
After Night Aftermath

Amanda cooked, so in turn, I washed, clangoring the pans and plates underneath a running stream of water with a soapy sponge in hand.

As I scrubbed and rinsed away grime after grime, I couldn't help myself but to notice some funny things, stupid things, patterns and parallels between this outlier of a typical weekday morning and a day in the life of your average pair of newlyweds.

Marriage. Y'know, even now, It sounded like such a grown-up word, such a faraway prospect that barely even a blip in the horizon. So just when the hell did it get so close, so real that I'm even starting to see it in the foamy, bubbly ocean I made of the sink? 

There's still time though, right? The toll of wedding bells was still a distant chime away. Twenty-three going on twenty-four, I'm still young. No need to worry about putting on the black suit just yet. Right? 

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