
Out With One Challenge, In With Another

One more minute left. 

Apparently, Tyler had been keeping a very close track of our time the entire time, and just in time too. Ten seconds after that, my feet were once more shuffling across the pavement of my driveway, slamming shut the car door.

Forty seconds, I looked back behind me. Expensive car, designer clothes, fancy phone, twenty-four hours ago was all I could see. Fast forward, thirty seconds left, my eyesight had broadened a little bit more than before, now I could see what shallow-me missed at first glance.

That being the genuine smile that might as well be a permanent fixture, the genuine stare that's been meeting mine all this time, and the genuine person behind it all. 

Talk about not judging a book by its cover… Tyler was so far from what first impressions entailed, he wasn't even the same damn book anymore.

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