

I sounded like a dead body being painstakingly dragged down the stairs. Every dull thump, every soft creak, the squeak of the handrails as I slid my hand across the ever-slanting slope downwards - an ever too familiar scene that time and time again had run its course. 

By then, I'm afraid I'd gotten so used to walking like a cripple that the entire ordeal was more boring to me than it was the agony it used to be many, many times prior. 

"Five... minutes..." Adalia slowly stated, her distant gaze then staring so uncomfortably close. "Then you... will rest... again..."

"That so..." I clambered down the final rickey step, throwing at her a raised brow. "Says who?"

She blinked once. "Me..." 

How bold. Usually, she wasn't the type to take initiative. So this was quite a rare occasion we have in our hands here.

"That so," My brow rose even higher. "And so what happens if I choose to be a little lax on the curfew there?" 

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