
A Time Of Wants, Part 2

The Neplims seem to have taken a fondness for us. 

And when I say 'us', I of course mean mostly Ruria; pestering her with the usually four-legged antics of treading up on her heels and slithering between her legs as we continue our journey forward. 

"I think that one likes you," I remarked, watching the black one attempt to scale the craggy, mountainous climb of her pant leg.

"Weird that you're so clingy," Ruria spoke to it, lifting it up high in front of her. It meowed back at her in turn, wriggling its hind legs in the air. "Seriously, you're not losing interest at all, are you? You should be by now." 

She says that like just anybody wouldn't bat an eye at her with how she looked and sounded right then. 

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