
A Tale Through Ages, Part 2

"I suppose a 'thank you' is in order." 

The old wrinkly eyes that stared at her was a kind one, and when he smiled - every part of his face smiled along with him, the creases in his brow, the wrinkles on every cheek. If not for his beard shrouding away a hefty portion, he'd probably had more ridges than the rockiest of mountains. 

Ria remembered the first time those grey silvery eyes looked on at her. Back then, they were much younger, less weary-looking. He was also much more handsome… they always were young, but they were also just as much foolish as they were handsome.

He was no exception. Just a novice sorcerer off on his pilgrimage… and what fool would choose a forest of no interest as their first site to venture? 

Castus Salnor was that one handsome fool. What was he doing trying to climb the trees anyway? It was just a bad day's misfortune that she decided to nest on a low-lying branch that day.

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