
Sunset on a New Friendship

Back onto the soft, pliant comfort of Amanda's couch, Adalia took another long savoring sip of her hot chocolate. 

Past the cityscape, the summit of rolling hills even further, the sinking sunset stared back at her, precariously stagnant, as if only just barely keeping to the skies, staving the night, by a thinning knot of string loosely attached. 

Usually, she'd still be deep in sleep around this time, waking up a few hours later deep into the night, to feast, and nothing much else. Everything great, anything worth enjoying seemed only to happen in the day. 

If only she could just stay awake for a little while longer.

Hunger can be annoying at times, a constant feral urge ravaging away at her psyche without relent. But from what semblance of anger she could still rouse inside her, what she truly detested most had to be the unending feeling of exhaustion that plagued every moment of her existence. 

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