
Broken Rules

Amanda wanted to talk, so she talked… I just listened, kept silent, clinging on to her every word, no jest, no snides, I really paid close attention for a good while there.

Through her stumbles, a lot of her fumbles, some pauses, I essentially played the patron saint of patience, as the princess next to me desperately sought herself the perfect word for the perfect sentence to string them to the next set of sentences yet to be said… if they'll ever be said, that is.

"Love triangles are never a fun time," was how she started it, stiff as a board, and already feeling the deep impulse to clear her throat. "I've seen enough shows, read enough books, to know that they aren't. All that hammy drama, all those sappy nonsense - pick one or the other - it gets pretty exhausting after a while… and I promise myself I'd never end up being in one over my dead body, but then considering the fact that I almost did just die not even a while ago, well..." 

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