headline with fools fighting about the so-called 'best music genre'.

Reaching for my phone I do a quick search and as expected these tickets have been sold out. For a while actually. I mean what did I expect? With so many stars coming just to one park, the tickets would obviously be long gone.

Stretching my legs I drag myself out of the bed. Sitting at the edge I run my hand through my hair. I could always catch it live on the TV... if I had one. Looking around I sigh; so much for living comfortably I have enough here to just survive.

The live streams will have to do.

Climbing out of bed I wander to my workstation, dropping myself into the chair. Switching on my equipment I let out a sigh. Might as well get some work done for a change. I don't know for who I am doing it but it's to stay on top of my own abilities.

Grabbing the headphones I didn't take long before I drown my surroundings with music. So much that I only managed to notice the ringing of my phone when I wanted to check the time. I was busy for a good two hours.

Pulling of the headphones I answer the call, "(Y/n)."

"Where the fuck are you?"

I pull away the phone to look at the number; what the hell? "Eve is that you?" She stays silent, "What do you mean where am I? In my apartment obviou-"

"I have been waiting for your ass for an hour! Why the fuck- you know what it doesn't matter... I am going to come to kill you."

"Wait wait wait... calm down-"

"Fuck you."

"I am so confused! Just tell me why am I supposed to be wherever you are right now."

The line is cut off, bewildered I rush to the window peering at the streets below. Nothing giving away that she is already here.

How would she even know where I am? Should get dressed... at least I can attempt calming her down before she rips my throat out.

As I finish getting dressed as if on cue banging on the door echoed through my apartment. With a sigh, I ran to the door slowly opening it to reveal a very pissed-off woman.

"I will open it up if you only promise not to murder me in any shape or form," I chuckle.

She seems almost ready to retort but instead sighs, "Just... open the door before I break it down."

Opening it up I back up instantly, she glares at me as she enters the apartment her eyes scanning the room.

"Nice place."

I detect a hint of sarcasm but that would be rude to just call it out... maybe it's genuine.

"Thank yo-"

Interrupting me, "It looks like shit."

Should have known it was coming!

Clearing my throat, "Are you still leaning towards killing me? Or have you calmed down a bit?"

She laughs sarcastically, "You really like playing with fire, don't you? If it weren't for Akali these jokes you make at the expense of your safety would have gotten you killed."

At a loss for words, I stare at her wanting to avert my gaze but too scared that she might lash out at me again.

She rubs her eyes, "Seeing as both Akali and Ahri forgot to inform you of an opportunity that came up for you to DJ the first day I was assigned to babysit you all day. But instead, you didn't have a single idea about it so I apologize for that."

That doesn't sound genuine at all!

I shake my head, "No it's cool... does that mean," she glances at me, "Okay what does it mean?"

She shakes her head, "Come we have work to do."

She spins around heading for the door. I nod to myself and follow her closely. Reaching the street I instantly knew which car was hers. Hopping into it I wait for her to speak first.

As she starts the car we still sit in silence.

Trying to break it I ask, "I know there's not any real cause for concern but I do find it concerning that you know where I live... did Akali tell you or?"

She glances at me before returning her eyes on the road, "I don't think you want to know."

"Fair enough."



"Is there a reason you live like that? I heard that you and your group have made a lot of money in the past. I find it hard to imagine you prefer living like that."

"I bought enough to survive. I didn't expect my life to turn out this way and I never cared for living that comfortably... the little I do own is enough."

She chuckles, "I guess that's where we differ the most. I love living the way we do. High-life is a blast and I find it difficult not living the way we currently do."

"And if it came to it?"

"I would make sure I live the way I want to. Even if I have to bust my own ass to do it besides we four didn't get here by chance and luck. We worked for it."

"It's not that far from us either."

She smiles still keeping her eyes to the road, I don't know if it's a fair comparison to make but she seems to agree with me.

Clearing my throat, "You mentioned me having some similarities to you."


"Was wondering what made you think there are?"

She stays silent, muttering something under her breath she then lets out a dramatic sigh.

"There just are," she answers abruptly.

Guess that's that... maybe not bother her with things she rather not talk about. Last time I checked we weren't on the best of terms.

Stopping the car I notice a lot of tents and structures in the central park. A lot of people running up and down dressed pretty formally.

Looking down at my own clothes I don't seem to really fit in.

Climbing out of the car she gestures me to follow, "Seeing as I am in charge of setting up I am also in charge of you today and tomorrow."


"If I could I would leave you to your own devices but that is just a bad idea." Rolling my eyes at her remark, "If you fuck up that reflects on us and I don't want that happening. So I am going to evaluate you and make sure that I don't regret my choice."

"Did you choose me?"

"Yes. Akali still wanted to help you out and not in a sexual way."


"Anyway, so she asked me how and I thought this is the best way to do that. Right now you are pretty much a freelancer and what better way to start over is by DJ'ing for a crowd of people?"

"Okay... I think I understand."

She turns around, "Come on man, what is so hard to understand? Absolute Zero is behind you and well this is your chance to either drag it with you or start over."

She points towards the supermassive stage. It looks almost like they are going to perform for the entire world. It makes my heart beat uncontrollably trying to imagine the chance of being up there...

She turns around siding next to me, "Imagine someone nobody knows of suddenly being introduced by one of the fastest rising stars in front of thousands of people. That person is you."

"Wait wait wait what does that mean for me?"

"You will be opening for us to hype the crowd and close for us, in addition for the first day, you will play with other artists to keep the flow going. They left it to us to find someone to d-"

Interrupting her I throw my arms around her, "Thank you for this chance!"

I expected a retort or a crude joke but she patted my back before stating, "Don't make me regret giving you this chance. I can see your passion for this and it's amazing."

Breaking apart we walk to the stage, "Don't fuck this up for me. I am trusting you with a lot and honestly, you are getting more out of it than us. Akali or not I will murder you."

I chuckle, "Understandable."

We then reach the stage and behind is a lot of equipment like speakers and wiring. Some of the staff here greet us and the others keep to themselves as they work diligently.

She grabs a clipboard and hands it to me, "These are the names for the day and the time they are performing. They did an effort to describe their music and the songs they will be performing. So try to keep the music in the same genre."

"Shouldn't be that difficult."

"I have to set up our own stuff but for now you can help setting up your station... you only need to bring your laptop all the other equipment will be here and available."

"Okay, I got it. Are the other artists around if I wanted to ask them some questions?"

"They should be. Anyway, I have to settle some things then I will come to get you."

Before I could even greet her she wandered off. Staring at the clipboard it seemed that I would be busy for most of tomorrow. This is extremely short notice but it is an opportunity.

Not wasting any time I walk around talking to the people staffed. After managing basic needs and equipment presets I helped setting up my station as well as ensuring everything suited my preference.

I then hunted the other artists and asked them about their work to get a general idea and then proceeded to search the internet to listen to it myself.

Creating notes and edits in the papers I sit down for a bit watching the sunset behind the buildings. The orange reflects on the windows still lighting the streets. As if on cue the street lights flicker on.

Eve drops down next to me, handing me a drink, "You ready for tomorrow?"

"As ready as I will ever be."

"Good. You better not disappoint me..." she then glances at me then the papers I was editing, "but I doubt you will."

I really hope I can impress them... only Akali really knows what I am capable of.

Fuck me this a lot of pressure.

She nudges against me, "Did you figure out what you are going to call yourself?"

I think long and hard, nodding to myself I say, "(B/n)."

"Hundred percent sure?"

"Yes, I am."

I could sense the smile on her face as she was looking at me.

She lifts her drink, "Too (B/n)." I down my drink and then she jumps to her feet, "Let's get you home."

I nod. A short walk later we sit in the car in silence once again but I was fine with it.

She then speaks, "You asked about our similarities. Our personalities couldn't be further away from each other but our passions align and you clearly have potential. Your not an idiot even if you do look like one."

"I genuinely thought you were going to compliment me without making fun of me."

"Ha! That's where all the fun is. Anyway dumbass just remember that I am counting on you... and all four of us have complete faith in you."

No pressure I guess.

We stop in front of my building, "We should also help you get a better place to live."

"Could always move in with the four of you," I joke.

"So that you can make advances on the rest of us? No thanks. I wouldn't want to murder you now that I can somewhat tolerate you."

"Way to blow it out of proportion."

She laughs and then her face turns serious, "Be honest with me here. Are you in any way interested in the rest of us?"

"I'm interested in Akali."

She smirks, "Smart answer. Then how about this? If you were able to date all four of us without any consequence... would you?"

I am interested in all of them but to that extent? I guess it's an easy answer.


She looks at me deadpan as if trying to suppress all emotion. She then turns to the steering wheel as if deep in thought.

She then chuckles to herself before smiling at me, "So that is how it is. Thanks for your honesty."

In a normal situation, I wouldn't have said that. Nor would I pit it past myself but it did feel she was testing me.

Maybe it's whether or not she understands me or if she really does trust me. I can't tell with her.

"I won't use this against you if that what you are thinking."

With that, I immediately regret my decision in telling her but I will have to face the consequences of it if there are any.

"See you tomorrow. Try to get some sleep you hear... it's going to be a busy day."

Waving her off I stand still watching her drive off. Not giving myself time to process what just happened I head to my workstation and start preparing for tomorrow.

I will impress them and prove to them that they made the right choice. The thought is still bugging me though... what if I had all four of them?

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