
The Detective's Secrets, Part 2

The ratio of empty cans of beer set against the number of meals leftover on the table was a steep, steady increase towards the former. 

Aside from my first can, I did not contribute a single iota to that number there. Irene was the designated disapprover of the bunch and as such remained ever as clean and sober. 

So that only left Ria as the sole cause, the sole polluter - leaving them all over the place - under couches, rolling across the table, stacked on empty plates, even got an entire tower stacked at one point before they wound up as I had described. 

All that careless tossing and haphazardness and yet somehow not a single one found its way into the bin, and with the entire living room gradually becoming a landmine of aluminum… it almost seemed intentional at that point. 

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