
Veiled Purpose

I waited for it to click, the moment it would start to make sense in my head. That moment never came. My bike died because of my choice of attire? I'm supposed to just take that at face value. Seriously? 

I do, don't I? 

"But I didn't even… y'know… have it turned on when I have it on," I said to her. "How could it have…?"

"The same way the wiring in a room doesn't just die when you flick off a light switch." 

Mom stopped talking upon hearing the heaves and grunts of a few crew members slowly trodding past our table, various film equipment hauled off on their backs and arms for keeping. It took a while for them to fully pass by, felt even longer by the way their eyes lingered on us even as they grew further.

When the coast was clear again, she continued on, keeping her voice in a weaker, discreeter tone. 

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