
Too Personal

Something far ahead sounded like a heavy crash, something blunt and hard slamming onto something firm and solid. 

Had a good guess on whatever the hell that could be. The third floor was unique in the fact that you risk bruising your shins black and blue if you were to ever find yourself scrambling blind due to the overabundance of rickety tables and chairs in every other room. 

And right now I was following a very suspicious trail of broken chair legs that led into a room not too far off. Usually, I wouldn't be able to tell one room from another - but this room I especially remember. 

Who would have thought we'd be having another private one-on-one in this room once more? 

I picked up the pace.

Like a thunderclap booming on and off, there went that crash again… with the double the ferocity.

Irene was completely seeing red. 


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