
Couple of Winners

By the time I left the tent, did away with the badge, and returned back to the crisp, wintry air of the bustling outdoors, Hayley was nowhere to be found as far as the eye could see. 

Which wouldn't be too concerning, if I also didn't happen to notice the other judges who had left long before she had still hovering about near the vicinity, wielding their mighty pens and brandishing their large wooden pads, on the prowl to slay another unsuspecting couple with controversial moral dilemmas of love. 

If I wanted to hope, I'd presume she had just simply gone to a section of the park where the crowds were much bigger so she didn't have to share the spoils with the others, eliciting discomfort with her ambiguous questions… but no, I knew better than to believe, and the fact of the matter was I'm sure somewhere alone for the time being is where she'd rather be currently. 

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