
Imminent Affair

Hayley was like the K-9 unit of my love life. 

Every now and then coming around sniffing me out for anything even remotely suspect… patting me down and getting more extensive, even more dubious, the many inadvertent times I come under her radar. 

If anything, at least, she was true to her word - dating Amanda was like a two-for-one deal. Amanda being possibly the bestest girl to walk this earth, and Hayley here, her darker, more skeptical shadow. 

For now, I managed to throw her off my trail with another excuse, mumbling about some private matter before I hurried off to the nearest occupied table to offer my best and nicest… and while they looked confused at my sudden splurge of hospitality, they did take me up on my offer for second refills which had me busy enough that Hayley decided to just leave me to it for the remainder of my shift. 

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