
Meet The Family part 1

"Everything looks great Mayuzumi-san, you're free to go. If there are any complications be sure to come back immediately. We've already received word that your ride is waiting for you. I wish you the best." The doctor that saw to the delivery said with a smile.

Hestia felt elated finally being let go from the hospital. She didn't like it very much, it smelled weird. They held her for an extra day to make sure there were no problems, so she couldn't complain much. She would galdy sacrifice her comfort to ensure her baby was healthy. Though she figured there wouldn't be any problems in the first place. A goddesses body isn't that weak, even if she is a newborn.

Hestia was made to sit in a wheelchair and one of the nurses on staff wheeled her out to the pick-up area. Hestia, always the sociable one, shared some small talk with the woman while she was being wheeled out. Gushing about how cute her daughter was to the woman's amusement. Hestia had a sort of natural aura as a goddess that drew people in and made them feel comfort.

As it turns out the woman was actually a fan of hers and the Megami group as a whole and was excited to find out she had come to her hospital for her delivery, and secretly hoped for the chance to meet her.

"Ah! Bisha~! Over here~!" Arriving outside, Hestia started waving and shouting, having immediately spotted her pick-up leaning against a black car. She was currently looking at her phone with a serious expression and didn't notice their arrival.

The woman was Bishamonten, another goddess from the Megami group. Bishamon is a beautiful, slender goddess appearing to be in her early twenties. She has extremely long blonde hair that reaches her feet and is curly at the end. She has pale skin and her eyes are purple with cat-like pupils. If it wasn't for quirks making people look more exotic nowadays, she'd definitely fit in the foreign beauty category.

Upon hearing her nickname shouted, looked up and spotted Hestia. Her former serious expression melted into a gentle smile. She then stood up straight and approached Hestia and the stunned nurse. She was fairly tall for a woman, standing at about 173cm (5'6"). She wore a white dress shirt and tie under a suit-like trench coat. Black pants and dark brown boots completed her outfit and gave her an almost military general vibe. Which seemed fitting for the goddess of war, warriors and fortune.

"Yukino, it's good to see you're doing well. I was a little worried leaving you here overnight all alone," She said looking slightly guilty. She was the one to volunteer to watch over her yet she had been called for work just after the delivery and had to leave.

"I told you not to worry about it, didn't I? There aren't very many strong heroes based in Kyoto after all." Hestia said, completely understanding. Her comment also awoke the nurse out of her stupor and she began fangirling behind Hestia.

"Kyaa~! Onee-sama! Can I please have your autograph!?" The nurse said with red cheeks while frantically looking around for anything she could get signed.

Her reaction might seem over the top considering heroes weren't very rare, but Bishamon also happens to be the current number 4 hero, having quickly climbed the ranking in the past 2 years. She also doesn't do very many public appearances compared to other heroes nor does she patrol very often. Normally this would have led to a decrease in popularity, but with bishamon it somehow had the opposite effect.

Many considered it good luck to catch a glimpse of her when she's not working. Those that actually managed to get an autograph from her all reported having lucky events happen to them following it. This led to many finding it fitting her hero name came from one of the seven gods of fortune, unaware of the irony.

Her followers, oddly enough consisted mostly of females who for some reason collectively called her Onee-sama. She wasn't sure why but she seemed to draw in a lot of Yuri lovers.

She also appealed to a certain market that appreciated her slightly cold and aloof personality. So much so that Bishamon herself chooses to stay off of many of her fan sites after reading some of the things people wanted her to do to them…

"Sure. Consider it as thanks for taking care of my friend." Bishamon said with a smile.

Seeing her agree, the excited and blushing nurse eventually decided to have her nurse's hat signed and just decided to use a spare from now on. Bishamon signed her name on the hat and the words briefly glow golden before settling down as if nothing happened. This was one of her abilities as a goddess. She could give out mini blessings of fortune to her fans. Though she did so rarely because she needed as much energy as she could get in order to find a way back to her world.

She of course didn't have to add the blessing but despite her situation, she wanted to do something nice for those that supported her. She had always been the self sacrificing type and with none of her shinki here to reprimand her, she could only rely on her own self-control and self imposed limits.

Hestia and Bishamon watched with why smiles as the nurse gushed about her signed hat, completely forgetting about her job. Bishamon, remembering her whole purpose for coming, looked down at the quiet bundle in Hestia's arms. She expected to see a sleeping baby but was slightly surprised to find pale red eyes curiously looking back at her.

"Fufufu. Hikari, this one of Mama's friends, Bishamon. You can call her aunty bisha if you want!" Hestia said while looking lovingly at Hikari. She was actually pretty sure Hikari could vaguely understand her even if the meaning went over her head.

One of the perks of being a god was being able to understand all languages spoken and having your words translated to other languages automatically. She knew Hikari already had a bit of this gift awakening since she had been able to understand a few of her seemingly random noises. They didn't come out as words but more like vague indications of what she wanted or was feeling. This was all new territory for Hestia in many ways so she was doing her best to figure things out for both of their sakes.

This also made her worry about a certain black hearted goddess that would definitely use this gift to find some amusement at all of their expenses.

"She's beautiful, Yukino. She looks just like you." Bishamon said while poking Hikari's cheeks a little only to have the offending finger grabbed tightly in retaliation.

"Oh ho~ Bisha, did you just call me beautiful~? Is this a sudden confession? I don't know if my heart is ready~" Hestia retorted with a smug but playful smirk. Hestia and the others often teased Bishamon because she was always so serious. Well at least when she wasn't getting drunk with Aqua.

"Wha- T-That's not what I meant! No! I don't mean to say you're not beautiful, but-" Bishamon with her cheeks dyed red tried to correct the misunderstanding only served to make it worse. A certain forgotten nurse in the background had blood running down her nose looking at the scene. There was a lot of fanfic of those from the Megami group and she had seen one or a few that shipped the two women in front of her together.

"Did you hear that, Hikari? Bisha said we're beautiful. Look at you, only a day old and I already have to fight off admirers. I won't give you up that easily~" Hestia said completely ignoring the flustered Bishamon and profusely bleeding nurse. Hikari only giggled at the funny expressions the women around her were making.

Not wanting to get teased any longer, Bishamon thanked the dazed nurse and ushered Hestia and Hikari into the car and drove off. The nurse would later receive a promotion and concluded this was the best day of her life.


It took about 30 minutes to arrive at their destination. After getting out they were in front of a bunch of stone steps framed by a giant vermillion red tori gate with a few more being visible continuing the path. Standing guard by the gate were a pair of stone foxes with a sutra roll in their mouths.

"We're back~! ShiShi, RoRo!" Hestia said while giving one of the stone foxes a small pat on the head. Suddenly, a head pops out of the statue, completely phasing through it. Hestia smiled while Hikari looked on in awe as two white foxes with blue flames on their tails came out of the stone statues.

They were ShiShi and RoRo, two familiars of the current owner of the shrine, Inari. Although they were usually with Inari herself, as messenger foxes, they also had the special ability to always appear when called. No matter where they are, so long as their name is called they will appear if they choose. They seem to have the ability to enter a separate dimension of sorts that can instantly connect them to anywhere else in the world. The only drawback being they need to either be called or delivering a message to someone.

They also have the nifty ability to always know the location of the person they are sending a message to. The drawback being their owner needing to have met the person at least once before. Otherwise they will have to search for them but thankfully they are still able to tell the general location of the person they are trying to deliver to. Coupled with their first ability they rarely ever have any problems locating anyone.

They can often be found poking their heads out of seemingly random and normally inaccessible places, like someone's pocket or a desk drawer.

"Hello, you two. Could one of you let the others know we'll be up shortly?" Bishamon said with a light smile watching the two foxes curiously poke their noses at Hikari. The one on the left, RoRo she assumed, nodded his head before taking off through the gate and disappearing as fast as he came, leaving ShiShi behind to have her nose booped by Hikari, to her amusement.

Seeing that the message had been sent, the group leisurely made their way up the steps and through the gates to the shrine further up the mountain.

The place had apparently been an abandoned shrine to this world's version of Inari before the advent of quirks. After quirks came about the people started praying to the gods less frequently than they already had been. Plus with villains making a wreck of several of the more popular shrines and using the gatherings for their nefarious purposes, worship in Japan and other places had seen a serious decline in recent years. Not to the point that it became extinct but only the most famous and grand shrines still had yearly events with added protection from heroes.

Inari, not being from this world and no longer invisible to mortals, couldn't move into the main shrine of this world's version of herself. Something she almost constantly complains about when she gets the chance. She instead made due with this shrine that was abandoned and further away from the city without being too far away from the leyline.

After a short walk of about 5 minutes they made it up the steps and navigated their way through the shrine grounds and to the residential house they had built towards the back. Waiting in front of the door was RoRo, who seemed a little more excited than usual.

Hestia didn't seem to notice, having had most of her attention on Hikari, pointing out locations while showing her around a little bit.

"Oh? We're already here I guess? Fufu, are you ready to meet everyone and show them how cute you are, Hikari?" Hestia asked, completely in her own world at this point. After receiving what she assumed was a confirmation giggle she then went to slide open the door-



-only to be greeted by confetti explosions and a mixed bag of expressions, though most being smiling or something similar.

Hestia was genuinely surprised, a bit scared, and then elated! Her heart warmed and a bright smile adorned her face. She felt like crying but before she could-


"Ah." It seemed Hikari beat her to it.


[A/N: The goddess have been decided. Actually took a bit longer than I thought it would. There are five not including Hestia, Bishamon and Inari. See if you can guess them all before next chapter.]

Sorry about the long break between chapters. Just found a new site, Milanote, to use to organize my notes and I spent quite a bit of time getting things sorted out better. It was so hard keeping track of my characters and different plot points I wanted to tackle before. So I couldn't be happier. Hopefully this means I can start writing more consistently now. Though this still isn't my only story.

also considering making this a harem at least during part 2. so after she starts world hopping and stuff. at least while she's in mha it will likely stay a single pair unless people really want to see her get with one of the other love interests earlier.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

UncrownedKingcreators' thoughts
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